The Trust Medication Safety Officer (MSO) is responsible for overseeing medicines safety issues and ensuring that any problems are highlighted and communicated within and externally to the Trust. This is facilitated by sending QPAs to key members of staff and managers, through huddles and safety panels, and through this webpage. Copies of QPAs sent are listed below.

Interim MSO is Karishma Mistry
MSO is Yasmin Majeed


Our Perfect Care Goals for 24/25 are: 

1) Zero moderate/severe harm incidents relating to medicines

2) Zero harm from prescribing, administration and management of controlled drugs

3) Zero harm from Valproate

4) Zero medication administration errors linked to patient misidentification

Community Care Division MISH Templates

MISH Chronology Template

Reflective Practice Template

A National Patient Safety Alert sets out actions healthcare organisations must take to reduce the risk when a new or under-recognised patient safety which requires national action is identified.


​Historically, a number of systems have existed across the Pan Mersey area to collect and share interface problems related to medicines with a view to reducing common problems.

Incidents can be fedback through the Pan Mersey APC safety sub-group. The Medicines safety team must be informed, if an incident is to be raised at this external meeting.


What are interface issues?

An interface issue is any event that may cause a problem in the management of medicines between different organisations:

  • Prescribing not in line with Pan Mersey policies or formulary
  • Inappropriate request for shared care
  • Request for an unlicensed medicine
  • Request for vaccine outside of guidance
  • Inaccurate medication record
  • Summary Care Record not up to date
  • Illegible or ambiguous information relating to prescribing
  • Lack of discharge or reconciliation information
  • Lack of referral to NHS Community Services for follow up or on-going treatment
  • Incorrect medication
  • Inappropriate changes to medication
  • Medicines waste that could be avoided
  • Incomplete medication - items unknowingly omitted
  • Insufficient medication - items knowingly owed


The issue must first be highlighted with the relevant organisation and any appropriate action required to maintain safe ongoing patient treatment should be dealt with at the time. Any applicable internal incident policies should also be followed.


The MSAT was developed to improve the management of medicines related risk to patients. It is intended to provide commissioners with a systematic way of identifying and analysing emerging medicines safety issues and engage with providers to reduce medicines related harm.

It includes useful advice for healthcare professionals on high risk medicines.

This guidance is applicable to former Mid Mersey sites - this is yet to be aligned with similiar existing MCFT guidance.

DATIX Guidance / Reporting / Reflective Analysis

​The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) ensures the safety and efficacy of medicinal products and devices and communicates any issues.