Mersey Care commenced the transition to Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF) on 1 July 2023

There are four strategic aims of PSIRF upon which our Patient Safety Response Plan is based. The implementation of the PSIRF will see both the strategic aims and our Trust visions embodied in our work.

PSIRF replaces the use of the Serious Incident framework within Mersey Care from 1 July 2023.   

The move to PSIRF is part of the NHS Patient Safety Strategy and outlines how providers should respond to patient safety incidents. It will be implemented across all NHS commissioned care (not mandatory for Primary Care) by September 2023. 

Working in collaboration with colleagues internal and external to the Trust we have developed a Patient Safety Incident Response policy that sets out our principles for using PSIRF in our Trust. Our Patient Safety Incident Response plan outlines how we will operate PSIRF in our Trust over the next two years. The plan identifies both the national and local priorities for the Trust to review patient safety incidents. 

highlight version of Mersey Care's PSIRF policy and plan has been produced which can be downloaded. This has been shared with key internal and external stakeholders.

A roadmap showing the progression of Mersey Care's work to date on the development of PSIRF has been produced and shared with key stakeholders.

The Patient Safety team and Divisions are working on ensuring that procedures and documentation are in place to operate PSIRF from July 2023. As a result the Patient Safety team have developed a PSIRF workbook to be used by colleagues as an operating guide for PSIRF processes. This booklet will be adapted as necessary as we move in our transition to PSIRF in the Trust.

Any patient safety incident learning responses conducted under PSIRF will allow us to make sure that learning and improvement identified is sustainable.  


Look for regular PSIRF updates in the Trust communication bulletin. We will also have regular direct communication on PSIRF developments with key Trust and Divisional staff.

Below is our most recent plan on a page, this is produced quarterley and more recent developments will have been included within the Communications bulletin. 

Plan on a page, what it means for you - July update

For a basic introduction into PSIRF click on the presentation at the top of this intranet site. For information on the background to PSIRF click on the links below. 

Main differences between Serious Incident framework and PSIRF

Preparing to Implement PSIRF

NHS England have developed a practical guide to improving patient safety culture

improving-patient-safety-culture-a-practical-guide-v2.pdf (

Patient Stories

Responding to patient safety incidents – Kathryn’s story

Kathryn talks about her experience following an incident where she was harmed when her cannula was not flushed following surgery, leaving her close to death and temporarily paralysed 

Responding to patient safety incidents – Kirsty’s story

Kirsty talks about her experience following an incident where there were problems with care during the delivery of her third child following the administration of a Syntocinon drip.

Responding to patient safety incidents – Valerie’s story

Valerie, a patient with Parkinson’s disease, talks about her experience following an incident where she was mixed up with another patient and given the wrong medication.

Podcasts and videos

Engaging and involving patients, families, and staff following a patient safety incident

Published alongside the Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF), the ‘Guide to engaging and involving patients, families and staff following a patient safety incident’ sets out expectations for how those affected by an incident should be treated with compassion and involved in any investigation process. The guide was produced by NHS England in partnership with the Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch and Learn Together. 

Overview of PSIRF training requirements

This podcast focuses on the training NHS organisations should ensure staff undertake as part of their preparation for the implementation of the Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF). The podcast provides an introduction to the training requirements, the PSIRF training procurement framework, training offered by the Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch, and an overview of how this fits in with the wider national patient safety syllabus. 

PSIRF Early Adopter interview – Patient Safety Investigators perspective

This podcast includes discussion with a Patient Safety reviewer from West Suffolk Trust who were PSIRF early adopters. The reviewer discusses how PSIRF has influenced her approach to learning from patient safety incidents.

PSIRF Early Adopter interview – Mental Health Care provider

In this podcast the Director of Patient Safety at an early adopter Trust discusses the benefits of PSIRF on Patient Safety. 

PSIRF Early Adopter interview – Integrated Care Board (ICB) perspective 

In this podcast a head of Clinical Quality in Patient Safety discusses PSIRF implementation and the improvements they have seen during the implementation period

(ICBs commission the care we provide)

From 1 October 2023, our incident reporting to the central national data repository, currently known as the National Reporting and Learning System (NRLS) will move to Learning from Patient Safety Events (LFPSE).

Find out more in the user guide.

The Patient Safety team will support you through the change with a weekly messages in the newsletters, extranet and YourSpace to make sure you know how this impacts you, as you will now be reporting directly to NHS England from our Radar system. 

Also essential to note, NHS England have issued updated harm levels for both physical and psychological harm and these (definitions) can also be found in our guide.

We have collated a document of frequently asked questions  from the open table events. This document will be updated when required.

Separating fact from fiction. NHSE have developed a document to dispel common misconceptions surrounding PSIRF

Please see responses to the questions raised at the Clinical Senate on Tuesday 18th April 2023.

A key principle of PSIRF is to take a considered and proportional response to patient safety incidents. There are a number of system based approaches that can be adopted to learn and improve as a result of a patient safety incident. To do this there are a variety of possible learning responses which Mersey Care will adopt from July 2023.

Listed below are the approved documents which will form the Trust response under PSIRF. 

Initial response

Managers Action Card

High Secure Managers Action Card

Toolkit Selector

Rapid Review Document - Initial Review only

Patient Safety Reviews

View the attached document for the patient safety review toolkit briefing.

After Action Review 

After Action Review Briefing 

Aggregate Review

Aggregate Review Briefing

Horizon Scanning Aide Memoire

Horizon Scanning Briefing

Immediate Collective 

Immediate Collective Briefing

MDT Review Template

MDT Review Briefing

Thematic Review Report template

Thematic Review Briefing

Patient Safety Learning Response Review

StEIS Escalation

Patient Safety Learning Response (PSLR) Report template

Patient Safety Partners (PSPs) are patients, family members or other members of the public who work with the Trust to improve patient safety. The main purpose of introducing patient safety partners is to promote transparency and openness, and to be a voice for the patients and community who use our services. They will help the Trust make sure that patient safety is at the forefront of all that we do. 

The NHS Patient Safety Strategy requires all Patient Safety and Governance committees to include 2 trained PSPs by July 2023. We have successfully appointed 2 PSPs who will begin to support the Patient Safety team over the summer of 2023.

The Patient Safety Specialist role is in place to encourage a culture of patient safety across the Trust. The Patient Safety Specialist will:

  • Escalate risks or issues to the executive team
  • Work in networks with Patient Safety Specialists in other organisations to share good practice
  • Lead and support patient safety improvement
  • Ensure that systems thinking, human factors understanding and just culture principles are embedded in all patient safety processes

The Patient Safety Specialist for Mersey Care is Panchu Xavier.

One of the principles of PSIRF is compassionate engagement of those affected by a patient safety incident.

The Patient Safety team have adapted a national booklet developed by Learn Together in order to share with patients, families and carers who have been affected by a patient safety incident and when a PSLR is being undertaken.

A similar booklet will be available for staff who have been affected by a patient safety incident and when a PSLR is being undertaken.

These leaflets do not need to be shared for any other type of patient safety review but please feel free to read the content. 

There are opportunities to develop your knowledge and skills in preparation for PSIRF which will be implemented in July 2023.

Your ESR profile now includes mandatory patient safety training, this is a requirement of the NHS Patient Safety Strategy. 

Some individuals in more senior roles, who may be involved in decision making or oversight of patient safety incidents will be required to attend further training so that Mersey Care can comply with the National Patient Safety Response Standards. You will be contacted if this is part of your role.

Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch offer free courses in skills that will help you for patient safety reviews if this is part of your role.

Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch Course Catalogue