Information alert

The guidance on this page relates to Mid Mersey division staff who transferred from North West Boroughs Healthcare on 1 June 2021.

What is MySupervision?

MySupervision is a system which was developed initially for clinical supervision to be recorded and stored electronically. The system has been upgraded and now has a section for recording line management supervision and one-to-ones. There is also the facility to record performance management records.

Who can use MySupervision?

MySupervision can be accessed by all staff members employed by the Trust. Every member of staff will have a personal log-in to access the system.

How do I get a MySupervision login?

Currently clinical staff have log-in details and if you are clinical, you will use the same details to access line management supervision. For the launch of the upgraded system, all other staff will be able to access the system via the desktop icon or through a link on the intranet page. If you are a new starter, you will be allocated a unique log-in when your email account is generated. You will receive your login details via email.

How do I login to MySupervision?

There are a number of ways you can login to the system. If you are working from a PC or laptop this can be via the:

  •  icon on your desktop 
  • link sent by email
  • link on 

Depending on how you log-in you will either be automatically logged into the system via your main IT login details (which you will have inputted to log into your PC or laptop) or you will be prompted to enter a username and password. These are the details you use to login to your main IT account (usually firstname.surname).

How do I know which part of the system to access?

The system is clearly sectioned into:

  • Need help – these are simple slide show videos of how to use the system.
  • FAQs – A list of FAQs to help understand the system and how to use it.
  • My own supervisions – this is a summary of all your supervisions and goes back up to two years. You can select how far back you want to view.
  • Record clinical supervision – if you are a clinical supervisor this is the section you use to record a clinical supervision.
  • Record management supervision - if you are a line manager / supervisor, this is the section you use to record a line management supervision.
  • View compliance reports – if you have access to the Trust information management platform (IMP), this is a quick link section which takes you directly to IMP to view the compliance reports.

I do not always have access to a computer to log supervisions electronically. What do I do?

In this instance we recommend that notes are taken within the supervision meeting and are recorded on MySupervision by the supervisor at the earliest convenience, noting the date the original supervision meeting took place.

What do I do if a member of staff leaves and is still showing as ‘active’ on MySupervision?

There is a process in place to remove all ‘leavers’ from the system on a monthly basis. If you notice a staff member who is on the system and should not be please contact

Can I paste text into the system?

Yes, the copy and paste facility works for both importing and exporting text from the system. Any information inputted should not be patient identifiable.

Can I attach a file to a supervision record?

Yes, you can use the browse facility to upload any documents or images from your iPad, phone or PC.

What if a supervision has been recorded in error?

If the supervision has been recorded in error, please contact Please proceed to record the supervision correctly and give clear details of which supervision information is incorrect and requires removal.

What should I do if I need help with the functionality of system?

You can use the help videos within the system, which provide a step-by-step guide on how to use it. Alternatively you can email your queries to

What should be discussed in the clinical supervision session?

MySupervision has a variety of options under ‘Supervision Types’ and ‘Discussion Types’. 

One-to-one clinical supervision

This is formal and takes place between two members of staff, with the supervisor usually being senior to the supervisee.

Peer/group clinical supervision

This is formal and takes place with more than two staff members who may or may not be of the same profession.

External clinical supervision

This is formal and is when a staff member accesses clinical supervision (either one-to-one or group/peer) from outside of the organisation.

Personal reflection

This is informal and the option to pick if you wish to record any personal reflections from any kind of clinical activity/professional activity you undertake. This isn’t counted as formal supervision and does not count towards the once every 12 week expectation.

If you select one-to-one clinical supervision or peer/group clinical supervision you will then be prompted to select the approach to be taken: 1. Case supervision 2. Structured reflection 3. Evidence based learning 4. Wellbeing support.

This is informal and the option to select if you wish to capture the offer of post incident support of any kind. 

What if I am not a staff member’s direct supervisor but I have conducted an ad-hoc supervision session?

If you are doing an ad-hoc supervision for someone you do not normally supervise, you can still select them by selecting ‘record supervision’, ‘add new supervision’, typing their name into the ‘staff member(s)’ option, and manually selecting them.

What if I am leading a peer/group clinical supervision?

If you are leading a peer/group supervision for staff, you can select multiple staff members by typing their name into the ‘staff member(s)’ option, (like sending an email to multiple people). The notes you record for the supervision will be sent and directly saved to all group members individual MySupervision account. Each individual supervisee can then add additional personal notes if they wish to do so.

What information is recorded?

You should record whatever you feel is required and what is supportive to you. The system has some basic prompts to guide you with recording your supervision.

What should be discussed and recorded in the line management supervision session?

There is an expectation that certain topics are discussed in line management supervison and these are described in the procedure. There is a standard template for use during line management supervision which is can be completed as a word document and uploaded to the system. Alternatively you can document via the free text notes section.

Who has access to the information I put into the system?

All discussions within supervision are confidential except for the following circumstances: If an issue of safety is raised (ie there is a recognised risk of someone coming to harm), this will have discussed regarding who needs to know to reduce the risk and maximise safety. Information from supervision will be passed on in line with Data Protection legislation (ie only the relevant information that needs to be shared to deal with the situation will be passed on).

Where possible this will be a joint decision between however the supervisor can decide if/when disclosure is necessary outside of joint consent. The supervisor may take any issues from this supervision to their own supervision or discuss issues with other managers where appropriate and necessary. The supervision notes are the property of the Trust and may be used to provide management information or during investigations.

What if I am not a staff member’s direct supervisor but I have conducted a supervision session ad-hoc?

If you are doing an ad-hoc supervision for someone you do not normally supervise, you can still select them by typing their name into the ‘staff member(s)’ option, and manually selecting them. MySupervision has a variety of options under ‘supervision types’. These are line management supervision (this is normal supervision) or performance management supervision (these are sessions which are scheduled as part of the performance management procedure). 

When would the performance management part of the system be used?

You should record performance management specifically for the management of staff performance under the Management Performance Procedure