Publish date: 15 August 2024

Secure division’s Service User and Carer Engagement Co-ordinator Tracy Collard retires this week after over 10 years of dedicated service to those who use our Trust’s services and their families / carers. Although Tracy will be back part time after a well-earned holiday to celebrate her retirement, she will primarily be focusing on carer engagement, continuing the work with colleagues on the Triangle of Care and bringing the coveted Jelly Baby accreditation from Barnardos to Secure’s family rooms. 

Tracy has represented, and given voice to those we support tirelessly over the years. She always goes the extra mile with care and compassion. She has presented at conferences, supported others to present and coproduce documents.  She will be forever remembered for throwing ‘the party of all parties’ as we said a fond farewell to Whalley. The day was an incredible success and a fitting tribute to the site.

One service user said this week: “Tracy is the best person ever! It’s not going to be the same without her. She helped me get the ward rep role, took me to Blackpool and helped my interview the new CEO. We want her to come back already!” 

Beth: “Thank you for all the help and support you have given me – including my family. Thanks for making me ward rep and letting me go to the award days. I will really miss you, I hope everything goes well for you, take care.”

Sam: “Thank you for all the amazing events you have planned for the hospital. I really enjoyed the Whalley celebration event”.

Anthony: “Thank you for planning the nice events. All the best”.

Keith: “Tracy thanks for your kind and caring help over the years”.

Liam: “Good luck, all the best. Hope everything goes well for you. Take care”.

David: “Tracy is the best person ever! It’s not going to be the same without her. She helped me get the ward rep role, took me to Blackpool and helped my interview the new CEO. We want her to come back already!”

John: “Your kindness, friendship and professionalism are legendary and the results clear to see for everyone on the wards, in carers’ meetings and with every service user you’ve met.  See you soon.”

Michela: “Tracy will also be fondly remembered for the profile and money she has raised over the years for various charities led by those we support. Selling her delicious homemade cakes, organising raffles and tombolas, as well as her regular ever popular bingo calling will be hugely missed by all those she supported.”