Transforming harmful online searches into a journey of hope

R;pple logo.pngFrom Monday, 17 June 2024, a new digital tool called R;pple will be introduced across Mersey Care to support the wellbeing of colleagues who may need mental health support.

R;pple is an online pop-up that will appear on your Mersey Care computer when you search the internet for self-harm and suicide content, offering words of hope and immediate access to 24/7 help and support.

How does R;pple work?

R;pple is a web browser extension that will be installed on all Mersey Care desktop and laptop computers.

This tool will discreetly monitor internet searches against an extensive database of keywords and phrases relating to the topics of suicide and self-harm, without gathering any personally identifiable information or data.

If any self-harm and suicide keywords or phrases are detected, a pop-up page (see screenshots below) will be revealed providing words of hope and links to a selection of 24/7 helplines and mental health resources.

Whilst your search results will still be accessible once the pop-up page is closed, R;pple provides an interruption - aiming to save lives through timely and compassionate intervention.

R;pple 1.pngR;pple 2.pngR;pple 3.pngR;pple 4.png

R;pple is being introduced to best support the mental health and wellbeing of our workforce and our commitment to zero suicide. 

Suicide remains the leading cause of death for individuals aged 20 to 34, and there is compelling evidence that healthcare workers face an elevated risk of suicide compared to other professional groups. Notably, female healthcare workers are at a 24% higher risk of suicide than the female national average and there has been a significant 98% increase in the number of nursing colleagues seeking help for suicidal thoughts in 2023 compared to 2022.

R;pple was established by Alice Hendy following the tragic loss of her brother, Josh, to suicide at the age of 21. Alice later discovered that, prior to his death in 2020, Josh had searched the internet for ways to end his life. The only mental health service that appeared during his searches was a phone hotline, which many individuals in crisis may not feel able or confident enough to use. In response, Alice founded R;pple to ensure that more people can access support when they need it most and can choose a format of communication they are comfortable with.

R;pple can be downloaded for free at home to safeguard your friends and family.

Downloading R;pple takes just 60 seconds. Instructions on how to download R;pple can be found on the R;pple Suicide Prevention website.

For further information, please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) or email:

Colleagues with concerns around their wellbeing can access urgent support through the services detailed on Mersey Care’s website. Alternatively, please also refer to the colleague support services available through Mersey Care’s Staff Wellbeing Hub.

For further information about the R;pple suicide prevention pop-up, please visit the R;pple Suicide Prevention website.