Each year across the NHS, more than 75,000 staff experience physical violence and aggression.

As part of our latest campaign “I’m not here to be abused”, bespoke posters have been distributed to all our sites.

  • A community services version features members of our staff and a short bio, so patients can relate to the person behind the uniform.
  • For our inpatient wards where we see higher levels of violent behaviour, stock images have been used to elicit a more sympathetic response.

The “I’m not here to be abused” posters should be displayed in patient areas (reception/entrances) and on your blue notice boards, replacing the Zero Tolerance Zone posters.  

Below are the different types of posters and assets available. If you have not received your posters by the end of October, please email communications@merseycare.nhs.uk

As part of our approach to help reduce violence and aggression towards our staff, please ensure:

  • If you are issued with any form of personal safety device, such as a lone working device or nurse attack alarm, remember to always keep them with you and fully charged. Do not hesitate to use them, they are there to keep you safe.
  • All incidents of violent and aggressive behaviour is reported on Radar.
  • You access help when you need it (anonymously if you wish) through our staff health and wellbeing offer, which is available to support our entire workforce.
  • And remember to display the “I’m not here to be abused” posters in patient areas and on your blue notice boards, replacing the Zero Tolerance Zone posters.

“I’m not here to be abused” graphic assets

A4 Posters

Pull up banners

Social media and TV screen signage