Routine Outcome Measures (ROMs) are standardised assessment tools which can be completed by a patient, family member / carer or practitioners and can give an overall rating or score across one or more “domain of outcome” e.g. a particular area of health, personal functioning, social functioning, quality of life and self-management. Information from ROMs can often also be used at an item level or domain / sub-scale level.
ROMs completed by clinicians or practitioners are called “clinician reported outcome measures” (CROMs) and those completed by patients, family members or carers about the patient are called “patient reported outcome measures” (PROMs).
Using ROMs enables a more personalised healthcare experience, leading to improved treatment outcomes and enhanced healthcare services.
Most patients report finding routine outcome monitoring helpful, with patients seeing the use of patient reported outcome measures as a way for them to:
express themselves.
clarify how they are feeling.
feel understood.
enable them to focus on what really matters.
demonstrate that they are making progress.
The Clinical Outcomes programme is a strategic quality improvement programme being delivered as an objective within the Trust’s Clinical Quality Strategy.
Our aim
To embed the use of clinician and patient reported outcome measures (CROMs and PROMs) across all services within the Trust to:
Understand individual patient need and inform care planning and reviews
Support the evaluation of individual care delivery effectiveness
Support reflective practice for our health care professionals
Help us to understand service effectiveness and drive quality improvement
Inform service planning in line with a whole person and population health approach