The Trust's Medication Safety Officer (MSO) is responsible for overseeing medicine safety issues and ensuring that any problems are highlighted and communicated within and externally to the Trust. This is facilitated by sending QPAs to key members of staff and managers, through huddles and safety panels, and through this webpage. Copies of QPAs sent are listed below.
MSO is Yasmin Issa
Email: MSO
Our Perfect Care Goals for 24/25 are:
1) Zero moderate / severe harm incidents relating to medicines
2) Zero harm from prescribing, administration and management of controlled drugs
3) Zero harm from Valproate
4) Zero medication administration errors linked to patient misidentification
- QPA 2024-62 Appropriate prescribing of oral nutritional suppolements in the community setting
- QPA 2024-61 High Dose Antipsychotic Therapy (HDAT) Risk Assessment Form
- QPA 2024-60 Prohibited Item: Lighters in Inpatient Areas
- QPA 2024-59 Importance of supportive and physical observations
QPA 2024-58 Update to Depsis Guidance and NEWS2 escalation - QPA 2024-57 Folic Acid supplemention - Continued for those who are planning a pregnancy or are newly pregnant.
- QPA 2024-56 Ensuite Collapsible Door Yewdale Safedoor 1
- QPA 2024-55 Clinical Records Standards
- QPA 2024-54 Getting medicines formulary shared care documentation right GP Collective Action Impact
- QPA 2024-53 Ensuring fire rating of bedding items in the ward environment
- QPA 2024-52 Summary Case Record Obtaining relevant Patient Status and Past Medical History on Admission
- QPA 2024-51 Patient Infromation leaflet (PIL) for Paracetamol Effervescent Tablets produced by Kent Phama UK
- QPA 2024-50 Safe Management of Sharps bins within healthcare workers vehicles
- QPA 2024-49 Safe storage and disposal of Pharmaceutical waste (excluding Controlled drugs)
- QPA 2024-48 EPMA - Prescribing and administering when required (PRN) medication
- QPA 2024-47 Accumulated Anticholinergic Burden
- QPA 2024-46 Environmental Ligature Points (Windows and Door Frames)
- QPA 2024-45 Contamination of mustard with peanuts for patients with peanut allergy
- QPA 2024-44 In the event of a Patient Death within the Secure Care Division
- QPA 2024-43 Introduction of Medical Examiners and changes to the death certification process
- QPA 2024-42 Device Flipper Zero which can replicate remotes bank cards car keys and access control mechanisms
- QPA 2024-41 The use of Biozoon Air with flavour device
- QPA 2024-40 Risk of falls from hospital windows and maintenance of window restrictor
- QPA 2024-39 Appropriate management of Social Media when presenting at a Mersey Care site
- QPA 2024-38 Planned admissions for Service Users with mobility and/ or additional physical health needs
- QPA 2024-37 Controlled Drug Hanover Risk Assessment (CCD Only)
- QPA 2024-36 Dealing with Temperature Excursions
- QPA 2024-35 Transcribing of Medication - Inpatient GP Discharge Summary
- QPA 2024-34 COVID RIDDOR Reporting
- QPA 2024-33 Data Quality Standards for recording clinical incidents on the Patients Clinical Heatlh Record (RIO, PACIS & EMIS) and Trust Incident Reporting System (RADAR)
- QPA 2024-06 Nursing Reviews of Secluded Patients (Updated July 2024)
- QPA 2024-32 Recording Rio alerts for service users who experience seizures to support with personalised care planning
- QPA 2024-31 Updates to the Safe Management of Controlled Drugs on Inpatient Wards v2 (Updated July 2024)
- QPA 2024-30 Designated location of Nursing Care Plans on service user's electronic record (PCIS/ RIO)
- QPA 2024-29 Annual health Checks for people with learning disability (Age 14+) 17.6.24
- QPA- 2024-28 Staff Guidance on Quetiapine shortage 12.6.24
- QPA 2024-27 Staff Guidance on Use of Personal Mobile Phones in Inpatient Settings and Urgent Care 6.6.24
- QPA 2024-26 Cleaning Display Screen for Welch Allyn Connnex Vital Signs Monitors 3.6.24
- QPA 2024-25 Battery Management & Recharging Batteries for Welch Allyn Vial Signs Monitors 3.6.24
- QPA 2024-24 Update for the Battery management of Bodyguard T Ambulatory Syringe Drivers 3.6.24
- QPA 2024-23 Update for Standardisation of the Date of all Bodyguard T Ambulatory Syringe Drivers 3.6.24
- QPA 2024-22 Safe use of Valproate medicines - Pathways and Intranet page 28.5.24
- QPA 2024-21 Identification of service users prescribed Clozapine on MAST using Rio Clozapine Alert v2 23.5.24
- QPA 2024/20 Single Patient Use Medication Injectable Pen Devices (Update to previous QPA 2019-36) 22.05.24
- QPA 2023-59 v2 Care of Percutaneous Endosopic Gastrostomy (PEG) Tube 13.5.24
- QPA 2024-19 Utilisation of Lone Working Device
- QPA 2024-18 What to do if service users are unable to engage in decisions about care & treatment of physical conditions or unwilling to engage
- QPA 2024-17 Monitoring of patients prescribed lithium
- QPA 2024-16 Prescribing Trust owned Nebulisers from Community Equipment Stores
- QPA 2024-15 Choking Incidents: (i) Response to mild and severe obstruction (ii) Incident coding when submitting incident reports 28.3.24
- QPA 2024-14 Insulin Cartredges and Pen Devices 27.3.24
- QPA Allergy Status Confirmation and Recording 26.3.24
- QPA 2024-13 Correct Use of Different Sodium Chloride 0.9% Solution Formulations 08.03.24
- QPA 2023-44 Subcutaneous prescribing and administration of medication for pain relief in the last days of life v2 07.03.24
- QPA 2024-11 Safer Use of High Dose Antipsychotic Treatment 21.02.24
- QPA 2024-09 Safe Management and Storage of Controlled Drugs in Care Homes 15.02.24
- QPA_2024 Safe Use of Valproate Update 09.02.24
- QPA 2024-05 Oxygen Management within Walk in Centres_Urgent Care Treatment centres and Children’s Special Schools Community Care Division 29.01.24
- QPA 2024-04 Safe Medicines Administration v2 23.01.24
- QPA 2024-02 Escalation of Serious Controlled Drug Incidents 12.01.24
- QPA 2024- 07 Safe Use of Valproate Update- 09.01.24
- QPA 2023-64 v2 - Emergency Cabinets 02.01.24
- QPA 2023-65 Potential for inappropriate dosing of insulin when switching insulin degludec (Tresiba®) products 02.01.24
- QPA 2023-63 Safe Use of Valproate Update 13.12.23
- QPA 2023-59 Care of Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) tube 20.11.23
- QPA 2023-58 Good Practice Prescribing of Antimicrobials 16.11.23
- QPA 2023-54 cardiac chest pain V5 13.11.23
- Revised QPA 2023 53 GlucoRx HCT External Quality Assurance BGM v2 01.11.23
- QPA 2023-53 Memo - Valproate Prescribing 31.10.23
- QPA 2023-50 Contraindications of use of inadine and all forms of cadexomer iodine and povidine-iodine 16.10.23
- Amended QPA 2023-43 Security of Controlled Drugs Keys v.2 08.09.23
- Rowlands Pharmacy Temporary Closure Hollins Park Pharmacy- 07.08.23
- QPA 2023-42 Prescribing on paper for wards with ePMA 2023 v1.3 14.08.23
- QPA 2023-40 Potent Synthetic Opioids V2 07.08.23
- QPA 2023-39 New Trust Wide MMP24 Safe Use of Clozapine Procedure V3 07.08.23
- Temperature Excursions Poster QPA 2023- 38a
- QPA 2023- 38 Dealing with Temperature Excursions- 28.07.23
- QPA 2023-36 Quetiapine Modified Release (MR)– Good practice prescribing principles 28.07.23
- Medicine Related Policy Procedure Update- 07.07.23
- Amended QPA 2023-32 Aripiprazole and impulsive behaviour 04.07.23
- QPA 2023-30 Melatonin Good Practice Prescribing Principles- 12.06.23
- QPA 2023-23- Amended Urgent Class 1 Recall of Emerade Auto-injector V2- 12.06.23
- QPA 2023- 31 GlucoRX HCT External Quality Assurance- 12.06.23
- QPA 2023- 27 Internal Transfer of Care; Inpatient Medication Records & Clinical Notes- 25.05.23
- QPA 2023- 24 Good Practice Prescribing of Antimicrobials- 15.05.23
- QPA 2023- 23 Urgent Class 1 Recall of Emerade Auto-injector- 11.05.23
- QPA 2023-22 Administration of antipsychotic depot injections in the acute hospital setting- 05.05.23
- QPA 2023-17 Raising awareness of sodium nitrite as a suicide agent - 05.04.23
- QPA 2023-16 Patient Identification- 13.03.23
- QPA 2023-15 Clonazepam added to restricted drug list - 08.03.23
- QPA 2023-13 Swich to a new formulation of paliperidone palmitate- 17.01.23
- QPA 2023-6 Inadvertent Oral Administration of Potassium Permanganate- 17.1.23
- QPA 2023- 1 Safe prescribing of medication, ensuring accuracy of medication records- 03.01.23
- QPA 2022- 82 Valproate prescribing for girls and women of childbearing potential-13.12.22
- QPA 2022-81 BNF access – a requirement for all staff working with medicines- 12.12.22
- QPA 2022-79 prescribing and administration of regular and when required medication- 18.11.22
- QPA 2022-77 Raising awareness of Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome 003- 18.11.22
- QPA 2022-74 Recording Allergy Status on EPMA -16.11.22
- QPA 2022-73 Important update Rapid tranquilisation Policy and Procedures- 7.11.22
- QPA 2022-72 Sickle Cell Disease: Raising awareness of the disorder, key signs and symptoms and reccomended management of acute painful sickle cell crisis- 4.11.22
- QPA 2022-58 Watch Out for Look-alikes & Sound- alike Medicines- 10.08.22
- QPA 2022-55 Reminder of staff responsibilities when issuing medication against a Patient Group Direction (PGD) (2)- 04.08.22
- QPA 2022-56 Reminder of the increased risk of suicidal ideation- 03.08.22
- QPA 2022-52 Pregabalin (Lyrica) findings of safety study on risks during pregnancy v.2- 27.07.22
- QPA 2022-51 NovoRapid Insulin 100units in 1ml and Saxenda liraglutide 6mg in 1ml Pre-filled Pen- 22.07.22
- QPA 2022-49 Prescribing ‘Dummy Drugs’ on the Electronic Prescribing Medicines Administration System (EPMA)- 22.07.22
- QPA 2022-44 Reminder of staff responsibilities relating to Controlled Drug activities (002)- 05.07.22
- QPA 2022-39 Safe Temperature Storage Conditions for Medication and Dressings- 23.06.22
- QPA 2022-36 Safe Prescribing of Oral Paracetamol in Patients Aged 16 Years and Over- 30.05.22
- QPA 2022-34 Alcohol Detox POMH Audit Findings- 27.05.22
- QPA 2022-35 Clozapine toxicity associated with change in smoking status- 27.05.22
- QPA 2022-31 Reminder of Under-Recognised Risk of Severe Toxicity from Propranolol Overdose- 22.05.22
- QPA 2022-24 Standards. compliance scores. key points identified inMid Mersey POMH national audit_Clozapine- 27.04.22
- QPA 2022-15 New perinatal guidelines on physical health monitoring with psychotropic medication-18.03.22
- QPA 2022-14 Clozapine_ Reminder of potentially fatal risk of intestinal obstruction faecal impaction and paralytic ileus- 15.03.22
- QPA 2022-03 Use of combinations of depots or long-acting antipsychotics is not recommended v.2- 20.01.22
MHRA Drug Safety Update November 2024
MHRA Drug Safety Update October 2024
MHRA Drug Safety Update September 2024
MHRA Drug Safety Update August 2024
MHRA Drug Safety Update July 2024
MHRA Drug Safety Update June 2024
MHRA Drug Safety Update May 2024
MHRA Drug Safety Update April 2024
MHRA Drug Safety Update March 2024
MHRA Drug Safety Update February 2024
MHRA Drug Safety Update January 2024
MHRA Drug Safety Update December 2023
MHRA Drug Safety Update November 2023
MHRA Drug Safety Update October 2023
MHRA Drug Safety Update September 2023
MHRA Drug Safety Update August 2023
MHRA Drug Safety Update July 2023
MHRA Drug Safety Update June 2023
MHRA Drug Safety Update May 2023
MHRA Drug Safety Update April 2023
MHRA Drug Safety Update March 2023
MHRA Drug Safety Update January 2023
MHRA Drug Safety Update December 2022
MHRA Drug Safety Update November 2022
MHRA Drug Safety Update October 2022
MHRA Drug Safety Update September 2022
MHRA Drug Safety Update August 2022
MHRA Drug Safety Update July 2022
MHRA Drug Safety Update June 2022
MHRA Drug Safety Update May 2022
MHRA Drug Safety Update April 2022
MHRA Drug Safety Update March 2022
MHRA Drug Safety Update Feb 2022
MHRA Drug Safety Update Jan 2022
A National Patient Safety Alert sets out actions healthcare organisations must take to reduce the risk when a new or under recognised patient safety which requires national action is identified.
Quarterly Medicine Alert reports can be found below:
Quarter 1 (April-June 2023) Medicine Alert Report
Quarter 4 (Jan-March 2023) Medicine Alert Report
Quarter 3 (Oct-Dec 2022) Medicine Alert Report
Quarter 2 (July-September 2022) Medicine Alert Report
Quarter 1 (April-June 2022) Medicine Alert Report
Quarter 4 (Jan-March 2022) Medicine Alert Report
Historically, a number of systems have existed across the Pan Mersey area to collect and share interface problems related to medicines with a view to reducing common problems.
Incidents are fedback to the individual organisation via the trust governance processes.
What are interface issues?
An interface issue is any event that may cause a problem in the management of medicines between different organisations:
- Prescribing not in line with Cheshire and Merseyside APG policies/ formulary
- Inappropriate request for shared care
- Request for an unlicensed medicine
- Request for vaccine outside of guidance
- Inaccurate medication record
- Summary Care Record not up to date
- Illegible or ambiguous information relating to prescribing
- Lack of discharge or reconciliation information
- Lack of referral to NHS Community Services for follow up or ongoing treatment
- Incorrect medication
- Inappropriate changes to medication
- Medicines waste that could be avoided
- Incomplete medication - items unknowingly omitted
- Insufficient medication - items knowingly owed
The issue must first be highlighted with the relevant organisation and any appropriate action required to maintain safe ongoing patient treatment should be dealt with at the time. Any applicable internal incident policies should also be followed.
Interface incidents for St Helens CCG should be reported using the Interface incident form for St Helens CCG
The MSAT was developed to improve the management of medicines related risk to patients. It is intended to provide commissioners with a systematic way of identifying and analysing emerging medicines safety issues and engage with providers to reduce medicines related harm.
It includes useful advice for healthcare professionals on high risk medicines.
This guidance is applicable to former Mid Mersey sites - this is yet to be aligned with similiar existing MCFT guidance.
RADAR Guidance / Reporting / Reflective Analysis
The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) ensures the safety and efficacy of medicinal products and devices and communicates any issues.