Would you like to talk informally about any menopausal symptoms you may be experiencing? As a Trust we want to support our female staff through the menopause and also raise awareness amongst our wider staff teams, so that they can support their colleagues too. The menopause is something that happens to every woman and the average age in the UK is 51, so it usually takes place during working life.  It comes with a variety of symptoms with varying affects from mild to extremely severe and as we are all unique, this can be different for everyone. 

The forum's purpose is to give you the opportunity to meet other women going through the menopause and perimenopause. The aim of the sessions is to provide a confidential and respectful space for colleagues to share their menopause journey, feel they are not alone in their experience of working with menopause and gain support from each other too. These sessions are designed to supplement our Menopause information and education sessions and Menopause Champions initiatives.

Please note these are not clinically led sessions and no direct advice can be given on any individual’s experience, though evidence based reliable resources will be recommended.

The sessions are facilitated by one of our female Health and Wellbeing Facilitators from Occupational Health and Wellbeing Services. You can learn more about the session aims, available dates, and find lots of useful resources, below.

  • Provide a safe, confidential place to talk about how your symptoms affect you at home and at work

  • Equip you with knowledge so that you can get the help you need

  • De-mystify some topics around menopause

  • Provide self help information and links to trusted websites/apps

  • Encourage self care

All sessions will take place on Teams, and the expected duration of each session is 90 minutes.

Date Time Book Here
Friday 21 February 10am Book onto this forum
Monday 24 March 1pm Book onto this forum
Tuesday 22 April 10am Book onto this forum
Wednesday 21 May 2pm Book onto this forum
Tuesday 24 June 10am Book onto this forum


You are welcome to attend as many forums as you wish

Try the below steps...

You should be proactive in researching your own symptoms. Some steps which you can take to help yourself:

  • Maintain a healthy weight, with a balanced diet, eating regularly.

  • Exercise regularly to maintain fitness and aerobic capacity and to ensure that weight bearing exercise is carried out to maintain bone density.

  • Wear layered clothing that can easily be removed.

  • Ensure you are getting enough sleep

  • Discuss concerns with partners and encourage them to help with chores around the house.

  • Consult with their GP on management of the menopause and to rule out other medical causes of symptoms.

  • Speak to our Occupational Health and Wellbeing Department or a trusted supervisor about your symptoms.

  • Drink plenty of water; keeping caffeine intake low and alcohol consumption at or below the recommended levels (no more than 14 units per week).

  • Quit smoking.

Helpful Resources:

Menopause and the workplace | NHS Employers

Menopause - NHS (www.nhs.uk)

The Menopause Charity - Asking your GP For Help

Henpicked Menopause Hub






The Trust has a menopause policy and this can be reviewed here.

The autumn 2021 edition of MC Magazine includes a special feature on the menopause- Read it here

You can also watch a video featuring our very own Julie Roberts and Liz Stephens, which is available on our private YouTube channel. Watch here


Reduced cost of HRT prescriptions

The Government has introduced a new option for reduced costs for HRT prescriptions coming in to effect from April 2023.