Publish date: 1 November 2021

A new Corporate Management Group is now in place and its members will oversee a programme of work and provide assurance to the Executive team that Corporate services are operating effectively, efficiently and decision making is consistent with the wider governance arrangements across the Trust. This meeting mirrors the Operational Management Group meeting which is held for our clinical divisions.

The monthly meetings are co chaired by Louise Edwards, Elaine Darbyshire or Rob Collins. The membership of the group includes representatives from Finance, Informatics Merseyside, Estates and Facilities, the Centre for Perfect Care and Communications team and other Corporate services colleagues.

The group aims to manage any corporate risks and mitigating actions as well as reviewing and analysing corporate service’s performance through the business cycle of the Operational Plan delivery, namely:

  • Our Services
  • Our People
  • Our Resources
  • Our Future

The agenda items for these meetings include hybrid working, the new corporate safety huddle, workforce projects, corporate effectiveness measures and key performance indicators. Information and outcomes from this group will be shared in the weekly staff newsletter.