Our Mersey Care NHS Charity is looking for Charity Champions to join our new Charity Network and become an internal voice to help us support and encourage fundraising within our wards, services and communities.

This would involve attending bi-monthly Charity Champion meetings, where you can share suggestions and ideas to help us improve the way we engage and work with our staff, as well as directing staff, service users and patients to the charity and sharing information with teams.

You may also wish to get involved in organising fundraisers or help raise awareness of appeals that matter to you most. 

Any staff members are more than welcome to join the network and we would particularly like to hear from those that are passionate about staff wellbeing, health inequalities, suicide prevention, supporting our carers or other any areas that are important to you.

If you would like to get involved with or would like more information about our charity, please contact: charity@merseycare.nhs.uk