Mersey Care is pleased to be able to offer Allied Health Professional degree-level apprenticeships in the following divisions: Community Care, Mental Health Care and Secure Care. Apprenticeship places will be made available for staff who have the suitable experience and knowledge to undertake an apprenticeship degree programme.
Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) is a diverse group of healthcare professionals who work in a range of settings to provide diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitative services. AHP apprenticeships provide individuals with the skills and knowledge they need to become experts in their chosen field.
Examples of AHP apprenticeships include:
Physiotherapist (Level 6) - 4 year programme
Occupational therapist (Level 6) - 4 year programme
Podiatrist (Level 6) - 3 year programme
Speech and Language Therapy (Level 6) - 4 year programme
Dietetics (Level 6) - 3 year distance learning (online)
Advanced clinical practitioner (Level 7) - 2 year programme
Study commitment is required.
- Minimum of six hours per week of study time consisting of lectures, face to face delivery and in class engagement
- Independent study allocated every week for the duration of the course
- Placement requirements between four to six weeks per year
- Delivery will be blended and whilst induction and enrollments will take place. From Calander year 2025/26 learning and course delivery will be undertaken face-to-face on-site with the apprenitceship providers. Except the Universities of Sheffield and Salford who will continue blended delivery.
For all occupational and apprenticeship standards, visit the Institute for Apprenticeships.
For any advice or guidance please contact the Trust Apprenticeship Team on apprenticeships