What are Local Safeguarding Boards?
Local Safeguarding Children Boards (LSCB)
Local Safeguarding Children boards (LSCB) are an independent statutory body responsible for ensuring that individuals and organisations work effectively together to safeguard children in each Local Authority area.
It is made up of representatives from a range of organisations, who work closely with children and families, and closely monitors and evaluates the work of organisations that engage with children and offer advice and guidance on safeguarding practices, policies and procedures.
They are also responsible for the evaluation of past cases and experiences and tailoring our work to ensure lessons are learnt from these. This includes providing multi agency training which can be accessed via your local areas website below.
Safeguarding Adults Boards (SAB)
Section 43 of the Care Act requires every Local Authority to establish a Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) for its area. The SAB operates at a strategic level, helping and protecting adults in its area from abuse and neglect through co-ordinating and reviewing a multi-agency approach across all member organisations. The approach that the SAB takes directly influences how frontline safeguarding operations are undertaken in each member organisation.
The SAB oversees and leads on all adult safeguarding across the entire locality area. To do this effectively it must concern itself with a whole range of matters, including but not limited to:
- The safety of patients in its local health services (commissioned and non-commissioned).
- The quality of local Care and Support services (commissioned and non-commissioned).
- The effectiveness of prisons in safeguarding vulnerable offenders.
- How effectively further education services safeguard adults.
Under the Care Act certain organisations have to be part of an SAB. These are:
- The Local Authority which set it up.
- The Integrated Care Boards in the Local Authority area.
- The Chief Officer of Police in the Local Authority area.
Depending on local intelligence and need the core board members can agree to invite other agencies or persons to be a member of the SAB. For example, the Care Quality Commission or an organisation that provides Independent Advocacy to represent adults with Care and Support needs.
Other persons or organisations can be invited to attend specific meetings or to participate without being members of the board. Examples include:
- Ambulance and fire services
- Representatives of providers of health and social care services, including independent providers
- Department for Work and Pensions
- Representatives of housing providers, housing support providers, probation and prison services
- General practitioners
- Representatives of further education colleges
- Members of user, advocacy and carer groups
- Local healthwatch
- Care Quality Commission
- Representatives of children's safeguarding boards
- Trading standards.