Dear colleague, 

We wrote to you last year to inform you of the national change to Electronic Staff Record (ESR) for the calculation of annual leave pay for bank workers, which took effect from 1 October 2023. Unfortunately this process did not work as anticipated, so we paused this method and reverted back to the former method of accrual whilst we tried  to work with the national team.

We have been working nationally on this issue over the last nine months and have been unable to resolve the issue to our satisfaction. In April 2024 the paying of rolled up holiday pay became  lawful – you may know this as WTD payments. As we have been unable to resolve the system issue, The Trust have now taken the decision to use this process to pay colleagues on the bank for their annual leave.

We would like to thank you for your patience and co-operation whilst we have worked through the issues, we know how frustrated you have felt during this period and it has taken some considerable time to get to this point.

From 1 October 2024, you will be paid 12.5% on top of your earnings every week. This new way of paying annual leave will provide a more comprehensive reflection of your overall income, encompassing any variable elements such as enhancements from shifts.

The Trust has agreed also to review payments made to bank colleagues attached to the wider Mersey Care bank (who have not been receiving WTD in their bank earnings) dating back to October 2019 and to pay any difference in pay between the old process and this new process.  This will take time to calculate and therefore any back pay owed will be paid in the last two weeks of November 2024.

We recognise that changes of this nature may raise queries, and we therefore ask any questions are directed to our Temporary Staffing team via email to

As a Trust we are pleased to be transitioning to this new process given the positive impact it will have on our bank colleagues pay when on annual leave. 

Please see the attached documents for part one and part two of the agreed changes to the terms and conditions.

Please complete the working time directive form (attached) to acknowledge receipt of the new bank workers agreement. This document needs to be sent to