The quality improvement team provides support to services to use the Trust’s improvement methodology to create sustainable change in how our services deliver quality care and effective trust wide support services.

Quality Improvement is a systematic approach to creating cycles of improvement in health services which involves:

  1. Measurement and problem definition.
  2. Testing of change ideas.
  3. Data collection.
  4. Analysis of outcomes.
  5. Implementation and review.

Our model has user co-design and co-production with people with lived experience at its centre and empowers frontline staff to develop programmes of improvement specific to their teams and service challenges. The aim of the improvement approach is to sustainably improve safety, experience, and outcomes.

In Mersey Care we have adopted the following approach to improvement:

  • Discovery, Analysis and Synthesis, the process by which we understand the quality challenges and gaps by using rigorous data analysis, feedback from teams and the safety huddles to establish an evidence-based approach.
  • Use of Improvement Science to work towards co-produced change across the organisation using the Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s Model for Improvement.

Model for Improvement Image.png