The Safeguarding Duty Hub

The Safeguarding Duty Hub is available for all staff across the Trust to access safeguarding advice and support in practice. The Safeguarding Duty Hub offers the provision of specialist safeguarding and children and adult practitioners and it is available from 9am to 5pm Monday-Friday through a single point of access Trust wide.

To discuss any safeguarding matters please contact a central hub of specialist safeguarding practitioners.

Safeguarding Duty Hub Telephone:  0151 351 8484  or

The Safeguarding Duty Hub POSTER can be printed and displayed on notice boards within operational teams.

IT Systems 

Rio for safeguarding


If you are not already aware of these changes, please see below documents for further information.

If you have any queries in the interim, please email:

Important Rio Information

As part of this years Quality of Referrals to Children’s Social Care / MASH / ICart Audit, please ensure a copy of the referral is uploaded to Rio and also send a copy to please. These will form part of this years annual audit.   Also, as part of our monthly rolling Rio audit, it has been identified that some practitioners and managers would benefit from some training in relation to the safeguarding children recording process on Rio. This will include completion of the Safeguarding Initial Record, ongoing Activity Update forms and Managerial Oversight responsibilities. Staff can access the 30 minute sessions by emailing It is strongly recommended that anyone who has not previously attended a session, or would like a refresher, book on the training. 

All sessions are 9.15am-9.45am

January Dates

3 January 2024, 5 January 2024, 9 January 2024, 10 January 2024, 11 Janaury 2024, 15 January 2024,

17 January 2024, 18 Janaury 2024, 22 Janaury 2024, 24 January 2024, 26 January 2024 and

31 January 2024

What to do flow charts

Safeguarding image.jpg

Trust Wide Safeguarding News

Trust Wide Safeguarding Training 

Please click  to view the Trust wide safeguarding training brochure

The new updated policies are now live and uploaded to intranet.

Safeguarding Adult Policy 

Safeguarding Children Policy 


NSPCC Learning homepage - safeguarding training and resources

Safeguarding Lunch and Learn Sessions

There will be 1 hour sessions led by a named nurse/professional. They will provide an opportunity for emerging themes, reviews, learning and concerns to be discussed and highlighted. They provide additional information/learning not included in either mandatory or modular sessions.

To reserve a place please email stating your preference/s to:

Financial Abuse of Adults

Wednesday 31 January 2024 from 12pm to 1pm

Information Sharing and Multi-agency working- adults

Wednesday 27 March 2024 from 12pm to 1pm

Working Together to Safeguarding Children (WTSC) - Responsibilities when attending Child Protection Conferences training is now available.  

To book please ensure you have a registered LSCP training account:

If you already have an account please login and book your place:

If you want to know more about this course click below:

New Working Together to Safeguard Children 

Please find attached links to the new Working Together to Safeguarding Children (2023) and the Childrens Social care reform statement.

Working together to safeguard children - GOV.UK ( 

Working together to safeguard children 2023: summary of changes (  (Summary version 4 pages)

Children's social care: reform statement - GOV.UK (

Locality Safeguarding News 



Halton Safeguarding Adults Board is offering a number of training opportunities regarding subjects such as Safeguarding Adults responsibilities and Mental Capacity Act. All dates and information can be found on the eventbrite page for Halton SAB

Halton Safeguarding Children's Partnership website 

Child Sexual Abuse Lunch & Learn Session January to March 2024

Procedure for Multi-agency Professional Challenge & Escalation

Follow link


Knowsley LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow this link to the Knowsley LSCP Training System

Knowsley Safeguarding Children Partnership Training Opportunities 2023-2024

KSAB Newsletter December 2023

Raising Awareness of Neuro-diversity

Neurodiversity Training Webinars

Please see information below with links to register for the free Raising Awareness of Neurodiversity webinar. 

Free one hour webinar for Liverpool City Region employers and organisations delivered by Knowsley Council and Liverpool Council to raise awareness of Learning Disabilities, Autism, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Dyspraxia (Developmental Coordination Disorder)

There places will be allocated on a first come / first served basis to those who register in advance. 

Raising Awareness of Neurodiversity Tuesday 23 January 2024 start time 11am to 12pm

On the day of the webinar, please join 5 minutes early to allow for a prompt start.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Please see Privacy Policy for this event: Knowsley Council Privacy Statement  


Liverpool LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow this link to the Liverpool LSCP training system 

CCC Training Dates

Ng. T1: Understanding Child Neglect Briefing Session 

This session will be run virtually. 

9 January 2024 10am to 12pm

Bookings can be made via the LSCP Training 'Events' web page: LSCP Booking Link


Sefton LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Sefton SCP Events 

Domestic Abuse Services over the Christmas Period

The Sefton Domestic Abuse Service Helpline 0151 394 1400 will be available Tuesday 2 January  8am to 6pm.

Hate Crime Awareness sessions

The sessions are free to anyone working or volunteering within Sefton.

These sessions will cover:

  • Increase awareness of Hate Crime and Hate Incidents
  • Encourage increased reporting of Hate Crimes and Hate Incidents
  • Increased awareness of the role of Merseyside Police, Crown Prosecution Service, Police and Crime Commissioner, Sefton Hate Crime JAG and other agencies
  • Awareness of what action we can all take to report and prevent Hate Crime

 Session date/times:

  • 16 January 2024 from 1pm to 3pm via Teams
  • 12 March 2024 from 9.30am to 1pm at Ainsdale Learning Centre

Please share across your networks.To book please email:

New 2024 webinars in the HSCWRU Homelessness Series

Homelessness Radical Safeguarding Toolkit: shaping homelessness social care

Thursday 18 January 2024, 10am to 11.30am Book here

Homelessness and multiple disadvantage: Improving responses for women

Thursday 29 February 2024, 10am to 11am Book here

St Helens

St Helens LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow the link to the St Helens LSCP 

St Helens Service Directories

In order to support practitioners working with families across the continuum of need, the Family Hubs have developed a service directory which provides a list of agencies, a summary of their service offer, and relevant contact details. The below link will take you to the service directory and can be pinned to your search bar:

If as an agency you offer a service to families and you feel that it should be added to this directory you can find further information on the steps to be undertaken via the below link:

To visit the new Family Hub website, visit:


*Please note any external training booked via the Safeguarding Children Partnership may be subject to charges for non-attendance.  Please see guidance for further information*

Warrington LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow the link to the Warrington LSCP Training System 

Trauma Informed Practice - face to face training 2024

For booking information please click here

The Voice of the Child

Click here for more information on how to book on to the face to face training sessions in 2024

Warrington Safeguarding Partnership Development Day 12 January 2024 and 25 January 2024

A Spotlight on Warrington Safeguarding Partnerships - Key Initiatives and Celebration of Good Practice

Female Genital Mutilation 

New Dates for 2024 - face to face training

Intra-familial Child Sexual Abuse 

For available dates please click here

Safe and Together Lunch and Learn Training Wednesday 24 January 2024 12pm to 1.15pm

This is suitable for those new to the model’s principles, or those who have taken the full training in the past and would like a refresher. Please book on using MySchoolServices: SLA Online (

MARAM - Dates for 2024

MARAM 2024 Book Here

Responding to Domestic Abuse training - Dates for 2024

Responding to Domestic Abuse Book Here

MAPPA Awareness Training – 2 hour briefing session

MAPPA Awareness Training 

New MAPPA Referral Form

Follow the link 

If you have any problems booking on to the course please email

GCP2 Training

Warrington Safeguarding Partnerships and Warrington Safeguarding Adults Board have new dates for Licensed GCP2 (Graded Care Profile) Training for Practitioners.  For more information please click here

All training is 9.30am to 4.30pm, Room 17, 1 Time Square, Warrington

Tuesday 12 March 2024, Wednesday 25 May 2024, Tuesday 18 June 2024, Monday 16 September 2024, Thursday 17 November 2024 and Tuesday 10 December 2024

The Safeguarding Duty Hub

The Safeguarding Duty Hub is available for all staff across the Trust to access safeguarding advice and support in practice. The Safeguarding Duty Hub offers the provision of specialist safeguarding and children and adult practitioners and it is available from 9am to 5pm Monday-Friday through a single point of access Trust wide.

To discuss any safeguarding matters please contact a central hub of specialist safeguarding practitioners.

Safeguarding Duty Hub Telephone:  0151 351 8484  or

The Safeguarding Duty Hub POSTER can be printed and displayed on notice boards within operational teams.

IT Systems 

Rio for safeguarding


If you are not already aware of these changes, please see below documents for further information.

If you have any queries in the interim, please email:

Important Rio Information

As part of this years Quality of Referrals to Children’s Social Care / MASH / ICart Audit, please ensure a copy of the referral is uploaded to Rio and also send a copy to please. These will form part of this years annual audit.   Also, as part of our monthly rolling Rio audit, it has been identified that some practitioners and managers would benefit from some training in relation to the safeguarding children recording process on Rio. This will include completion of the Safeguarding Initial Record, ongoing Activity Update forms and Managerial Oversight responsibilities. Staff can access the 30 minute sessions by emailing It is strongly recommended that anyone who has not previously attended a session, or would like a refresher, book on the training. 

All sessions are 9.15am-9.45am

January Dates

3 January 2024, 5 January 2024, 9 January 2024, 10 January 2024, 11 Janaury 2024, 15 January 2024,

17 January 2024, 18 Janaury 2024, 22 Janaury 2024, 24 January 2024, 26 January 2024 and

31st January 2024

What to do flow charts

Safeguarding image.jpg

Trust Wide Safeguarding News

Trust Wide Safeguarding Training 

Please click  to view the Trust wide safeguarding training brochure

The new updated policies are now live and uploaded to intranet.

Safeguarding Adult Policy 

Safeguarding Children Policy 


NSPCC Learning homepage - safeguarding training and resources

NHSE North West Region Safeguarding Newsletter 11 December 2023 

Non Fatal Strangulation- Rapid Read

Children and Young People's Continuing Care

Please see the attached link for information on how to book a place on the Children and Young People's Continuing Care training sessions from January to April 2024.

Safeguarding Lunch and Learn Sessions

There will be 1 hour sessions led by a named nurse/professional. They will provide an opportunity for emerging themes, reviews, learning and concerns to be discussed and highlighted. They provide additional information/learning not included in either mandatory or modular sessions.

To reserve a place please email stating your preference/s to:

Financial Abuse of Adults

Wednesday 31 January 2024 from 12pm to 1pm

Information Sharing and Multi-agency working- adults

Wednesday 27 March 2024 from 12pm to 1pm

Working Together to Safeguarding Children (WTSC) - Responsibilities when attending Child Protection Conferences training is now available.  

To book please ensure you have a registered LSCP training account:

If you already have an account please login and book your place:

If you want to know more about this course click below:

Working together to Safeguard Children

Please find attached a joint Ministerial letter from Ministers Johnston, Farris and Leadsom:

The letter informs of the publication of the below three documents, which outline the way in which agencies should work together and the outcomes they should aim to achieve:

Working Together to Safeguard Children (Working Together) - revised Statutory guidance

Children’s Social Care National Framework - which describes the outcomes that should be achieved so children and young people can thrive

Children’s social care: data and digital strategy - setting out our long-term plan for transforming data across children’s social care

The letter also outlines the support available to safeguarding partners in January 2024.

Locality Safeguarding News 



Halton Safeguarding Adults Board is offering a number of training opportunities regarding subjects such as Safeguarding Adults responsibilities and Mental Capacity Act. All dates and information can be found on the eventbrite page for Halton SAB

Halton Safeguarding Children's Partnership website 

Child Sexual Abuse Lunch & Learn Session January to March 2024

Procedure for Multi-agency Professional Challenge & Escalation

Follow link

Axess 4 U Clinic


Knowsley LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow this link to the Knowsley LSCP Training System

Knowsley Safeguarding Children Partnership Training Opportunities 2023-2024

Raising Awareness of Neuro-diversity

Neurodiversity Training Webinars

Please see information below with links to register for the free Raising Awareness of Neurodiversity webinar. 

Free one hour webinar for Liverpool City Region employers and organisations delivered by Knowsley Council and Liverpool Council to raise awareness of Learning Disabilities, Autism, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Dyspraxia (Developmental Coordination Disorder)

There places will be allocated on a first come / first served basis to those who register in advance. 

Raising Awareness of Neurodiversity Tuesday 23 January 2024 start time 11am to 12pm

On the day of the webinar, please join 5 minutes early to allow for a prompt start.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Please see Privacy Policy for this event: Knowsley Council Privacy Statement  


Liverpool LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow this link to the Liverpool LSCP training system 

Liverpool Neglect Strategy and Level of need information from the LSCP 

Liverpool Neglect Strategy 

Liverpool Levels of Need

CCC Training Dates

Ng. T1: Understanding Child Neglect Briefing Session 

This session will be run virtually. 

9 January 2024 10am to 12pm

Bookings can be made via the LSCP Training 'Events' web page: LSCP Booking Link

New MARAC Referral Form 2023

New MARAC Referral & Merit Form


Sefton LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Sefton SCP Events 

Domestic Abuse Services over the Christmas Period

For information please note the information regarding the availability of Domestic Abuse Support across the Christmas period – please feel free to share within your organisation and across your networks

The Sefton Domestic Abuse Service Helpline 0151 394 1400 will be available as follows over the Christmas period

Friday 22 December, Wednesday 27 December, Thursday 28 December, Friday 29 December and Tuesday 2 January  8am to 6pm.

This information is also available on the homepage of the Domestic Abuse Microsite Domestic Abuse (

Please also click here for the latest reports from the Domestic Abuse Commissioner.

Hate Crime Awareness sessions

The sessions are free to anyone working or volunteering within Sefton.

These sessions will cover:

  • Increase awareness of Hate Crime and Hate Incidents
  • Encourage increased reporting of Hate Crimes and Hate Incidents
  • Increased awareness of the role of Merseyside Police, Crown Prosecution Service, Police and Crime Commissioner, Sefton Hate Crime JAG and other agencies
  • Awareness of what action we can all take to report and prevent Hate Crime

 Session date/times:

  • 16 January 2024 from 1pm to 3pm via Teams
  • 12 March 2024 from 9:30am to 1pm at Ainsdale Learning Centre

Please share across your networks.To book please email:

New 2024 webinars in the HSCWRU Homelessness Series

A data-driven approach to inform services for people who are experiencing homelessness

Thursday 14 December 2023, 10am to 11am Book here 

Homelessness Radical Safeguarding Toolkit: shaping homelessness social care

Thursday 18 January 2024, 10am to 11.30am Book here

Homelessness and multiple disadvantage: Improving responses for women

Thursday 29 February 2024, 10am to 11am Book here

St Helens

St Helens LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow the link to the St Helens LSCP 

St Helens Service Directories

In order to support practitioners working with families across the continuum of need, the Family Hubs have developed a service directory which provides a list of agencies, a summary of their service offer, and relevant contact details. The below link will take you to the service directory and can be pinned to your search bar:

If as an agency you offer a service to families and you feel that it should be added to this directory you can find further information on the steps to be undertaken via the below link:

To visit the new Family Hub website, visit:


*Please note any external training booked via the Safeguarding Children Partnership may be subject to charges for non-attendance.  Please see guidance for further information*

Warrington LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow the link to the Warrington LSCP Training System 

Warrington Safeguarding Partnership Development Day 12 January 2024 and 25 January 2024

A Spotlight on Warrington Safeguarding Partnerships - Key Initiatives and Celebration of Good Practice

Safe and Together Lunch and Learn Training Wednesday 24 January 2024 12pm to 1.15pm

This is suitable for those new to the model’s principles, or those who have taken the full training in the past and would like a refresher. Please book on using MySchoolServices: SLA Online (

MARAM - dates for 2024

MARAM 2024 Book Here

Responding to Domestic Abuse training - dates for 2024

Responding to Domestic Abuse Book Here

MAPPA Awareness Training – 2 hr briefing session

MAPPA Awareness Training 

New MAPPA Referral Form

Follow the link 

If you have any problems booking on to the course please email

Cost of Living Support

Follow the Link 

WSP & WSAB Newsletter December 2023 

Follow the link 

Circle of Change 

Intra-familial Child Sexual Abuse - face to face training

Follow the link

Our Model of Planning for Childreb and Families in Warrington

Follow the link  

Book Now - GCP2 (Best) Practice Surgery - 31 January 2023

Have you been trained in GCP2?

Would you like to hear from colleagues across the UK on how they use the tool to support better practice and outcomes for children and families?

Then join us for January’s GCP2 practice surgery to discuss:

  • The right time to use GCP2 and how to introduce it to families
  • How to use the tool, over how long and in different situations
  • What happens next after completing the tool
  • Any other GCP2 related questions you have

Register your place here: EMMA LINK 

The Safeguarding Duty Hub

The Safeguarding Duty Hub is available for all staff across the Trust to access safeguarding advice and support in practice. The Safeguarding Duty Hub offers the provision of specialist safeguarding and children and adult practitioners and it is available from 9am to 5pm Monday-Friday through a single point of access Trust wide.

To discuss any safeguarding matters please contact a central hub of specialist safeguarding practitioners.

Safeguarding Duty Hub Telephone:  0151 351 8484  or

The Safeguarding Duty Hub POSTER can be printed and displayed on notice boards within operational teams.

IT Systems 

Rio for safeguarding


If you are not already aware of these changes, please see below documents for further information.

If you have any queries in the interim, please email:

Important Rio Information

As part of this years Quality of Referrals to Children’s Social Care / MASH / ICart Audit, please ensure a copy of the referral is uploaded to Rio and also send a copy to please. These will form part of this years annual audit.   Also, as part of our monthly rolling Rio audit, it has been identified that some practitioners and managers would benefit from some training in relation to the safeguarding children recording process on Rio. This will include completion of the Safeguarding Initial Record, ongoing Activity Update forms and Managerial Oversight responsibilities. Staff can access the 30 minute sessions by emailing It is strongly recommended that anyone who has not previously attended a session, or would like a refresher, book on the training.

December Dates

4 December 2023, 6 December 2023, 7 December 2023, 11 December 2023, 13 December 2023

14 December 2023 and 18 December 2023

January Dates

2 January 2024, 5 January 2024, 9 January 2024, 10 January 2024, 11 Janaury 2024, 15 January 2024,

17 January 2024, 18 Janaury 2024, 22 Janaury 2024, 24 January 2024, 26 January 2024 and

31st January 2024

What to do flow charts

Safeguarding image.jpg

Trust Wide Safeguarding News

Trust Wide Safeguarding Training 

Please click  to view the Trust wide safeguarding training brochure

The new updated policies are now live and uploaded to intranet.

Safeguarding Adult Policy 

Safeguarding Children Policy 


NSPCC Learning homepage - safeguarding training and resources

Non Fatal Strangulation- Rapid Read

Children and Young People's Continuing Care

Please see the attached link for information on how to book a place on the Children and Young People's Continuing Care training sessions from January to April 2024.

Safeguarding Lunch and Learn Sessions

There will be 1 hour sessions led by a named nurse/professional. They will provide an opportunity for emerging themes, reviews, learning and concerns to be discussed and highlighted. They provide additional information/learning not included in either mandatory or modular sessions.

To reserve a place please email stating your preference/s to:

Financial Abuse of Adults

Wednesday 31 January 2024 from 12pm to 1pm

Information Sharing and Multi-agency working- adults

Wednesday 27 March 2024 from 12pm to 1pm

Drop in session dates-safeguarding children supervision for inpatient staff

Timetable of supervision sessions 

WTSC - Responsibilities when attending Child Protection Conferences training is now available.  

To book please ensure you have a registered LSCP training account:

If you already have an account please login and book your place:

If you want to know more about this course click below:

Raising Awareness of Neuro-diversity

Neurodiversity Training Webinars

Please see information below with dates and links to register for one of the free Raising Awareness of Neurodiversity webinars. 

Free one hour webinar for Liverpool City Region employers and organisations delivered by Knowsley Council and Liverpool Council to raise awareness of Learning Disabilities, Autism, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Dyspraxia (Developmental Coordination Disorder)

There are 75 places available which will be allocated on a first come / first served basis to those who register in advance. 

Raising Awareness of Neurodiversity Tuesday 12 December 2023 start time 2pm to 3pm

Raising Awareness of Neurodiversity Tuesday 23 January 2024 start time 11am to 12pm

On the day of the webinar, please join 5 minutes early to allow for a prompt start.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Please see Privacy Policy for this event: Knowsley Council Privacy Statement  

Please see below resource and support leaflet can be given to families to help them stay warmer and safer this winter: 

Warmer and Safer Homes This Winter 

Eplilepsy 7 Minute Briefing

Please find below a 7 minute briefing on Epilepsy which contains useful information about seizures: 

7 Minutes Epilepsy Briefing

Locality Safeguarding News 



Halton Safeguarding Adults Board is offering a number of training opportunities regarding subjects such as Safeguarding Adults responsibilities and Mental Capacity Act. All dates and information can be found on the eventbrite page for Halton SAB

Halton Safeguarding Children's Partnership website 

Child Sexual Abuse Lunch & Learn Session January to March 2024

Neurodevelopmental Conditions Professional's Awareness sessions 6 December 2023  

Survey of Women & Girls in Cheshire

Women and girls from all backgrounds and walks of life want to feel safe and be safe – and when something happens to them, they want to be able to go to a police force that respects them, protects them and supports them.

An independent organisation, Victim Focus, to carry out a survey of Women and girls in Cheshire aged 16 or above about personal safety, crime and their experiences with the police. It is particularly important to hear from girls aged 16-17 as they are one of the most likely groups to be victims of crime, but are often missed in other surveys as they are children.

The survey will run until midday on Friday 1 December 2023 and can be taken here: You do not need to have been a victim of crime to take part.

This anonymous survey is one way Cheshire Police can learn from women and girls and make any changes and improvements they need. I will also be able to use the feedback when looking at commissioning victim support services in future.

Please share this survey throughout your networks and communities so as many people as possible can have their say.


Knowsley LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow this link to the Knowsley LSCP Training System

Knowsley Safeguarding Children Partnership Training Opportunities 2023-2024

National Safeguarding Adult Week - Agenda 


Liverpool LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow this link to the Liverpool LSCP training system 

Liverpool Neglect Strategy and Level of need information from the LSCP 

Liverpool Neglect Strategy 

Liverpool Levels of Need

Reducing Parental Conflict Awareness Training 

Reducing Parental Conflict Awareness Training sessions for September to December 2023.

Women's Health Training Course 

A Women’s Health, 8 week accredited Training Course

The next course starts in October - Timetable.

Applications or enquiries in respect of the course can be sent to 

CCC Training Dates

Ng. T1: Understanding Child Neglect Briefing Session 

These sessions will be run virtually. 

The dates are: 

12 December 2023 10am to 12pm

9 January 2024 10am to 12pm

Bookings can be made via the LSCP Training 'Events' web page: LSCP Booking Link

Be-Breast-Savvy Roadshow Events

New LSCP Child Sexual Abuse Tiered Training 

The courses within this tier include:

All courses can be found using the individual course links above or by going to the main LSCP Events page here:

Please note an individual LSCP training account is required to make a booking but registration can be done using this link:

Take a look at what's on in December

  • EHAT  -  Refresher Session - 4 December 2023 - 4 places left.
  • New course - Updating Safeguarding Practice: What are the reviews teaching us? - 5 December 2023 - 20 places remaining.
  • Early Help Case Drop-In and Support Sessions - 11 December 2023 - 5 places left. 
  • New course - Ng. T2: Neglect & Young Carers - 12 December 2023 - 30 places available - course just added!!
  • New course - Ng. T1: Understanding Child Neglect Briefing 12 December 2023 - 2 places left!
  • New course - WTSC - Responsibilities when attending Child Protection Conferences 13 December 2023 - 27 places available.
  • WTSC -  Introduction to the Early Help Assessment  for Partner Agencies - 14 December 2023 - 5 places remaining. 

To book your place click the link to access the LSCP Training Calendar: LSCP training calendar

You will need your own LSCP Training account to reserve your place. Click here if you need to register for a new account: LSCP training account 

Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls (EVAWG) campaign 2023 

Please see in the link below collated calendar of events taking place in Liverpool during the EVAWG 16 days of activism (25 November to 10 December 2023) including details of how to book onto the individual sessions 

Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls (EVAWG) campaign 2023 

Medical Examiners and Child Deaths

The link below describes some useful guidance in terms of the role of Medical Examiners (ME) in child deaths:  Medical Examiners and Child Deaths


Sefton LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Sefton SCP Events 

Hate Crime Awareness sessions

The sessions are free to anyone working or volunteering within Sefton.

These sessions will cover:

  • Increase awareness of Hate Crime and Hate Incidents
  • Encourage increased reporting of Hate Crimes and Hate Incidents
  • Increased awareness of the role of Merseyside Police, Crown Prosecution Service, Police and Crime Commissioner, Sefton Hate Crime JAG and other agencies
  • Awareness of what action we can all take to report and prevent Hate Crime

 Session date/times:

  • 16 January 2024 from 1pm to 3pm via Teams
  • 12 March 2024 from 9:30am to 1pm at Ainsdale Learning Centre

Please share across your networks.To book please email:

Sefton Families Practice Hub

One Minute Guide on Clare’s Law Disclosure

Rock Pool Training - Free Webinar Monday 4 December 2023

This webinar is delivered by Rock Pool Training who aim to upskilling front-line workers to deliver traumer informed approaches. Please click on link to book.

New 2024 webinars in the HSCWRU Homelessness Series

A data-driven approach to inform services for people who are experiencing homelessness

Thursday 14 December 2023, 10am to 11am Book here 

Homelessness Radical Safeguarding Toolkit: shaping homelessness social care

Thursday 18 January 2024, 10am to 11.30am Book here

Homelessness and multiple disadvantage: Improving responses for women

Thursday 29 February 2024, 10am to 11am Book here

St Helens

St Helens LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow the link to the St Helens LSCP 

Letter Shared with Parents in St Helens 

Newsletter Update - Stakeholder Update - 0-19+ Service, St Helens

St Helens Service Directories

In order to support practitioners working with families across the continuum of need, the Family Hubs have developed a service directory which provides a list of agencies, a summary of their service offer, and relevant contact details. The below link will take you to the service directory and can be pinned to your search bar:

If as an agency you offer a service to families and you feel that it should be added to this directory you can find further information on the steps to be undertaken via the below link:

To visit the new Family Hub website, visit:


*Please note any external training booked via the Safeguarding Children Partnership may be subject to charges for non-attendance.  Please see guidance for further information*

Warrington LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow the link to the Warrington LSCP Training System 

Warrington Upcoming Training and Events

Warrington Training Hub - training and events newsletter

Warrington Safeguarding Partnership Development Day 12 January 2024 and 25 January 2024

A Spotlight on Warrington Safeguarding Partnerships - Key Initiatives and Celebration of Good Practice

Warrington current Children in Care and Safeguarding & QA Service structure charts

CIC and Care Leavers Structure

Safeguarding and Quality Assurance Service

CIN Structure 

Safe and Together Lunch and Learn Training Wednesday 24 January 2024 12pm to 1.15pm

This is suitable for those new to the model’s principles, or those who have taken the full training in the past and would like a refresher. Please book on using MySchoolServices: SLA Online (

Cheshire Youth Commission Conference

Community Safety attended the Cheshire Youth Commission Conference at Winsford Police HQ. At this conference, the attached QR codes were shared by a colleague within Cheshire Constabulary who works with the youth engagement officers. These have been developed into stickers and should soon be available in all toilet cubicles within schools.

WSP/ WSAB- Training opportunity - LADO

LADO 2024  Book here

MAPPA Training opportunity

MAPPA Awareness Training Book here 

Warrington Safeguarding Partnership / Warrington Safeguarding Adults Board Training opportunities

Warrington Safeguarding Partnership and Warrington Safeguarding Adults Board have places available on the following link: 

Warrington Safeguarding Patnership Training Opportunities 

If you have any problems booking on to the course please email

Warrington Safeguarding Partnership and Safeguarding Adults Board would like to announce new dates for

MAPPA Awareness Training – 2 hr briefing session

Training will take place face to face   

For further details please see the link below: 

MAPPA Awareness Training

The Safeguarding Duty Hub

The Safeguarding Duty Hub is available for all staff across the Trust to access safeguarding advice and support in practice. The Safeguarding Duty Hub offers the provision of specialist safeguarding and children and adult practitioners and it is available from 9am to 5pm Monday-Friday through a single point of access Trust wide.

To discuss any safeguarding matters please contact a central hub of specialist safeguarding practitioners.

Safeguarding Duty Hub Telephone:  0151 351 8484  or

The Safeguarding Duty Hub POSTER can be printed and displayed on notice boards within operational teams.

IT Systems 

Rio for safeguarding


If you are not already aware of these changes, please see below documents for further information.

If you have any queries in the interim, please email:

Important Rio Information

As part of this years Quality of Referrals to Children’s Social Care / MASH / ICart Audit, please ensure a copy of the referral is uploaded to Rio and also send a copy to please. These will form part of this years annual audit.   Also, as part of our monthly rolling Rio audit, it has been identified that some practitioners and managers would benefit from some training in relation to the safeguarding children recording process on Rio. This will include completion of the Safeguarding Initial Record, ongoing Activity Update forms and Managerial Oversight responsibilities. Staff can access the 30 minute sessions by emailing It is strongly recommended that anyone who has not previously attended a session, or would like a refresher, book on the training.

December Dates

4 December 2023, 6 December 2023, 7 December 2023, 11 December 2023, 13 December 2023

14 December 2023 and 18 December 2023

January Dates

2 January 2024, 5 January 2024, 9 January 2024, 10 January 2024, 11 Janaury 2024, 15 January 2024,

17 January 2024, 18 Janaury 2024, 22 Janaury 2024, 24 January 2024, 26 January 2024 and

31st January 2024

What to do flow charts

Safeguarding image.jpg

Trust Wide Safeguarding News

Trust Wide Safeguarding Training 

Please click  to view the Trust wide safeguarding training brochure

The new updated policies are now live and uploaded to intranet.

Safeguarding Adult Policy 

Safeguarding Children Policy 


NSPCC Learning homepage - safeguarding training and resources

Non Fatal Strangulation- Rapid Read

Children and Young People's Continuing Care

Please see the attached link for information on how to book a place on the Children and Young People's Continuing Care training sessions from January to April 2024.

Safeguarding Lunch and Learn Sessions

There will be 1 hour sessions led by a named nurse/professional. They will provide an opportunity for emerging themes, reviews, learning and concerns to be discussed and highlighted. They provide additional information/learning not included in either mandatory or modular sessions.

To reserve a place please email stating your preference/s to:

Financial Abuse of Adults

Wednesday 31 January 2024 from 12pm to 1pm

Information Sharing and Multi-agency working- adults

Wednesday 27 March 2024 from 12pm to 1pm

Drop in session dates-safeguarding children supervision for inpatient staff

Timetable of supervision sessions 

WTSC - Responsibilities when attending Child Protection Conferences training is now available.  

To book please ensure you have a registered LSCP training account:

If you already have an account please login and book your place:

If you want to know more about this course click below:

Raising Awareness of Neuro-diversity

Neurodiversity Training Webinars

Please see information below with dates and links to register for one of the free Raising Awareness of Neurodiversity webinars. 

Free one hour webinar for Liverpool City Region employers and organisations delivered by Knowsley Council and Liverpool Council to raise awareness of Learning Disabilities, Autism, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Dyspraxia (Developmental Coordination Disorder)

There are 75 places available which will be allocated on a first come / first served basis to those who register in advance. 

Raising Awareness of Neurodiversity Tuesday 12 December 2023 start time 2pm to 3pm

Raising Awareness of Neurodiversity Tuesday 23 January 2024 start time 11am to 12pm

On the day of the webinar, please join 5 minutes early to allow for a prompt start.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Please see Privacy Policy for this event: Knowsley Council Privacy Statement  

Please see below resource and support leaflet can be given to families to help them stay warmer and safer this winter: 

Warmer and Safer Homes This Winter 

Eplilepsy 7 Minute Briefing

Please find below a 7 minute briefing on Epilepsy which contains useful information about seizures: 

7 Minutes Epilepsy Briefing

Locality Safeguarding News 



Halton Safeguarding Adults Board is offering a number of training opportunities regarding subjects such as Safeguarding Adults responsibilities and Mental Capacity Act. All dates and information can be found on the eventbrite page for Halton SAB

Halton Safeguarding Children's Partnership website 

Child Sexual Abuse Lunch & Learn Session January to March 2024

Neurodevelopmental Conditions Professional's Awareness sessions 6 December 2023  

Survey of Women & Girls in Cheshire

Women and girls from all backgrounds and walks of life want to feel safe and be safe – and when something happens to them, they want to be able to go to a police force that respects them, protects them and supports them.

An independent organisation, Victim Focus, to carry out a survey of Women and girls in Cheshire aged 16 or above about personal safety, crime and their experiences with the police. It is particularly important to hear from girls aged 16-17 as they are one of the most likely groups to be victims of crime, but are often missed in other surveys as they are children.

The survey will run until midday on Friday 1 December 2023 and can be taken here: You do not need to have been a victim of crime to take part.

This anonymous survey is one way Cheshire Police can learn from women and girls and make any changes and improvements they need. I will also be able to use the feedback when looking at commissioning victim support services in future.

Please share this survey throughout your networks and communities so as many people as possible can have their say.


Knowsley LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow this link to the Knowsley LSCP Training System

Knowsley Safeguarding Children Partnership Training Opportunities 2023-2024

National Safeguarding Adult Week - Agenda 


Liverpool LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow this link to the Liverpool LSCP training system 

Liverpool Neglect Strategy and Level of need information from the LSCP 

Liverpool Neglect Strategy 

Liverpool Levels of Need

Reducing Parental Conflict Awareness Training 

Reducing Parental Conflict Awareness Training sessions for September to December 2023.

Women's Health Training Course 

A Women’s Health, 8 week accredited Training Course

The next course starts in October - Timetable.

Applications or enquiries in respect of the course can be sent to 

CCC Training Dates

Ng. T1: Understanding Child Neglect Briefing Session 

These sessions will be run virtually. 

The dates are: 

12 December 2023 10am to 12pm

9 January 2024 10am to 12pm

Bookings can be made via the LSCP Training 'Events' web page: LSCP Booking Link

Be-Breast-Savvy Roadshow Events

New LSCP Child Sexual Abuse Tiered Training 

The courses within this tier include:

All courses can be found using the individual course links above or by going to the main LSCP Events page here:

Please note an individual LSCP training account is required to make a booking but registration can be done using this link:

Take a look at what's on in December

  • EHAT  -  Refresher Session - 4 December 2023 - 4 places left.
  • New course - Updating Safeguarding Practice: What are the reviews teaching us? - 5 December 2023 - 20 places remaining.
  • Early Help Case Drop-In and Support Sessions - 11 December 2023 - 5 places left. 
  • New course - Ng. T2: Neglect & Young Carers - 12 December 2023 - 30 places available - course just added!!
  • New course - Ng. T1: Understanding Child Neglect Briefing 12 December 2023 - 2 places left!
  • New course - WTSC - Responsibilities when attending Child Protection Conferences 13 December 2023 - 27 places available.
  • WTSC -  Introduction to the Early Help Assessment  for Partner Agencies - 14 December 2023 - 5 places remaining. 

To book your place click the link to access the LSCP Training Calendar: LSCP training calendar

You will need your own LSCP Training account to reserve your place. Click here if you need to register for a new account: LSCP training account 

Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls (EVAWG) campaign 2023 

Please see in the link below collated calendar of events taking place in Liverpool during the EVAWG 16 days of activism (25 November to 10 December 2023) including details of how to book onto the individual sessions 

Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls (EVAWG) campaign 2023 

Medical Examiners and Child Deaths

The link below describes some useful guidance in terms of the role of Medical Examiners (ME) in child deaths:  Medical Examiners and Child Deaths


Sefton LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Sefton SCP Events 

Hate Crime Awareness sessions

The sessions are free to anyone working or volunteering within Sefton.

These sessions will cover:

  • Increase awareness of Hate Crime and Hate Incidents
  • Encourage increased reporting of Hate Crimes and Hate Incidents
  • Increased awareness of the role of Merseyside Police, Crown Prosecution Service, Police and Crime Commissioner, Sefton Hate Crime JAG and other agencies
  • Awareness of what action we can all take to report and prevent Hate Crime

 Session date/times:

  • 16 January 2024 from 1pm to 3pm via Teams
  • 12 March 2024 from 9:30am to 1pm at Ainsdale Learning Centre

Please share across your networks.To book please email:

Sefton Families Practice Hub

One Minute Guide on Clare’s Law Disclosure

Rock Pool Training - Free Webinar Monday 4 December 2023

This webinar is delivered by Rock Pool Training who aim to upskilling front-line workers to deliver traumer informed approaches. Please click on link to book.

New 2024 webinars in the HSCWRU Homelessness Series

A data-driven approach to inform services for people who are experiencing homelessness

Thursday 14 December 2023, 10am to 11am Book here 

Homelessness Radical Safeguarding Toolkit: shaping homelessness social care

Thursday 18 January 2024, 10am to 11.30am Book here

Homelessness and multiple disadvantage: Improving responses for women

Thursday 29 February 2024, 10am to 11am Book here

St Helens

St Helens LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow the link to the St Helens LSCP 

Letter Shared with Parents in St Helens 

Newsletter Update - Stakeholder Update - 0-19+ Service, St Helens

St Helens Service Directories

In order to support practitioners working with families across the continuum of need, the Family Hubs have developed a service directory which provides a list of agencies, a summary of their service offer, and relevant contact details. The below link will take you to the service directory and can be pinned to your search bar:

If as an agency you offer a service to families and you feel that it should be added to this directory you can find further information on the steps to be undertaken via the below link:

To visit the new Family Hub website, visit:


*Please note any external training booked via the Safeguarding Children Partnership may be subject to charges for non-attendance.  Please see guidance for further information*

Warrington LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow the link to the Warrington LSCP Training System 

Warrington Upcoming Training and Events

Warrington Training Hub - training and events newsletter

Warrington Safeguarding Partnership Development Day 12 January 2024 and 25 January 2024

A Spotlight on Warrington Safeguarding Partnerships - Key Initiatives and Celebration of Good Practice

Warrington current Children in Care and Safeguarding & QA Service structure charts

CIC and Care Leavers Structure

Safeguarding and Quality Assurance Service

CIN Structure 

Safe and Together Lunch and Learn Training Wednesday 24 January 2024 12pm to 1.15pm

This is suitable for those new to the model’s principles, or those who have taken the full training in the past and would like a refresher. Please book on using MySchoolServices: SLA Online (

Cheshire Youth Commission Conference

Community Safety attended the Cheshire Youth Commission Conference at Winsford Police HQ. At this conference, the attached QR codes were shared by a colleague within Cheshire Constabulary who works with the youth engagement officers. These have been developed into stickers and should soon be available in all toilet cubicles within schools.

WSP/ WSAB- Training opportunity - LADO

LADO 2024  Book here

MAPPA Training opportunity

MAPPA Awareness Training Book here 

Warrington Safeguarding Partnership / Warrington Safeguarding Adults Board Training opportunities

Warrington Safeguarding Partnership and Warrington Safeguarding Adults Board have places available on the following link: 

Warrington Safeguarding Patnership Training Opportunities 

If you have any problems booking on to the course please email

Warrington Safeguarding Partnership and Safeguarding Adults Board would like to announce new dates for

MAPPA Awareness Training – 2 hr briefing session

Training will take place face to face   

For further details please see the link below: 

MAPPA Awareness Training

 The Safeguarding Duty Hub

The Safeguarding Duty Hub is available for all staff across the Trust to access safeguarding advice and support in practice. The Safeguarding Duty Hub offers the provision of specialist safeguarding and children and adult practitioners and it is available from 9am to 5pm Monday-Friday through a single point of access Trust wide.

To discuss any safeguarding matters please contact a central hub of specialist safeguarding practitioners.

Safeguarding Duty Hub Telephone:  0151 351 8484  or

The Safeguarding Duty Hub POSTER can be printed and displayed on notice boards within operational teams.

IT Systems 

Rio for safeguarding



If you are not already aware of these changes, please see below documents for further information.

If you have any queries in the interim, please email:

Important Rio Information

As part of this years Quality of Referrals to Children’s Social Care / MASH / ICart Audit, please ensure a copy of the referral is uploaded to Rio and also send a copy to please. These will form part of this years annual audit.   Also, as part of our monthly rolling Rio audit, it has been identified that some practitioners and managers would benefit from some training in relation to the safeguarding children recording process on Rio. This will include completion of the Safeguarding Initial Record, ongoing Activity Update forms and Managerial Oversight responsibilities. Staff can access the 30 minute sessions by emailing It is strongly recommended that anyone who has not previously attended a session, or would like a refresher, book on the training.

December Dates

4 December 2023, 6 December 2023, 7 December 2023, 11 December 2023, 13 December 2023

14 December 2023 and 18 December 2023

January Dates

2 January 2024, 5 January 2024, 9 January 2024, 10 January 2024, 11 Janaury 2024, 15 January 2024,

17 January 2024, 18 Janaury 2024, 22 Janaury 2024, 24 January 2024, 26 January 2024 and

31st January 2024

What to do flow charts

Safeguarding image.jpg

Trust Wide Safeguarding News

Trust Wide Safeguarding Training 

Please click  to view the Trust wide safeguarding training brochure

The new updated policies are now live and uploaded to intranet.

Safeguarding Adult Policy 

Safeguarding Children Policy 


NSPCC Learning homepage - safeguarding training and resources

Non Fatal Strangulation- Rapid Read

Safeguarding Adults Week 20 November 2023 to 24 November 2023

To join the events cllick on the link:

Children and Young People's Continuing Care

Please see the attached link for information on how to book a place on the Children and Young People's Continuing Care training sessions from January to April 2024.

Safeguarding Lunch and Learn Sessions

There will be 1 hour sessions led by a named nurse/professional. They will provide an opportunity for emerging themes, reviews, learning and concerns to be discussed and highlighted. They provide additional information/learning not included in either mandatory or modular sessions.

To reserve a place please email stating your preference/s to:

Think Family

Wednesday 29 November 2023 from 12pm to 1pm

Financial Abuse of Adults

Wednesday 31 January 2024 from 12pm to 1pm

Information Sharing and Multi-agency working- adults

Wednesday 27 March 2024 from 12pm to 1pm

Drop in session dates-safeguarding children supervision for inpatient staff

Timetable of supervision sessions 


A new 10-week program, especially designed for families and children (8+years) who are effected by gambling related harm has been launched. The programme is fully funded and will run from September to November 2023. For more infromation please contact 

White Ribbon Day 25 November 2023

Please see the attached link for more information and resources White Ribbon Day

WTSC - Responsibilities when attending Child Protection Conferences training is now available.  

To book please ensure you have a registered LSCP training account:

If you already have an account please login and book your place:

If you want to know more about this course click below:

Raising Awareness of Neuro-diversity

Neurodiversity Training Webinars

Please see information below with dates and links to register for one of the free Raising Awareness of Neurodiversity webinars. 

Free one hour webinar for Liverpool City Region employers and organisations delivered by Knowsley Council and Liverpool Council to raise awareness of Learning Disabilities, Autism, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Dyspraxia (Developmental Coordination Disorder)

There are 75 places available which will be allocated on a first come / first served basis to those who register in advance. 

Raising Awareness of Neurodiversity Tuesday 12 December start time 2pm to 3pm

Raising Awareness of Neurodiversity Tuesday 23 January start time 11am to 12pm

On the day of the webinar, please join 5 minutes early to allow for a prompt start.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Please see Privacy Policy for this event: Knowsley Council Privacy Statement  

Locality Safeguarding News 



Halton Safeguarding Adults Board is offering a number of training opportunities regarding subjects such as Safeguarding Adults responsibilities and Mental Capacity Act. All dates and information can be found on the eventbrite page for Halton SAB

Halton Safeguarding Children's Partnership website 

Child Sexual Abuse Lunch & Learn Session January to March 2024

Neurodevelopmental Conditions Professional's Awareness sessions 6 December 2023  

Survey of Women & Girls in Cheshire

Women and girls from all backgrounds and walks of life want to feel safe and be safe – and when something happens to them, they want to be able to go to a police force that respects them, protects them and supports them.

An independent organisation, Victim Focus, to carry out a survey of Women and girls in Cheshire aged 16 or above about personal safety, crime and their experiences with the police. It is particularly important to hear from girls aged 16-17 as they are one of the most likely groups to be victims of crime, but are often missed in other surveys as they are children.

The survey will run until midday on Friday 1 December and can be taken here: You do not need to have been a victim of crime to take part.

This anonymous survey is one way Cheshire Police can learn from women and girls and make any changes and improvements they need. I will also be able to use the feedback when looking at commissioning victim support services in future.

Please share this survey throughout your networks and communities so as many people as possible can have their say.


Knowsley LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow this link to the Knowsley LSCP Training System

Knowsley Safeguarding Children Partnership Training Opportunities 2023-2024

National Safeguarding Adult Week - Agenda 


Liverpool LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow this link to the Liverpool LSCP training system 

Liverpool Neglect Strategy and Level of need information from the LSCP 

Liverpool Neglect Strategy 

Liverpool Levels of Need

Reducing Parental Conflict Awareness Training 

Reducing Parental Conflict Awareness Training sessions for September to December 2023.

Women's Health Training Course 

A Women’s Health, 8 week accredited Training Course

The next course starts in October - Timetable.

Applications or enquiries in respect of the course can be sent to 

CCC Training Dates

Ng. T1: Understanding Child Neglect Briefing Session 

These sessions will be run virtually. 

The dates are: 

12 December 2023 10am to 12pm

9 January 2024 10am to 12pm

Bookings can be made via the LSCP Training 'Events' web page: LSCP Booking Link

Be-Breast-Savvy Roadshow Events

New LSCP Child Sexual Abuse Tiered Training 

The courses within this tier include:

All courses can be found using the individual course links above or by going to the main LSCP Events page here:

Please note an individual LSCP training account is required to make a booking but registration can be done using this link:

LSCP Multi-Agency Training - Places Still Available

  • DA T1 - Domestic Abuse Introduction - 23.11.23 - 5 places left.
  • WTSC - Learning from Reviews - 24.11.23. 10 places left. 
  • WTSC - Professional Curiosity & Challenge - 28.11.23 - 1 place left!

Take a look at what's on in December

  • EHAT  -  Refresher Session - 4.12.23 - 4places left.
  • NEW COURSE - Updating Safeguarding Practice: What are the reviews teaching us? - 5.12.23 - 20 places remaining.
  • Early Help Case Drop-In and Support Sessions - 11.12.23 - 5 places left. 
  • NEW COURSE - Ng. T2: Neglect & Young Carers - 12.12.23 - 30 places available - course just added!!
  • NEW COURSE - Ng. T1: Understanding Child Neglect Briefing 12.12.23 - 2 places left!
  • NEW COURSE - WTSC - Responsibilities when attending Child Protection Conferences 13.12.23 - 27 places available.
  • WTSC -  Introduction to the Early Help Assessment  for Partner Agencies - 14.12.23 - 5 places remaining. 

To book your place click the link to access the LSCP Training Calendar: LSCP training calendar

You will need your own LSCP Training account to reserve your place. Click here if you need to register for a new account: LSCP training account


Sefton LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Sefton SCP Events 

Hate Crime Awareness sessions

The sessions are free to anyone working or volunteering within Sefton.

These sessions will cover:

  • Increase awareness of Hate Crime and Hate Incidents
  • Encourage increased reporting of Hate Crimes and Hate Incidents
  • Increased awareness of the role of Merseyside Police, Crown Prosecution Service, Police and Crime Commissioner, Sefton Hate Crime JAG and other agencies
  • Awareness of what action we can all take to report and prevent Hate Crime

 Session date/times:

  • 16 January 2024 from 1pm to 3pm via Teams
  • 12 March 2024 from 9:30am to 1pm at Ainsdale Learning Centre

Please share across your networks.To book please email:

Sefton Families Practice Hub

One Minute Guide on Clare’s Law Disclosure

Rock Pool Training - Free webinar Monday 4 December 

This webinar is delivered by Rock Pool Training who aim to upskilling front-line workers to deliver traumer informed approaches. Please click on link to book.

New 2024 webinars in the HSCWRU Homelessness Series

Homelessness Radical Safeguarding Toolkit: shaping homelessness social care

Thursday 18 January 2024, 10am to 11.30am Book here

Homelessness and multiple disadvantage: Improving responses for women

Thursday 29 February 2024, 10am to 11am Book here

A data-driven approach to inform services for people who are experiencing homelessness

Thursday 14 December 2023, 10am to 11am Book here

St Helens

St Helens LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow the link to the St Helens LSCP 

Letter Shared with Parents in St Helens 

Newsletter Update - Stakeholder Update - 0-19+ Service, St Helens

St Helens Service Directories

In order to support practitioners working with families across the continuum of need, the Family Hubs have developed a service directory which provides a list of agencies, a summary of their service offer, and relevant contact details. The below link will take you to the service directory and can be pinned to your search bar:

If as an agency you offer a service to families and you feel that it should be added to this directory you can find further information on the steps to be undertaken via the below link:

To visit the new Family Hub website, visit:

Crime Doesn't Pay" session

CDP Talks (Crime Doesn’t Pay)

Friday 24 November 2023 - 2:45 pm arrival - 3 pm start

Duration:  40 minutes input with question and answer session at the end, 15-20 minutes.

Location:  Carmel College

You can request a place by completing the following Microsoft Form: Book here


*Please note any external training booked via the Safeguarding Children Partnership may be subject to charges for non-attendance.  Please see guidance for further information*

Warrington LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow the link to the Warrington LSCP Training System 

Warrington Upcoming Training and Events

Warrington Training Hub - training and events newsletter

Warrington Safeguarding Partnership Development Day 12 January 2024 and 25 January 2024

A Spotlight on Warrington Safeguarding Partnerships - Key Initiatives and Celebration of Good Practice

Warrington current Children in Care and Safeguarding & QA Service structure charts

CIC and Care Leavers Structure

Safeguarding and Quality Assurance Service

CIN Structure 

Safe and Together Lunch and Learn Training Wednesday 29 November 2023 12pm to 1.15pm

This is suitable for those new to the model’s principles, or those who have taken the full training in the past and would like a refresher. Please book on using MySchoolServices: SLA Online (

If you are interested but cannot attend this one, please bare in mind there will be another on 24 January 2024.

Cheshire Youth Commission Conference

Community Safety attended the Cheshire Youth Commission Conference at Winsford Police HQ. At this conference, the attached QR codes were shared by a colleague within Cheshire Constabulary who works with the youth engagement officers. These have been developed into stickers and should soon be available in all toilet cubicles within schools.

WSP/ WSAB- Training opportunity - LADO

LADO 2024  Book here

MAPPA Training opportunity

MAPPA Awareness Training Book here

The Safeguarding Duty Hub

The Safeguarding Duty Hub is available for all staff across the Trust to access safeguarding advice and support in practice. The Safeguarding Duty Hub offers the provision of specialist safeguarding and children and adult practitioners and it is available from 9am to 5pm Monday-Friday through a single point of access Trust wide.

To discuss any safeguarding matters please contact a central hub of specialist safeguarding practitioners.

Safeguarding Duty Hub Telephone:  0151 351 8484  or

The Safeguarding Duty Hub POSTER can be printed and displayed on notice boards within operational teams.

IT Systems 

Rio for safeguarding



If you are not already aware of these changes, please see below documents for further information.

If you have any queries in the interim, please email:

Important Rio Information

As part of this years Quality of Referrals to Children’s Social Care / MASH / ICart Audit, please ensure a copy of the referral is uploaded to Rio and also send a copy to please. These will form part of this years annual audit.   Also, as part of our monthly rolling Rio audit, it has been identified that some practitioners and managers would benefit from some training in relation to the safeguarding children recording process on Rio. This will include completion of the Safeguarding Initial Record, ongoing Activity Update forms and Managerial Oversight responsibilities. Staff can access the 30 minute sessions by emailing It is strongly recommended that anyone who has not previously attended a session, or would like a refresher, book on the training.

December Dates

4 December 2023, 6 December 2023, 7 December 2023, 11 December 2023, 13 December 2023

14 December 2023 and 18 December 2023

January Dates

2 January 2024, 5 January 2024, 9 January 2024, 10 January 2024, 11 Janaury 2024, 15 January 2024,

17 January 2024, 18 Janaury 2024, 22 Janaury 2024, 24 January 2024, 26 January 2024 and

31st January 2024

What to do flow charts

Safeguarding image.jpg

Trust Wide Safeguarding News

Trust Wide Safeguarding Training 

Please click  to view the Trust wide safeguarding training brochure

The new updated policies are now live and uploaded to intranet.

Safeguarding Adult Policy 

Safeguarding Children Policy 


NSPCC Learning homepage - safeguarding training and resources

Non Fatal Strangulation- Rapid Read

Safeguarding Adults Week 20 November 2023 to 24 November 2023

To join the events cllick on the link:

Children and Young People's Continuing Care

Please see the attached link for information on how to book a place on the Children and Young People's Continuing Care training sessions from January to April 2024.

Safeguarding Lunch and Learn Sessions

There will be 1 hour sessions led by a named nurse/professional. They will provide an opportunity for emerging themes, reviews, learning and concerns to be discussed and highlighted. They provide additional information/learning not included in either mandatory or modular sessions.

To reserve a place please email stating your preference/s to:

Think Family

Wednesday 29 November 2023 from 12pm to 1pm

Financial Abuse of Adults

Wednesday 31 January 2024 from 12pm to 1pm

Information Sharing and Multi-agency working- adults

Wednesday 27 March 2024 from 12pm to 1pm

Drop in session dates-safeguarding children supervision for inpatient staff

Timetable of supervision sessions 


A new 10-week program, especially designed for families and children (8+years) who are effected by gambling related harm has been launched. The programme is fully funded and will run from September to November 2023. For more infromation please contact 

White Ribbon Day 25 November 2023

Please see the attached link for more information and resources White Ribbon Day

WTSC - Responsibilities when attending Child Protection Conferences training is now available.  

To book please ensure you have a registered LSCP training account:

If you already have an account please login and book your place:

If you want to know more about this course click below:

Raising Awareness of Neuro-diversity

Neurodiversity Training Webinars

Please see information below with dates and links to register for one of the free Raising Awareness of Neurodiversity webinars. 

Free one hour webinar for Liverpool City Region employers and organisations delivered by Knowsley Council and Liverpool Council to raise awareness of Learning Disabilities, Autism, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Dyspraxia (Developmental Coordination Disorder)

There are 75 places available which will be allocated on a first come / first served basis to those who register in advance. 

Raising Awareness of Neurodiversity Tuesday 12 December start time 2pm to 3pm

Raising Awareness of Neurodiversity Tuesday 23 January start time 11am to 12pm

On the day of the webinar, please join 5 minutes early to allow for a prompt start.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Please see Privacy Policy for this event: Knowsley Council Privacy Statement  

Locality Safeguarding News 



Halton Safeguarding Adults Board is offering a number of training opportunities regarding subjects such as Safeguarding Adults responsibilities and Mental Capacity Act. All dates and information can be found on the eventbrite page for Halton SAB

Halton Safeguarding Children's Partnership website 

Child Sexual Abuse Lunch & Learn Session January to March 2024

Neurodevelopmental Conditions Professional's Awareness sessions 6 December 2023  

Survey of Women & Girls in Cheshire

Women and girls from all backgrounds and walks of life want to feel safe and be safe – and when something happens to them, they want to be able to go to a police force that respects them, protects them and supports them.

An independent organisation, Victim Focus, to carry out a survey of Women and girls in Cheshire aged 16 or above about personal safety, crime and their experiences with the police. It is particularly important to hear from girls aged 16-17 as they are one of the most likely groups to be victims of crime, but are often missed in other surveys as they are children.

The survey will run until midday on Friday 1 December and can be taken here: You do not need to have been a victim of crime to take part.

This anonymous survey is one way Cheshire Police can learn from women and girls and make any changes and improvements they need. I will also be able to use the feedback when looking at commissioning victim support services in future.

Please share this survey throughout your networks and communities so as many people as possible can have their say.


Knowsley LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow this link to the Knowsley LSCP Training System

Knowsley Safeguarding Children Partnership Training Opportunities 2023-2024

National Safeguarding Adult Week - Agenda 


Liverpool LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow this link to the Liverpool LSCP training system 

Liverpool Neglect Strategy and Level of need information from the LSCP 

Liverpool Neglect Strategy 

Liverpool Levels of Need

Reducing Parental Conflict Awareness Training 

Reducing Parental Conflict Awareness Training sessions for September to December 2023.

Women's Health Training Course 

A Women’s Health, 8 week accredited Training Course

The next course starts in October - Timetable.

Applications or enquiries in respect of the course can be sent to 

CCC Training Dates

Ng. T1: Understanding Child Neglect Briefing Session 

These sessions will be run virtually. 

The dates are: 

12 December 2023 10am to 12pm

9 January 2024 10am to 12pm

Bookings can be made via the LSCP Training 'Events' web page: LSCP Booking Link

Be-Breast-Savvy Roadshow Events

New LSCP Child Sexual Abuse Tiered Training 

The courses within this tier include:

All courses can be found using the individual course links above or by going to the main LSCP Events page here:

Please note an individual LSCP training account is required to make a booking but registration can be done using this link:

LSCP Multi-Agency Training - Places Still Available

  • DA T1 - Domestic Abuse Introduction - 23.11.23 - 5 places left.
  • WTSC - Learning from Reviews - 24.11.23. 10 places left. 
  • WTSC - Professional Curiosity & Challenge - 28.11.23 - 1 place left!

Take a look at what's on in December

  • EHAT  -  Refresher Session - 4.12.23 - 4places left.
  • NEW COURSE - Updating Safeguarding Practice: What are the reviews teaching us? - 5.12.23 - 20 places remaining.
  • Early Help Case Drop-In and Support Sessions - 11.12.23 - 5 places left. 
  • NEW COURSE - Ng. T2: Neglect & Young Carers - 12.12.23 - 30 places available - course just added!!
  • NEW COURSE - Ng. T1: Understanding Child Neglect Briefing 12.12.23 - 2 places left!
  • NEW COURSE - WTSC - Responsibilities when attending Child Protection Conferences 13.12.23 - 27 places available.
  • WTSC -  Introduction to the Early Help Assessment  for Partner Agencies - 14.12.23 - 5 places remaining. 

To book your place click the link to access the LSCP Training Calendar: LSCP training calendar

You will need your own LSCP Training account to reserve your place. Click here if you need to register for a new account: LSCP training account


Sefton LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Sefton SCP Events 

Hate Crime Awareness sessions

The sessions are free to anyone working or volunteering within Sefton.

These sessions will cover:

  • Increase awareness of Hate Crime and Hate Incidents
  • Encourage increased reporting of Hate Crimes and Hate Incidents
  • Increased awareness of the role of Merseyside Police, Crown Prosecution Service, Police and Crime Commissioner, Sefton Hate Crime JAG and other agencies
  • Awareness of what action we can all take to report and prevent Hate Crime

 Session date/times:

  • 16 January 2024 from 1pm to 3pm via Teams
  • 12 March 2024 from 9:30am to 1pm at Ainsdale Learning Centre

Please share across your networks.To book please email:

Sefton Families Practice Hub

One Minute Guide on Clare’s Law Disclosure

Rock Pool Training - Free webinar Monday 4 December 

This webinar is delivered by Rock Pool Training who aim to upskilling front-line workers to deliver traumer informed approaches. Please click on link to book.

New 2024 webinars in the HSCWRU Homelessness Series

Homelessness Radical Safeguarding Toolkit: shaping homelessness social care

Thursday 18 January 2024, 10am to 11.30am Book here

Homelessness and multiple disadvantage: Improving responses for women

Thursday 29 February 2024, 10am to 11am Book here

A data-driven approach to inform services for people who are experiencing homelessness

Thursday 14 December 2023, 10am to 11am Book here

St Helens

St Helens LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow the link to the St Helens LSCP 

Letter Shared with Parents in St Helens 

Newsletter Update - Stakeholder Update - 0-19+ Service, St Helens

St Helens Service Directories

In order to support practitioners working with families across the continuum of need, the Family Hubs have developed a service directory which provides a list of agencies, a summary of their service offer, and relevant contact details. The below link will take you to the service directory and can be pinned to your search bar:

If as an agency you offer a service to families and you feel that it should be added to this directory you can find further information on the steps to be undertaken via the below link:

To visit the new Family Hub website, visit:

Crime Doesn't Pay" session

CDP Talks (Crime Doesn’t Pay)

Friday 24 November 2023 - 2:45 pm arrival - 3 pm start

Duration:  40 minutes input with question and answer session at the end, 15-20 minutes.

Location:  Carmel College

You can request a place by completing the following Microsoft Form: Book here


*Please note any external training booked via the Safeguarding Children Partnership may be subject to charges for non-attendance.  Please see guidance for further information*

Warrington LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow the link to the Warrington LSCP Training System 

Warrington Upcoming Training and Events

Warrington Training Hub - training and events newsletter

Warrington Safeguarding Partnership Development Day 12 January 2024 and 25 January 2024

A Spotlight on Warrington Safeguarding Partnerships - Key Initiatives and Celebration of Good Practice

Warrington current Children in Care and Safeguarding & QA Service structure charts

CIC and Care Leavers Structure

Safeguarding and Quality Assurance Service

CIN Structure 

Safe and Together Lunch and Learn Training Wednesday 29 November 2023 12pm to 1.15pm

This is suitable for those new to the model’s principles, or those who have taken the full training in the past and would like a refresher. Please book on using MySchoolServices: SLA Online (

If you are interested but cannot attend this one, please bare in mind there will be another on 24 January 2024.

Cheshire Youth Commission Conference

Community Safety attended the Cheshire Youth Commission Conference at Winsford Police HQ. At this conference, the attached QR codes were shared by a colleague within Cheshire Constabulary who works with the youth engagement officers. These have been developed into stickers and should soon be available in all toilet cubicles within schools.

WSP/ WSAB- Training opportunity - LADO

LADO 2024  Book here

MAPPA Training opportunity

MAPPA Awareness Training Book here

The Safeguarding Duty Hub

The Safeguarding Duty Hub is available for all staff across the Trust to access safeguarding advice and support in practice. The Safeguarding Duty Hub offers the provision of specialist safeguarding and children and adult practitioners and it is available from 9am to 5pm Monday-Friday through a single point of access Trust wide.

To discuss any safeguarding matters please contact a central hub of specialist safeguarding practitioners.

Safeguarding Duty Hub Telephone:  0151 351 8484  or

The Safeguarding Duty Hub POSTER can be printed and displayed on notice boards within operational teams.

IT Systems 

Rio for safeguarding


If you are not already aware of these changes, please see below documents for further information.

If you have any queries in the interim, please email:

 What to do flow charts

Safeguarding image.jpg

Trust Wide Safeguarding News

Trust Wide Safeguarding Training 

Please click  to view the Trust wide safeguarding training brochure

The new updated policies are now live and uploaded to intranet.

Safeguarding Adult Policy 

Safeguarding Children Policy 


NSPCC Learning homepage - safeguarding training and resources

Non Fatal Strangulation- Rapid Read

HSE North West Region Safeguarding Newsletter - Week commencing 30 October 2023 for more information please see links below

Safeguarding Adults Week 20 November 2023 to 24 November 2023

To join the events cllick on the link:

Children and Young People's Continuing Care

Please see the attached link for information on how to book a place on the Children and Young People's Continuing Care training sessions from January to April 2024.

Safeguarding Lunch and Learn Sessions

There will be 1 hour sessions led by a named nurse/professional. They will provide an opportunity for emerging themes, reviews, learning and concerns to be discussed and highlighted. They provide additional information/learning not included in either mandatory or modular sessions.

To reserve a place please email stating your preference/s to:

Writing for Wellbeing Sessions 16 November 2023

Please see the attached link promoting Writing for Wellbeing Sessions on 16 November 2023 at Liverpool's World Museum during Baby Week.

Think Family

Wednesday 29 November 2023 from 12pm to 1pm

Financial Abuse of Adults

Wednesday 31 January 2024 from 12pm to 1pm

Information Sharing and Multi-agency working- adults

Wednesday 27 March 2024 from 12pm to 1pm

Drop in session dates-safeguarding children supervision for inpatient staff

Timetable of supervision sessions 


A new 10-week program, especially designed for families and children (8+years) who are effected by gambling related harm has been launched. The programme is fully funded and will run from September to November 2023. For more infromation please contact 

White Ribbon Day 25 November 2023

Please see the attached link for more information and resources White Ribbon Day

WTSC - Responsibilities when attending Child Protection Conferences training is now available.  

To book please ensure you have a registered LSCP training account:

If you already have an account please login and book your place:

If you want to know more about this course click below:

Right Care Right Person Weekly Bulletin 02 November 2023

Over the coming weeks you’ll begin to receive more and more Right Care Right Person (RCRP) communications, as we approach the Phase 1 Go Live date. This will include a weekly briefing summary which you can disseminate to your staff and/or form part of your internal communications.

RCRP PHASE 1 (Concern for Safety)

Following partner feedback at the October Strategic Coordination Group Phase 1, we will now go live at 7am Monday 8 January 2024.


55% of the Cheshire Police Force Control Centre (FCC)  staff have now been trained. These are the staff that are responsible for handling all contact with the Police coming in via 101, 999 or the Cheshire Police website.

Enhanced training for FCC Supervisors, Sergeants and Inspectors begins today.

The training seeks to ensure consistent decisions are made in line with legal duties, Police powers and professional guidance.

Refresher comms are being sent to all frontline and FCC staff, up to, and beyond implementation to entrench confidence in our staff’s knowledge of RCRP.


A new Concern for Safety Policy and RCRP Toolkit has been signed off by our Legal Department as well as Professional Standards.

In addition to this, the national RCRP team have commissioned KC advice. A summary of this Legal Advice can be found on the College of Policing website HERE     

Further information on the National RCRP project being rolled out by Home Office Police Forces in England and Wales can be found HERE

Please continue to send us your scenarios, they are a valuable test of our toolkit and to discuss within our engagement structure.

As always if you have any questions please contact the team on 

Raising Awareness of Neuro-diversity

Neurodiversity Training Webinars

Please see information below with dates and links to register for one of the free Raising Awareness of Neurodiversity webinars. 

Free one hour webinar for Liverpool City Region employers and organisations delivered by Knowsley Council and Liverpool Council to raise awareness of Learning Disabilities, Autism, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Dyspraxia (Developmental Coordination Disorder)

There are 75 places available which will be allocated on a first come / first served basis to those who register in advance. 

Raising Awareness of Neurodiversity Thursday 16 November start time 2pm to 3pm(Limited spaces available)Raising Awareness of Neurodiversity Tuesday 12 December start time 2pm to 3pm

Raising Awareness of Neurodiversity Tuesday 23 January start time 11am to 12pm

On the day of the webinar, please join 5 minutes early to allow for a prompt start.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Please see Privacy Policy for this event: Knowsley Council Privacy Statement 

Locality Safeguarding News 



Halton Safeguarding Adults Board is offering a number of training opportunities regarding subjects such as Safeguarding Adults responsibilities and Mental Capacity Act. All dates and information can be found on the eventbrite page for Halton SAB

Halton Safeguarding Children's Partnership website 

Child Sexual Abuse Lunch & Learn Session January to March 2024

Neurodevelopmental Conditions Professional's Awareness sessions 6 December 2023  

Survey of Women & Girls in Cheshire

Women and girls from all backgrounds and walks of life want to feel safe and be safe – and when something happens to them, they want to be able to go to a police force that respects them, protects them and supports them.

An independent organisation, Victim Focus, to carry out a survey of Women and girls in Cheshire aged 16 or above about personal safety, crime and their experiences with the police. It is particularly important to hear from girls aged 16-17 as they are one of the most likely groups to be victims of crime, but are often missed in other surveys as they are children.

The survey will run until midday on Friday 1 December and can be taken here: You do not need to have been a victim of crime to take part.

This anonymous survey is one way Cheshire Police can learn from women and girls and make any changes and improvements they need. I will also be able to use the feedback when looking at commissioning victim support services in future.

Please share this survey throughout your networks and communities so as many people as possible can have their say.


Knowsley LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow this link to the Knowsley LSCP Training System

Knowsley Safeguarding Children Partnership Training Opportunities 2023-2024

National Safeguarding Adult Week - Agenda 


Liverpool LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow this link to the Liverpool LSCP training system 

Liverpool Neglect Strategy and Level of need information from the LSCP 

Liverpool Neglect Strategy 

Liverpool Levels of Need

Reducing Parental Conflict Awareness Training 

Reducing Parental Conflict Awareness Training sessions for September to December 2023.

Women's Health Training Course 

A Women’s Health, 8 week accredited Training Course

The next course starts in October - Timetable.

Applications or enquiries in respect of the course can be sent to 

CCC Training Dates

Ng. T1: Understanding Child Neglect Briefing Session 

These sessions will be run virtually. 

The dates are: 

21 November 2023 10am to 12pm

12 December 2023 10am to 12pm

9 January 2024 10am to 12pm

Bookings can be made via the LSCP Training 'Events' web page: LSCP Booking Link

Be-Breast-Savvy Roadshow Events


Sefton LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Sefton SCP Events 

Hate Crime Awareness sessions

The sessions are free to anyone working or volunteering within Sefton.

These sessions will cover:

  • Increase awareness of Hate Crime and Hate Incidents
  • Encourage increased reporting of Hate Crimes and Hate Incidents
  • Increased awareness of the role of Merseyside Police, Crown Prosecution Service, Police and Crime Commissioner, Sefton Hate Crime JAG and other agencies
  • Awareness of what action we can all take to report and prevent Hate Crime

 Session date/times:

  • 14 November 2023 from 1pm to 3pm via Teams
  • 16 January 2024 from 1pm to 3pm via Teams
  • 12 March 2024 from 9:30am to 1pm at Ainsdale Learning Centre

Please share across your networks.To book please email:

Sefton Families Practice Hub

One Minute Guide on Clare’s Law Disclosure

St Helens

St Helens LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow the link to the St Helens LSCP 

Letter Shared with Parents in St Helens 

Newsletter Update - Stakeholder Update - 0-19+ Service, St Helens

St Helens Service Directories

In order to support practitioners working with families across the continuum of need, the Family Hubs have developed a service directory which provides a list of agencies, a summary of their service offer, and relevant contact details. The below link will take you to the service directory and can be pinned to your search bar:

If as an agency you offer a service to families and you feel that it should be added to this directory you can find further information on the steps to be undertaken via the below link:

To visit the new Family Hub website, visit:


*Please note any external training booked via the Safeguarding Children Partnership may be subject to charges for non-attendance.  Please see guidance for further information*

Warrington LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow the link to the Warrington LSCP Training System 

Warrington Upcoming Training and Events

Warrington Training Hub - training and events newsletter

Warrington Safeguarding Partnership Development Day 12 January 2024 and 25 January 2024

A Spotlight on Warrington Safeguarding Partnerships - Key Initiatives and Celebration of Good Practice

Warrington current Children in Care and Safeguarding & QA Service structure charts

CIC and Care Leavers Structure

Safeguarding and Quality Assurance Service

CIN Structure 

Safe and Together Lunch and Learn Training Wednesday 29 November 2023 12pm to 1.15pm

This is suitable for those new to the model’s principles, or those who have taken the full training in the past and would like a refresher. Please book on using MySchoolServices: SLA Online (

If you are interested but cannot attend this one, please bare in mind there will be another on 24 January 2024.

Cheshire Youth Commission Conference

Community Safety attended the Cheshire Youth Commission Conference at Winsford Police HQ. At this conference, the attached QR codes were shared by a colleague within Cheshire Constabulary who works with the youth engagement officers. These have been developed into stickers and should soon be available in all toilet cubicles within schools.

The Safeguarding Duty Hub

The Safeguarding Duty Hub is available for all staff across the Trust to access safeguarding advice and support in practice. The Safeguarding Duty Hub offers the provision of specialist safeguarding and children and adult practitioners and it is available from 9am to 5pm Monday-Friday through a single point of access Trust wide.

To discuss any safeguarding matters please contact a central hub of specialist safeguarding practitioners.

Safeguarding Duty Hub Telephone:  0151 351 8484  or

The Safeguarding Duty Hub POSTER can be printed and displayed on notice boards within operational teams.

IT Systems 

Rio for safeguarding


If you are not already aware of these changes, please see below documents for further information.

If you have any queries in the interim, please email:

 What to do flow charts

Safeguarding image.jpg

Trust Wide Safeguarding News

Trust Wide Safeguarding Training 

Please click  to view the Trust wide safeguarding training brochure

The new updated policies are now live and uploaded to intranet.

Safeguarding Adult Policy 

Safeguarding Children Policy 


NSPCC Learning homepage - safeguarding training and resources

Forensic lunch and Learn

Safeguarding Adults Week 20 November 2023 to 24 November 2023

To join the events cllick on the link:

Supporting children a self-harm and suicide for parents

PAPYRUS created this Self-Harm and suicide support guide for parents following discussions with parents who have experience of supporting a young person struggling with their mental health.

It aims to provide information and guidance to help parents cope with a young person who is struggling with thoughts of suicide, to reassure them they are not alone. It is available in both English and Welsh, link below.

Children and Young People's Continuing Care

Please see the attached link for information on how to book a place on the Children and Young People's Continuing Care training sessions from January to April 2024.

Safeguarding Lunch and Learn Sessions

There will be 1 hour sessions led by a named nurse/professional. They will provide an opportunity for emerging themes, reviews, learning and concerns to be discussed and highlighted. They provide additional information/learning not included in either mandatory or modular sessions.

They will be held on the following dates and will include the themes listed below.

To reserve a place please email stating your preference/s to:

Writing for Wellbeing Sessions 16 November 2023

Please see the attached link promoting Writing for Wellbeing Sessions on 16 November 2023 at Liverpool's World Museum during Baby Week.

Think Family

Wednesday 29 November 2023 from 12pm to 1pm

Financial Abuse of Adults

Wednesday 31 January 2024 from 12pm to 1pm

Information Sharing and Multi-agency working- adults

Wednesday 27 March 2024 from 12pm to 1pm

Drop in session dates-safeguarding children supervision for inpatient staff

Timetable of supervision sessions 


A new 10-week program, especially designed for families and children (8+years) who are effected by gambling related harm has been launched. The programme is fully funded and will run from September to November 2023. For more infromation please contact 

White Ribbon Day 25 November 2023

Please see the attached link for more information and resources

White Ribbon Day

Mersey Care Launch New Children’s and Adolescent 24/7 Mental Health Crisis Response Team

Children and young people based in Halton, Knowsley, St Helens and Warrington up to the age of 18 who are experiencing a mental health crisis will have access to a dedicated 24/7 team for the first time.

Please follow link for full details: Press Release

Locality Safeguarding News 



Halton Safeguarding Adults Board is offering a number of training opportunities regarding subjects such as Safeguarding Adults responsibilities and Mental Capacity Act. All dates and information can be found on the eventbrite page for Halton SAB

Halton Safeguarding Children's Partnership website 

Child Sexual Abuse Lunch & Learn Session January to March 2024

Neurodevelopmental Conditions Professional's Awareness sessions 6 December 2023  


Knowsley LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow this link to the Knowsley LSCP Training System

Knowsley Safeguarding Children Partnership Training Opportunities 2023-2024

Local Drug Alert Information System

A Knowsley inbox has been set-up to improve the notification of drug alerts as part of Local Drug Information System (LDIS)  LDIS

National Safeguarding Adult Week - Agenda 


Liverpool LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow this link to the Liverpool LSCP training system 

Liverpool Neglect Strategy and Level of need information from the LSCP 

Liverpool Neglect Strategy 

Liverpool Levels of Need

Reducing Parental Conflict Awareness Training 

Reducing Parental Conflict Awareness Training sessions for September to December 2023.

Women's Health Training Course 

A Women’s Health, 8 week accredited Training Course

The next course starts in October - Timetable.

Applications or enquiries in respect of the course can be sent to 

CCC Training Dates

Ng. T1: Understanding Child Neglect Briefing Session 

These sessions will be run virtually. 

The dates are: 

21 November 2023 10am to 12pm

12 December 2023 10am to 12pm

9 January 2024 10am to 12pm

Bookings can be made via the LSCP Training 'Events' web page: LSCP Booking Link

Be-Breast-Savvy Roadshow Events

The Lucy Faithfull Foundation Resources

This is an online resource  aimed at supporting Children and Young People worried about sexual behaviours.   About Shore - Shore (


Sefton LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Sefton SCP Events 

New Sefton Domestic Abuse Service Virtual Briefing Sessions

In order to support multi-agency communication regarding Sefton Domestic Abuse Services (SDAS), there will be 1 hour virtual sessions over forthcoming weeks, for any partner agency staff member to attend, to share further information on SDAS and to enable questions.  There is no booking process – anyone can drop into the open virtual sessions by following the relevant Microsoft Teams link below.

Wednesday 1 November at 11am

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 346 627 114 224Passcode: pxWg5Q

Thursday 2 November at 10am

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 370 956 500 021Passcode: rs4PJ6

Wednesday 8 November at 10am

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 364 271 208 003Passcode: XAv4UL

Hate Crime Awareness sessions

The sessions are free to anyone working or volunteering within Sefton.

These sessions will cover:

  • Increase awareness of Hate Crime and Hate Incidents
  • Encourage increased reporting of Hate Crimes and Hate Incidents
  • Increased awareness of the role of Merseyside Police, Crown Prosecution Service, Police and Crime Commissioner, Sefton Hate Crime JAG and other agencies
  • Awareness of what action we can all take to report and prevent Hate Crime

 Session date/times:

  • 14 November 2023 from 1pm to 3pm via Teams
  • 16 January 2024 from 1pm to 3pm via Teams
  • 12 March 2024 from 9:30am to 1pm at Ainsdale Learning Centre

Please share across your networks.To book please email:

Sefton Families Practice Hub

One Minute Guide on Clare’s Law Disclosure

St Helens

St Helens LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow the link to the St Helens LSCP 

St Helens Service Directories

In order to support practitioners working with families across the continuum of need, the Family Hubs have developed a service directory which provides a list of agencies, a summary of their service offer, and relevant contact details. The below link will take you to the service directory and can be pinned to your search bar:

If as an agency you offer a service to families and you feel that it should be added to this directory you can find further information on the steps to be undertaken via the below link:

To visit the new Family Hub website, visit:


*Please note any external training booked via the Safeguarding Children Partnership may be subject to charges for non-attendance.  Please see guidance for further information*

Warrington LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow the link to the Warrington LSCP Training System 

Warrington Upcoming Training and Events

Warrington Training Hub - training and events newsletter

7 minute Briefing - The Role of the LADO

Click the link for more information:

Multi agency contribution for Systemic Parenting Assessment

A new template is being used to capture the views of different agencies with families and children you work with open to Children’s Social Care.This is for when the parents are having a Parenting Assessment completed by the Social worker, this could be at Child Protection, Pre-Proceedings or Care Proceedings level and on the odd occasions when there are complex needs when the children are on Child In Need Plans.

Warrington Safeguarding Partnership Development Day 12 January 2024 and 25 January 2024

A Spotlight on Warrington Safeguarding Partnerships - Key Initiatives and Celebration of Good Practice

Warrington current Children in Care and Safeguarding & QA Service structure charts

CIC and Care Leavers Structure

Safeguarding and Quality Assurance Service

CIN Structure 

The Safeguarding Duty Hub

The Safeguarding Duty Hub is available for all staff across the Trust to access safeguarding advice and support in practice. The Safeguarding Duty Hub offers the provision of specialist safeguarding and children and adult practitioners and it is available from 9am to 5pm Monday-Friday through a single point of access Trust wide.

To discuss any safeguarding matters please contact a central hub of specialist safeguarding practitioners.

Safeguarding Duty Hub Telephone:  0151 351 8484  or

The Safeguarding Duty Hub POSTER can be printed and displayed on notice boards within operational teams.

IT Systems 

Rio for safeguarding


If you are not already aware of these changes, please see below documents for further information.

If you have any queries in the interim, please email:

 What to do flow charts

Safeguarding image.jpg

Trust Wide Safeguarding News

Trust Wide Safeguarding Training 

Please click  to view the Trust wide safeguarding training brochure

*Please note any external training booked via the Safeguarding Children Partnership may be subject to charges for non-attendance.  Please see guidance for further information*

The new updated policies are now live and uploaded to intranet.

Safeguarding Adult Policy 

Safeguarding Children Policy 


NSPCC Learning homepage - safeguarding training and resources

Forensic lunch and Learn

Supporting children a self-harm and suicide for parents

PAPYRUS created this Self-Harm and suicide support guide for parents following discussions with parents who have experience of supporting a young person struggling with their mental health.

It aims to provide information and guidance to help parents cope with a young person who is struggling with thoughts of suicide, to reassure them they are not alone. It is available in both English and Welsh, link below.

NHSE North West Region Safeguarding Newsletter

NHSE North West Region Safeguarding Newsletter October 2023

Children and Young People's Continuing Care

Please see the attached link for information on how to book a place on the Children and Young People's Continuing Care training sessions from January to April 2024.

Safeguarding Lunch and Learn Sessions

There will be 1 hour sessions led by a named nurse/professional. They will provide an opportunity for emerging themes, reviews, learning and concerns to be discussed and highlighted. They provide additional information/learning not included in either mandatory or modular sessions.

They will be held on the following dates and will include the themes listed below.

To reserve a place please email stating your preference/s to:

Writing for Wellbeing Sessions 16 November 2023

Please see the attached link promoting Writing for Wellbeing Sessions on 16 November 2023 at Liverpool's World Museum during Baby Week.

Think Family

Wednesday 29 November 2023 from 12pm to 1pm

Financial Abuse of Adults

Wednesday 31 January 2024 from 12pm to 1pm

Information Sharing and Multi-agency working- adults

Wednesday 27 March 2024 from 12pm to 1pm

Drop in session dates-safeguarding children supervision for inpatient staff

Timetable of supervision sessions 


A new 10-week program, especially designed for families and children (8+years) who are effected by gambling related harm has been launched. The programme is fully funded and will run from September to November 2023. For more infromation please contact 

NWG Mind Your Language - Exploitation and Victim Blaming

This very popular webinar will be of particular interest to those working directly or overseeing those who work with children, young people and families. Including operational and strategic staff, adult and children’s social care, Police, youth workers and housing.Sign up today, this event will sell out! 2 November 2023.

New Drug Alert

Drug Alert Poster

Reducing Parental Conflict Professional Newsletter

Please find the link for Octobers RPC Newsletter, if you can share with your colleagues and contact lists.

Octobers RCP Newsletter

Inquests: A guide for health 

A resource from NHS Resolution for staff who may be called to an inquest.

Inquests-Guide for Health

White Ribbon Day 25 November 2023

Please see the attached link for more information and resources

White Ribbon Day

Mersey Care Launch New Children’s and Adolescent 24/7 Mental Health Crisis Response Team

Children and young people based in Halton, Knowsley, St Helens and Warrington up to the age of 18 who are experiencing a mental health crisis will have access to a dedicated 24/7 team for the first time.

Please follow link for full details: Press Release

Newsletter recognition of Queens Nurse Award

Hannah Molyneux has been awarded the queens nurse award for her contribution towards delivering and leading outstanding care in community nursing with a focus on her current role as a Safeguarding Adults Nurse . 

The title of Queen’s Nurse is available by application to individual nurses who have demonstrated a high level of commitment to patient care and nursing practice. 

Hannah has been invited to attend a celebration of community nursing at the Queen's Nursing Institute Annual Awards in London on 8 December 2023 where she will be presented with her Queen’s Nurse badge and certificate. We are very proud of Hannah and wish her congratulations on her award!

Picture- QN-Hannah Molyneux

Locality Safeguarding News 




Halton Safeguarding Adults Board is offering a number of training opportunities regarding subjects such as Safeguarding Adults responsibilities and Mental Capacity Act. All dates and information can be found on the eventbrite page for Halton SAB

Halton Safeguarding Adults Partnership Updates

Safeguarding Adults Partnership Newsletter

Partners Project evaluation report

Halton Safeguarding Children's Partnership website 

ICON Information 

Child Sexual Abuse Lunch & Learn Session January to March 2024

Neurodevelopmental Conditions Professional's Awareness sessions 6 December 2023  

Safeguarding Alert


Knowsley LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow this link to the Knowsley LSCP Training System

Knowsley Safeguarding Children Partnership Training Opportunities 2023-2024

National Patient Safety Alert - Potent synthetic opioids implicated in heroin overdoses and deaths

National Patient Safety Alert

A Knowsley inbox has been set-up to improve the notification of drug alerts as part of Local Drug Information System (LDIS)  


Referrals to CGL Team

CGL Referrals 

National Safeguarding Adult Week - Agenda 


Liverpool LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow this link to the Liverpool LSCP training system 

Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) Publication 

SAR ‘Mr A’ (previously referred to as MSAR 16) Executive Summary Publication on the LSAB website

MBRRACE-UK Maternal Report

MBRRACE-UK Maternal Report 2023 

Liverpool Neglect Strategy and Level of need information from the LSCP 

Liverpool Neglect Strategy 

Liverpool Levels of Need

Reducing Parental Conflict Awareness Training 

Reducing Parental Conflict Awareness Training sessions for September to December 2023.

Women's Health Training Course 

A Women’s Health, 8 week accredited Training Course

The next course starts in October - Timetable.

Applications or enquiries in respect of the course can be sent to 

Be-Breast-Savvy Roadshow Events October 2023

Domestic Abuse Strategy Consultation Launch - 2 October 2023 to 30 October 2023

The Liverpool Domestic Abuse Strategy Consultation has now been launched. Please can I ask you to complete and share the link with your networks.

LSCP Multi-Agency Training Digital Update October 2023

LSCP Multi-Agency Training Digital Update October 2023 SWAY

CCC Training Dates

Ng. T1: Understanding Child Neglect Briefing Session 

These sessions will be run virtually. 

The dates are: 

21 November 2023 10am to 12pm

12 December 2023 10am to 12pm

9 January 2024 10am to 12pm

Bookings can be made via the LSCP Training 'Events' web page: LSCP Booking Link


Sefton LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Sefton SCP Events 

7 Minute Briefing Support Services for Patients Addicted to Prescription Medicines 

7 Minute Briefing DHR 'Charles' 

New Sefton Domestic Abuse Service Virtual Briefing Sessions

In order to support multi-agency communication regarding Sefton Domestic Abuse Services (SDAS), there will be 1 hour virtual sessions over forthcoming weeks, for any partner agency staff member to attend, to share further information on SDAS and to enable questions.  There is no booking process – anyone can drop into the open virtual sessions by following the relevant Microsoft Teams link below.

Monday 30 October at 11am

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 390 500 557 995Passcode: MMaPke 

Wednesday 1 November at 11am

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 346 627 114 224Passcode: pxWg5Q

Thursday 2 November at 10am

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 370 956 500 021Passcode: rs4PJ6

Wednesday 8 November at 10am

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 364 271 208 003Passcode: XAv4UL

Hate Crime Awareness sessions

The sessions are free to anyone working or volunteering within Sefton.

These sessions will cover:

  • Increase awareness of Hate Crime and Hate Incidents
  • Encourage increased reporting of Hate Crimes and Hate Incidents
  • Increased awareness of the role of Merseyside Police, Crown Prosecution Service, Police and Crime Commissioner, Sefton Hate Crime JAG and other agencies
  • Awareness of what action we can all take to report and prevent Hate Crime

 Session date/times:

  • 14 November 2023 from 1pm to 3pm via Teams
  • 16 January 2024 from 1pm to 3pm via Teams
  • 12 March 2024 from 9:30am to 1pm at Ainsdale Learning Centre

Please share across your networks.To book please email:

Sefton Families Practice Hub

One Minute Guide on Clare’s Law Disclosure

St Helens

St Helens LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow the link to the St Helens LSCP 

Bonding Before Birth - Useful Information

St Helens Service Directories

In order to support practitioners working with families across the continuum of need, the Family Hubs have developed a service directory which provides a list of agencies, a summary of their service offer, and relevant contact details. The below link will take you to the service directory and can be pinned to your search bar:

If as an agency you offer a service to families and you feel that it should be added to this directory you can find further information on the steps to be undertaken via the below link:

To visit the new Family Hub website, visit:

Emotional Wellbeing Support Offer:

Alongside the Family Hub Service Directory the below link takes you to the Thrive directory which outlines the Emotional Wellbeing Support Offer for St Helens Children and Young People. This directory provides a list of agencies, a summary of their service offer, and relevant contact details.

PowerPoint Presentation (

Resources from St Helens Safeguarding Partnership around Neglect of Children and Young People

Boy in Wheelchair

Rugby Girl

Young Girl

School Boy

Boy in Tracksuit


Professionals Leaflet

General Public Leaflet

Learning Briefing - Rapid Review of Child O

Learning Briefing Child O

St Helens Briefing Assurance Tool


Warrington LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow the link to the Warrington LSCP Training System 


Professional Curiosity 7 minute Briefing 

Warrington Upcoming Training and Events

Warrington Training Hub - training and events newsletter

WhatsApp Group Alert

Please be aware that a police alert has been received from one of the local schools in Warrington. There is a WhatsApp Group currently circulating called “Add Everyone You Know”. This is encouraging young people to add all of their phone contacts to this group, and sexual images have been shared within this group, please share this information with your colleagues.

Domestic Abuse: For Baby’s Sake

In response to themes considered in the Panel’s Briefing and webinar about domestic abuse, here are links to two short films (‘For Baby’s Sake’ and ‘Is my behaviour abusive?’) illustrating a whole family response to domestic abuse. In both films, parents share their stories

Parental Relationships Spectrum: a tool for professionals and families to help distinguish between relationship conflict and domestic abuse:

Warrington Safeguarding Partnership Continuum of need Guidance 

Continuum of need guidance 

Multi agency contribution for Systemic Parenting Assessment

A new template is being used to capture the views of different agencies with families and children you work with open to Children’s Social Care.This is for when the parents are having a Parenting Assessment completed by the Social worker, this could be at Child Protection, Pre-Proceedings or Care Proceedings level and on the odd occasions when there are complex needs when the children are on Child In Need Plans.

Warrington Safeguarding Partnership Development Day 12 January 2024 and 25 January 2024

A Spotlight on Warrington Safeguarding Partnerships - Key Initiatives and Celebration of Good Practice

Warrington Parent and Carer Network WARRPAC

The Annual Working Together Conference report and Summer newsletter

Warrington current Children in Care and Safeguarding & QA Service structure charts

CIC and Care Leavers Structure

Safeguarding and Quality Assurance Service

CIN Structure 

Cheshire Police Counter Corruption Prevention 

Please see the Cheshire Police Counter Corruption Prevention leaflet with the signs and signals of Abuse of Position of Trust for a Sexual Purpose (APSP), as well as the reporting methods for reporting any concerns.

Bullying Prevention and Resources

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, children with special needs such as cerebral palsy, are twice as likely to be a target of bullying when compared to typical kids. Its imperative parents educate themselves on the warning signs of bullying to protect their children.

To help support these families, we’ve created a resource that can help parents understand bullying and how to prevent it. Would you help us spread awareness by linking to our page in my signature on your website here: Bullying Resource Link

The Safeguarding Duty Hub

The Safeguarding Duty Hub is available for all staff across the Trust to access safeguarding advice and support in practice. The Safeguarding Duty Hub offers the provision of specialist safeguarding and children and adult practitioners and it is available from 9am to 5pm Monday-Friday through a single point of access Trust wide.

To discuss any safeguarding matters please contact a central hub of specialist safeguarding practitioners.

Safeguarding Duty Hub Telephone:  0151 351 8484  or

The Safeguarding Duty Hub POSTER can be printed and displayed on notice boards within operational teams.

IT Systems 

Rio for safeguarding


If you are not already aware of these changes, please see below documents for further information.

If you have any queries in the interim, please email:

 What to do flow charts

Safeguarding image.jpg

Trust Wide Safeguarding News 

Trust Wide Safeguarding Training 

Please click  to view the Trust wide safeguarding training brochure

*Please note any external training booked via the Safeguarding Children Partnership may be subject to charges for non-attendance.  Please see guidance for further information*

The new updated policies are now live and uploaded to intranet.

Safeguarding Adult Policy 

Safeguarding Children Policy 


NSPCC Learning homepage - safeguarding training and resources

Forensic lunch and Learn

Supporting children a self-harm and suicide for parents

PAPYRUS created this Self-Harm and suicide support guide for parents following discussions with parents who have experience of supporting a young person struggling with their mental health.

It aims to provide information and guidance to help parents cope with a young person who is struggling with thoughts of suicide, to reassure them they are not alone. It is available in both English and Welsh, link below.

Prevent Awareness Week

Liverpool City Council PREVENT Team are having a PREVENT Awareness week commencing 16 October 2023.

I have attached some posters; Prevent Week and Prevent Week Ideas. Would you please help promote this week by displaying these on your noticeboards or screens.

Children and Young People's Continuing Care

Please see the attached link for information on how to book a place on the Children and Young People's Continuing Care training sessions from January to April 2024.

The Queen's Nurse Award 

Congratualtions to Hannah Molyneux, Safeguarding Adults Specialist Nurse, who has been in her application to become a Queen's Nurse

The title of Queen’s Nurse is available to individual nurses who have demonstrated a high level of commitment to patient care and nursing practice. Hannah was awarded the title for her contribution towards delivering and leading outstanding care in community nursing with a focus on her current role as a Safeguarding Adults Nurse . 

Hannah has been invited to attend a celebration of community nursing at the Queen's Nursing Institute Annual Awards in London on 8th December where she will be presented with her Queen’s Nurse badge and certificate.

Mersey Care Safeguarding Links 

Across the organisation previously known as Safeguarding Champions or Ambassadors, practitioners have been actively promoting and supporting the safeguarding adult and children’s agenda. As a service we appreciate the time, effort and expertise that everyone involved with this have offered and in recognition of that, we are currently in the process of strengthening the role and support offered to practitioners who undertake this.

We feel that with services coming together it is also time to relaunch the role of the Champions / Ambassadors and bring everyone together under one new name – Safeguarding Links.

More information can be found on the intranet under Safeguarding Links 

Please join us for a virtual Q& A to find out more about this. Safeguarding Links  - Supervision / Update

All teams should have an identified safeguarding Link - This poster should be should be printed and displayed by all teams in clinical and non clinical areas.

Links Away Day- Hold the Date- 31 October 2023- 09:30 to 12:30  Hold the Date

The NHS Safeguarding alert protocol for missing vulnerable children and adults has been revised:

NHS Safeguarding Case Discussion Guide: Factors to consider when raising an alert about people at risk’

Safeguarding Lunch and Learn Sessions

There will be 1 hour sessions led by a named nurse/professional. They will provide an opportunity for emerging themes, reviews, learning and concerns to be discussed and highlighted. They provide additional information/learning not included in either mandatory or modular sessions.

They will be held on the following dates and will include the themes listed below.

To reserve a place please email stating your preference/s to:

Writing for Wellbeing Sessions 16 November 2023

Please see the attached link promoting Writing for Wellbeing Sessions on 16 November 2023 at Liverpool's World Museum during Baby Week.

Think Family

Wednesday 29 November 2023 from 12pm to 1pm

Financial Abuse of Adults

Wednesday 31 January 2024 from 12pm to 1pm

Information Sharing and Multi-agency working- adults

Wednesday 27 March 2024 from 12pm to 1pm

Rapid Read to Support Change to Online Access to GP Records

Please see the attached brief to support practitioners understand and manage the changes regarding access to online records. Please share widely across your health networks. 7-minute briefing: Accelerated Citizens Access to GP Data.

Drop in session dates-safeguarding children supervision for inpatient staff

Timetable of supervision sessions 

Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service important safety message- Lithium Ion batteries

MFRS Important Safety Message

Cheshire Fire - useful information ADF

Alert- Quora App

The Liverpool Safeguarding Team have been contacted by the Crisis CAMHS Team to express concerns around children accessing a app called Quora. This is reported to be a site that gives tips, and encouragement to children in taking their own life.

Continuum of Need

Please see below QR code which takes you directly to the continuum of need page/document  on WSP website.  Can you share across your teams.


A new 10-week program, especially designed for families and children (8+years) who are effected by gambling related harm has been launched. The programme is fully funded and will run from September - November 2023. For more infromation please contact 

The Big Ambition

 The Big Ambition survey is for all children and young people aged 6, up to 18. Alongside this, parents and other adults can complete the survey on behalf of children and young people aged 0, up to 5, to ensure we also hear from early years settings.   

It is critical that the voice of children comes from all backgrounds, all settings, and every part of the country to policy makers – to make sure their needs are heard. 

The survey can be completed here: 

Through this link there is an easy read version and different questions based on the age of the child or young person. 'The Big Ambition' webpage includes resources and overviews of the survey.

NWG Mind Your Language - Exploitation and Victim Blaming

This very popular webinar will be of particular interest to those working directly or overseeing those who work with children, young people and families. Including operational and strategic staff, adult and children’s social care, Police, youth workers and housing.Sign up today, this event will sell out! 2 November 2023.

Locality Safeguarding News 



Halton Safeguarding Adults Board is offering a number of training opportunities regarding subjects such as Safeguarding Adults responsibilities and Mental Capacity Act. All dates and information can be found on the eventbrite page for Halton SAB

Halton Safeguarding Adults Partnership Updates

Safeguarding Adults Partnership Newsletter

Partners Project evaluation report

Halton Resolve

Resolve is an emotional health & wellbeing service for children, young people & families to reduce the impact of domestic abuse on individuals, families & community Please see the Halton Resolve offer.

Halton Safeguarding Children's Partnership website 

ICON Information 

County Lines Awareness Session 25 October 2023

Child Sexual Abuse Lunch & Learn Session January to March 2024

Neurodevelopmental Conditions Professional's Awareness sessions 6th December 2023  

Safeguarding Alert


Knowsley LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow this link to the Knowsley LSCP Training System

Knowsley Safeguarding Children Partnership Training Opportunities 2023-2024

National Patient Safety Alert - Potent synthetic opioids implicated in heroin overdoses and deaths

National Patient Safety Alert

A Knowsley inbox has been set-up to improve the notification of drug alerts as part of Local Drug Information System (LDIS)  


Referrals to CGL Team

CGL Referrals 

National Safeguarding Adult Week - Agenda 


Liverpool LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow this link to the Liverpool LSCP training system 

Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) Publication 

SAR ‘Mr A’ (previously referred to as MSAR 16) Executive Summary Publication on the LSAB website

Liverpool Neglect Strategy and Level of need information from the LSCP 

Liverpool Neglect Strategy 

Liverpool Levels of Need

Reducing Parental Conflict Awareness Training 

Reducing Parental Conflict Awareness Training sessions for September to December 2023.

Women's Health Training Course 

A Women’s Health, 8 week accredited Training Course

The next course starts in October - Timetable.

Applications or enquiries in respect of the course can be sent to 

Safeguarding adults lunch and learn sessions from ADASS and LGA

Rice Lane City Farm

Rice Lane News Letter

Early Help Practice Week 

Early Help Practice week will be taking place week 9 October 2023 to 13 October 2023. The theme this year is Strengthening Partnerships - Working Together to Support Families.

For booking instructions for the lunchtime learning sessions see the attached Early Help Practice Week Flyer. 

We will be showcasing examples of good practice and providing opportunities to meet with colleagues from a wide variety of agencies - sharing ideas and resources at our popular agency ‘marketplace’.

Early Help Practice Booking

Roadshow Events October 2023

Domestic Abuse Strategy Consultation Launch - 2nd October 2023 to 30th October 2023

The Liverpool Domestic Abuse Strategy Consultation has now been launched. Please can I ask you to complete and share the link with your networks.

LSCP Multi-Agency Training Digital Update October 2023

LSCP Multi-Agency Training Digital Update October 2023 SWAY

Men's Group

Men's group to be hosted at Garston Childrens Centre on Monday 9 October 2023 and Monday 23 October 2023 from 1pm to 2pm

Claire's Law disclosure Guidance

One-minute guide

CCC Training Dates

Torus Foundation Health and Wellbeing

David Milburn is part of the new Health and Wellbeing provision that Torus has now launched to help tenants. They are supporting customers with the new Social Prescription / Community Referring provision in which they are looking to engage and support tenants who with a variety of wellbeing issues. They will be engaging with community activities/groups, charities and welfare agencies to help deliver this program, if you feel that you would like to support this initiative, please feel free to contact David.

Referral From for External Partners, Avago, Advertising Sponsorship, Radio Station Brochure, Schools Colleges, Young Persons Youth Bank Letter, QR Code for Youth Bank Application Form.


Sefton LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Sefton SCP Events 

7 Minute Briefing Support Services for Patients Addicted to Prescription Medicines 

7 Minute Briefing DHR 'Charles' 

Hate Crime Awareness sessions

The sessions are free to anyone working or volunteering within Sefton.

These sessions will cover:

  • Increase awareness of Hate Crime and Hate Incidents
  • Encourage increased reporting of Hate Crimes and Hate Incidents
  • Increased awareness of the role of Merseyside Police, Crown Prosecution Service, Police and Crime Commissioner, Sefton Hate Crime JAG and other agencies
  • Awareness of what action we can all take to report and prevent Hate Crime

 Session date/times:

  • 14 November 2023 from 1pm to 3pm via Teams
  • 16 January 2024 from 1pm to 3pm via Teams
  • 12 March 2024 from 9:30am to 1pm at Ainsdale Learning Centre

Please share across your networks.To book please email:

Sefton Families Practice Hub

One Minute Guide on Clare’s Law Disclosure

St Helens

St Helens LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow the link to the St Helens LSCP 

Bonding Before Birth - Useful Information

St Helens Service Directories

In order to support practitioners working with families across the continuum of need, the Family Hubs have developed a service directory which provides a list of agencies, a summary of their service offer, and relevant contact details. The below link will take you to the service directory and can be pinned to your search bar:

If as an agency you offer a service to families and you feel that it should be added to this directory you can find further information on the steps to be undertaken via the below link:

To visit the new Family Hub website, visit:

Emotional Wellbeing Support Offer:

Alongside the Family Hub Service Directory the below link takes you to the Thrive directory which outlines the Emotional Wellbeing Support Offer for St Helens Children and Young People. This directory provides a list of agencies, a summary of their service offer, and relevant contact details.

PowerPoint Presentation (


Warrington LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow the link to the Liverpool LSCP training system


Warrington Safeguarding Partnership & Warrington Safeguarding Adults Board Newsletter 

Professional Curiosity 7 minute Briefing 

National Safeguarding Children Panel Resources

Domestic abuse: For Baby’s Sake

In response to themes considered in the Panel’s Briefing and webinar about domestic abuse, here are links to two short films (‘For Baby’s Sake’ and ‘Is my behaviour abusive?’) illustrating a whole family response to domestic abuse. In both films, parents share their stories

Parental Relationships Spectrum: a tool for professionals and families to help distinguish between relationship conflict and domestic abuse:

Warrington Safeguarding Partnership Continuum of need Guidance 

Continuum of need guidance 

Multi agency contribution for Systemic Parenting Assessment

A new template is being used to capture the views of different agencies with families and children you work with open to Children’s Social Care.This is for when the parents are having a Parenting Assessment completed by the Social worker, this could be at Child Protection, Pre-Proceedings or Care Proceedings level and on the odd occasions when there are complex needs when the children are on Child In Need Plans.

Warrington Safeguarding Partnership Development Day 12 January 2023 and 25 January 2023

A Spotlight on Warrington Safeguarding Partnerships - Key Initiatives and Celebration of Good Practice

Warrington Parent and Carer Network WARRPAC

The Annual Working Together Conference report and Summer newsletter

Warrington current Children in Care and Safeguarding & QA Service structure charts

CIC and Care Leavers Structure

Safeguarding and Quality Assurance Service

CIN Structure 

Cheshire Police Counter Corruption Prevention 

Please see the Cheshire Police Counter Corruption Prevention leaflet with the signs and signals of Abuse of Position of Trust for a Sexual Purpose (APSP), as well as the reporting methods for reporting any concerns.

Non-Fatal Strangulation and Suffocation Conference

In partnership with the Institute For Addressing Strangulation, Cheshire Constabulary are hosting a Non-Fatal Strangulation and Suffocation Conference for key stakeholders and decision makers within local partnerships and organisations.

This conference will be held on Monday 23 October 2023 at the Cheshire Constabulary Headquarters, Clemonds Hey, Oakmere Road, Winsford, CW72UA.  This will be an all-day event. Please reserve the date in your diary. More information to follow.

ICON Week 2023 

Footsteps 2000 Ltd

Trustee of Footsteps 2000 regarding the closure of  Warrington Services. Warrington Closure Letter

Warrington Safeguarding Partnership Face-to-Face Meetings

Warrington Safeguarding Partnership have found that children social care colleagues are receiving an increasing number of requests from practitioners across their partnership to attend meetings online instead of face to face. The strategic group of Warrington Safeguarding Partnership wants to reaffirm their joint commitment across all partners that where a meeting has been arranged to be face-to-face, it goes ahead as face-to-face. Children’s social care colleagues will not agree an exemption to this standard, this is something that can only be approved by your organisation’s strategic safeguarding representative, and face-to-face attendance at meetings will continue to be monitored by the quality assurance sub-group of the safeguarding partnership, and routinely reported to the strategic group.

The Safeguarding Duty Hub

The Safeguarding Duty Hub is available for all staff across the Trust to access safeguarding advice and support in practice. The Safeguarding Duty Hub offers the provision of specialist safeguarding and children and adult practitioners and it is available from 9am to 5pm Monday-Friday through a single point of access Trust wide.

To discuss any safeguarding matters please contact a central hub of specialist safeguarding practitioners.

Safeguarding Duty Hub Telephone:  0151 351 8484  or

The Safeguarding Duty Hub POSTER can be printed and displayed on notice boards within operational teams.

IT Systems 

Rio for safeguarding


If you are not already aware of these changes, please see below documents for further information.

If you have any queries in the interim, please email:

 What to do flow charts

Safeguarding image.jpg

Trust Wide Safeguarding News 

Trust Wide Safeguarding Training 

Please click  to view the Trust wide safeguarding training brochure

*Please note any external training booked via the Safeguarding Children Partnership may be subject to charges for non-attendance.  Please see guidance for further information*

The new updated policies are now live and uploaded to intranet.

Safeguarding Adult Policy 

Safeguarding Children Policy 


NSPCC Learning homepage - safeguarding training and resources

Forensic lunch and Learn

Supporting children a self-harm and suicide for parents

PAPYRUS created this Self-Harm and suicide support guide for parents following discussions with parents who have experience of supporting a young person struggling with their mental health.

It aims to provide information and guidance to help parents cope with a young person who is struggling with thoughts of suicide, to reassure them they are not alone. It is available in both English and Welsh, link below.

Mersey Care Safeguarding Links 

Across the organisation previously known as Safeguarding Champions or Ambassadors, practitioners have been actively promoting and supporting the safeguarding adult and children’s agenda. As a service we appreciate the time, effort and expertise that everyone involved with this have offered and in recognition of that, we are currently in the process of strengthening the role and support offered to practitioners who undertake this.

We feel that with services coming together it is also time to relaunch the role of the Champions / Ambassadors and bring everyone together under one new name – Safeguarding Links.

More information can be found on the intranet under Safeguarding Links 

Please join us for a virtual Q& A to find out more about this. Safeguarding Links  - Supervision / Update

All teams should have an identified safeguarding Link - This poster should be should be printed and displayed by all teams in clinical and non clinical areas.

Links Away Day- Hold the Date- 31 October 2023- 09:30 to 12:30  Hold the Date

The NHS Safeguarding alert protocol for missing vulnerable children and adults has been revised:

NHS Safeguarding Case Discussion Guide: Factors to consider when raising an alert about people at risk’

Safeguarding Lunch and Learn Sessions

There will be 1 hour sessions led by a named nurse/professional. They will provide an opportunity for emerging themes, reviews, learning and concerns to be discussed and highlighted. They provide additional information/learning not included in either mandatory or modular sessions.

They will be held on the following dates and will include the themes listed below.

To reserve a place please email stating your preference/s to:

Think Family

Wednesday 29 November 2023 from 12pm to 1pm

Financial Abuse of Adults

Wednesday 31 January 2024 from 12pm to 1pm

Information Sharing and Multi-agency working- adults

Wednesday 27 March 2024 from 12pm to 1pm

Drop in session dates-safeguarding children supervision for inpatient staff

Timetable of supervision sessions 

Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service important safety message- Lithium Ion batteries

MFRS Important Safety Message

Working together to tackle 'honour'-based abuse in Cheshire

Savera UK – a charity that provides support for those experiencing ‘honour’-based abuse (HBA) and harmful practices – to raise awareness of these abhorrent crimes and support victims. Survey available until 12pm on Friday 29 September 2023 - Smartsurvey

Cheshire Fire - useful information ADF

Alert- Quora App

The Liverpool Safeguarding Team have been contacted by the Crisis CAMHS Team to express concerns around children accessing a app called Quora. This is reported to be a site that gives tips, and encouragement to children in taking their own life. 


A new 10-week program, especially designed for families and children (8+years) who are effected by gambling related harm has been launched. The programme is fully funded and will run from September - November 2023. For more infromation please contact 

The Big Ambition

 The Big Ambition survey is for all children and young people aged 6, up to 18. Alongside this, parents and other adults can complete the survey on behalf of children and young people aged 0, up to 5, to ensure we also hear from early years settings.   

It is critical that the voice of children comes from all backgrounds, all settings, and every part of the country to policy makers – to make sure their needs are heard. 

The survey can be completed here: 

Through this link there is an easy read version and different questions based on the age of the child or young person. 'The Big Ambition' webpage includes resources and overviews of the survey.

NWG Mind Your Language - Exploitation and Victim Blaming

This very popular webinar will be of particular interest to those working directly or overseeing those who work with children, young people and families. Including operational and strategic staff, adult and children’s social care, Police, youth workers and housing.Sign up today, this event will sell out! 2 November 2023.

Collaborative Learning & Practice Improvement Event - NEW DATE


Due to venue availability, this event will now take place on Monday 9th October 2023 at Willowbrook The Living Well, WA10 3RN – the save the date will be updated to reflect this.

The event will be run in two sessions (9AM till 12.30PM or 1-4.30PM). Please note attendance is only required at am OR pm session.

Event Information

The session will provide you with an overview of the quality assurance work and rapid reviews undertaken in the last 6 months. Together we will look at ideas on building on our strengths as a partnership and finding effective ways to support families and deliver our services together.The session will combine presentations, discussions and sharing of practice.

Booking a Place

You are required to pre-book a space for this event. Please use the following link to book onto a session - Events (

Locality Safeguarding News 



Halton Safeguarding Adults Board is offering a number of training opportunities regarding subjects such as Safeguarding Adults responsibilities and Mental Capacity Act. All dates and information can be found on the eventbrite page for Halton SAB

Halton Safeguarding Adults Partnership Updates

Safeguarding Adults Partnership Newsletter

Partners Project evaluation report

Halton Resolve

Resolve is an emotional health & wellbeing service for children, young people & families to reduce the impact of domestic abuse on individuals, families & community Please see the Halton Resolve offer.

Halton Safeguarding Children's Partnership website 

ICON Information 

County Lines Awareness Session 

Child Sexual Abuse Lunch & Learn Session 

Neurodevelopmental Conditions Professional's Awareness sessions

Safeguarding Alert


Knowsley LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow this link to the Knowsley LSCP Training System

Knowsley Safeguarding Children Partnership Training Opportunities 2023-2024

National Patient Safety Alert - Potent synthetic opioids implicated in heroin overdoses and deaths

National Patient Safety Alert

A Knowsley inbox has been set-up to improve the notification of drug alerts as part of Local Drug Information System (LDIS)  


Referrals to CGL Team

CGL Referrals 

National Safeguarding Adult Week - Agenda 


Liverpool LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow this link to the Liverpool LSCP training system 

Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) Publication 

SAR ‘Mr A’ (previously referred to as MSAR 16) Executive Summary Publication on the LSAB website

Liverpool Neglect Strategy and Level of need information from the LSCP 

Liverpool Neglect Strategy 

Liverpool Levels of Need

Reducing Parental Conflict Awareness Training 

Reducing Parental Conflict Awareness Training sessions for September to December 2023.

Women's Health Training Course 

A Women’s Health, 8 week accredited Training Course

The next course starts in October - Timetable.

Applications or enquiries in respect of the course can be sent to 

Safeguarding adults lunch and learn sessions from ADASS and LGA

Rice Lane City Farm

Rice Lane News Letter

Early Help Practice Week 

Early Help Practice week will be taking place week 9 October 2023 to 13 October 2023. The theme this year is Strengthening Partnerships - Working Together to Support Families.

Information including booking instructions for the lunchtime learning sessions will be released shortly

This year our free face-to-face Early Help Practice Event will focus on building relationships and strengthening partnerships between agencies.

We will be showcasing examples of good practice and providing opportunities to meet with colleagues from a wide variety of agencies - sharing ideas and resources at our popular agency ‘marketplace’.

Early Help Practice Booking

Roadshow events October 2023

 Domestic Abuse Strategy Consultation Launch - 2nd October 2023 to 30th October 2023

The Liverpool Domestic Abuse Strategy Consultation has now been launched. Please can I ask you to complete and share the link with your networks.

Men's Group

Men's group to be hosted at Garston Childrens Centre on Monday 9 October 2023 and Monday 23 October 2023 from 1pm to 2pm

Claire's Law disclosure Guidance

One-minute guide

CCC Training Dates


Sefton LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Sefton SCP Events 

7 Minute Briefing Support Services for Patients Addicted to Prescription Medicines 

7 Minute Briefing DHR 'Charles' 

SWACA sponsored theatre in Liverpol 

SWACA will be (non-financially) sponsoring a new Play in Liverpool called ‘The Game of Love‘ running between the 28 September 2023 and 30 September 2023, at the Casa Theatre in Liverpool.

The play "The Game of Love" will cover various topics relating to domestic / child abuse. More information can be found on the booking site.

Hate Crime Awareness sessions

The sessions are free to anyone working or volunteering within Sefton.

These sessions will cover:

  • Increase awareness of Hate Crime and Hate Incidents
  • Encourage increased reporting of Hate Crimes and Hate Incidents
  • Increased awareness of the role of Merseyside Police, Crown Prosecution Service, Police and Crime Commissioner, Sefton Hate Crime JAG and other agencies
  • Awareness of what action we can all take to report and prevent Hate Crime

 Session date/times:

  • 14 November 2023 from 1pm to 3pm via Teams
  • 16 January 2024 from 1pm to 3pm via Teams
  • 12 March 2024 from 9:30am to 1pm at Ainsdale Learning Centre

Please share across your networks.To book please email:

Sefton Families Practice Hub

One Minute Guide on Clare’s Law Disclosure

St Helens

St Helens LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow the link to the St Helens LSCP 

Bonding Before Birth - Useful Information


Warrington LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow the link to the Liverpool LSCP training system


Warrington Safeguarding Partnership & Warrington Safeguarding Adults Board Newsletter 

Professional Curiosity 7 minute Briefing 

National Safeguarding Children Panel Resources

Domestic abuse: For Baby’s Sake

In response to themes considered in the Panel’s Briefing and webinar about domestic abuse, here are links to two short films (‘For Baby’s Sake’ and ‘Is my behaviour abusive?’) illustrating a whole family response to domestic abuse. In both films, parents share their stories

Parental Relationships Spectrum: a tool for professionals and families to help distinguish between relationship conflict and domestic abuse:

Warrington Safeguarding Partnership Continuum of need Guidance 

Continuum of need guidance 

Warrington Safeguarding Adults Board

The third annual ICON week (25 to 29 September 2023) is here to raise awareness of infant crying and how to cope to support parents/carers and prevent serious injury, illness and even death of young babies as a result of abusive head trauma that happens when someone shakes a baby.

This year’s ICON Week is once again focussing on sharing ideas and best practices.  Many webinars are taking place throughout the week and are open to everyone. For more information and joining instructions, please visit Warrington Safeguarding Partnerships - ICON Week 2023

Multi agency contribution for Systemic Parenting Assessment

A new template is being used to capture the views of different agencies with families and children you work with open to Children’s Social Care.This is for when the parents are having a Parenting Assessment completed by the Social worker, this could be at Child Protection, Pre-Proceedings or Care Proceedings level and on the odd occasions when there are complex needs when the children are on Child In Need Plans.

Warrington Parent and Carer Network WARRPAC

The Annual Working Together Conference report and Summer newsletter

Warrington current Children in Care and Safeguarding & QA Service structure charts

CIC and Care Leavers Structure

Safeguarding and Quality Assurance Service

CIN Structure 

Cheshire Police Counter Corruption Prevention 

Please see the Cheshire Police Counter Corruption Prevention leaflet with the signs and signals of Abuse of Position of Trust for a Sexual Purpose (APSP), as well as the reporting methods for reporting any concerns.

Non-Fatal Strangulation and Suffocation Conference

In partnership with the Institute For Addressing Strangulation, Cheshire Constabulary are hosting a Non-Fatal Strangulation and Suffocation Conference for key stakeholders and decision makers within local partnerships and organisations.

This conference will be held on Monday 23 October 2023 at the Cheshire Constabulary Headquarters, Clemonds Hey, Oakmere Road, Winsford, CW72UA.  This will be an all-day event. Please reserve the date in your diary. More information to follow.

ICON Week 2023 

Footsteps 2000 Ltd

Trustee of Footsteps 2000 regarding the closure of  Warrington Services. Warrington Closure Letter

Development Day

The Safeguarding Duty Hub

The Safeguarding Duty Hub is available for all staff across the Trust to access safeguarding advice and support in practice. The Safeguarding Duty Hub offers the provision of specialist safeguarding and children and adult practitioners and it is available from 9am to 5pm Monday-Friday through a single point of access Trust wide.

To discuss any safeguarding matters please contact a central hub of specialist safeguarding practitioners.

Safeguarding Duty Hub Telephone:  0151 351 8484  or

The Safeguarding Duty Hub POSTER can be printed and displayed on notice boards within operational teams.

IT Systems 

Rio for safeguarding


If you are not already aware of these changes, please see below documents for further information.

If you have any queries in the interim, please email:

 What to do flow charts

Safeguarding image.jpg

Trust Wide Safeguarding News 

Trust Wide Safeguarding Training 

Please click  to view the Trust wide safeguarding training brochure

*Please note any external training booked via the Safeguarding Children Partnership may be subject to charges for non-attendance.  Please see guidance for further information*

The new updated policies are now live and uploaded to intranet.

Safeguarding Adult Policy 

Safeguarding Children Policy 


NSPCC Learning homepage - safeguarding training and resources

Forensic lunch and Learn

Supporting children a self-harm and suicide for parents

PAPYRUS created this Self-Harm and suicide support guide for parents following discussions with parents who have experience of supporting a young person struggling with their mental health.

It aims to provide information and guidance to help parents cope with a young person who is struggling with thoughts of suicide, to reassure them they are not alone. It is available in both English and Welsh, link below.

Mersey Care Safeguarding Links 

Across the organisation previously known as Safeguarding Champions or Ambassadors, practitioners have been actively promoting and supporting the safeguarding adult and children’s agenda. As a service we appreciate the time, effort and expertise that everyone involved with this have offered and in recognition of that, we are currently in the process of strengthening the role and support offered to practitioners who undertake this.

We feel that with services coming together it is also time to relaunch the role of the Champions / Ambassadors and bring everyone together under one new name – Safeguarding Links.

More information can be found on the intranet under Safeguarding Links 

Please join us for a virtual Q& A to find out more about this. Safeguarding Links  - Supervision / Update

All teams should have an identified safeguarding Link - This poster should be should be printed and displayed by all teams in clinical and non clinical areas.

Links Away Day- Hold the Date- 31 October 2023- 09:30 to 12:30  Hold the Date

The NHS Safeguarding alert protocol for missing vulnerable children and adults has been revised:

NHS Safeguarding Case Discussion Guide: Factors to consider when raising an alert about people at risk’

Safeguarding Lunch and Learn Sessions

There will be 1 hour sessions led by a named nurse/professional. They will provide an opportunity for emerging themes, reviews, learning and concerns to be discussed and highlighted. They provide additional information/learning not included in either mandatory or modular sessions.

They will be held on the following dates and will include the themes listed below.

To reserve a place please email stating your preference/s to:

Think Family

Wednesday 29 November 2023 from 12pm to 1pm

Financial Abuse of Adults

Wednesday 31 January 2024 from 12pm to 1pm

Information Sharing and Multi-agency working- adults

Wednesday 27 March 2024 from 12pm to 1pm

Drop in session dates-safeguarding children supervision for inpatient staff

Timetable of supervision sessions 

Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service important safety message- Lithium Ion batteries

MFRS Important Safety Message

Working together to tackle 'honour'-based abuse in Cheshire

Savera UK – a charity that provides support for those experiencing ‘honour’-based abuse (HBA) and harmful practices – to raise awareness of these abhorrent crimes and support victims. Survey available until 12pm on Friday 29 September 2023 - Smartsurvey

Cheshire Fire - useful information ADF

Alert- Quora App

The Liverpool Safeguarding Team have been contacted by the Crisis CAMHS Team to express concerns around children accessing a app called Quora. This is reported to be a site that gives tips, and encouragement to children in taking their own life. 


A new 10-week program, especially designed for families and children (8+years) who are effected by gambling related harm has been launched. The programme is fully funded and will run from September - November 2023. For more infromation please contact 

The Big Ambition

 The Big Ambition survey is for all children and young people aged 6, up to 18. Alongside this, parents and other adults can complete the survey on behalf of children and young people aged 0, up to 5, to ensure we also hear from early years settings.   

It is critical that the voice of children comes from all backgrounds, all settings, and every part of the country to policy makers – to make sure their needs are heard. 

The survey can be completed here: 

Through this link there is an easy read version and different questions based on the age of the child or young person. 'The Big Ambition' webpage includes resources and overviews of the survey.

Locality Safeguarding News 



Halton Safeguarding Adults Board is offering a number of training opportunities regarding subjects such as Safeguarding Adults responsibilities and Mental Capacity Act. All dates and information can be found on the eventbrite page for Halton SAB

Halton Safeguarding Adults Partnership Updates

Safeguarding Adults Partnership Newsletter

Partners Project evaluation report

Halton Resolve

Resolve is an emotional health & wellbeing service for children, young people & families to reduce the impact of domestic abuse on individuals, families & community Please see the Halton Resolve offer.

Halton Safeguarding Children's Partnership website 

ICON Information 

County Lines Awareness Session 

Child Sexual Abuse Lunch & Learn Session 

Neurodevelopmental Conditions Professional's Awareness sessions


Knowsley LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow this link to the Knowsley LSCP Training System

Knowsley Safeguarding Children Partnership Training Opportunities 2023-2024

National Patient Safety Alert - Potent synthetic opioids implicated in heroin overdoses and deaths

National Patient Safety Alert

A Knowsley inbox has been set-up to improve the notification of drug alerts as part of Local Drug Information System (LDIS)  


Referrals to CGL Team

CGL Referrals 

National Safeguarding Adult Week - Agenda 


Liverpool LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow this link to the Liverpool LSCP training system 

Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) Publication 

SAR ‘Mr A’ (previously referred to as MSAR 16) Executive Summary Publication on the LSAB website

Liverpool Neglect Strategy and Level of need information from the LSCP 

Liverpool Neglect Strategy 

Liverpool Levels of Need

Reducing Parental Conflict Awareness Training 

Reducing Parental Conflict Awareness Training sessions for September to December 2023.

Women's Health Training Course 

A Women’s Health, 8 week accredited Training Course

The next course starts in October - Timetable.

Applications or enquiries in respect of the course can be sent to 

Safeguarding adults lunch and learn sessions from ADASS and LGA

Rice Lane City Farm

Rice Lane News Letter

Early Help Practice Week 

Early Help Practice week will be taking place week 9 October 2023 to 13 October 2023. The theme this year is Strengthening Partnerships - Working Together to Support Families.

Information including booking instructions for the lunchtime learning sessions will be released shortly

This year our free face-to-face Early Help Practice Event will focus on building relationships and strengthening partnerships between agencies.

We will be showcasing examples of good practice and providing opportunities to meet with colleagues from a wide variety of agencies - sharing ideas and resources at our popular agency ‘marketplace’.

Early Help Practice Booking

Men's Group

Men's group to be hosted at Garston Childrens Centre on Monday 9 October 2023 and Monday 23 October 2023 from 1pm to 2pm


Sefton LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Sefton SCP Events 

7 Minute Briefing Support Services for Patients Addicted to Prescription Medicines 

7 Minute Briefing DHR 'Charles' 

SWACA sponsored theatre in Liverpol 

SWACA will be (non-financially) sponsoring a new Play in Liverpool called ‘The Game of Love‘ running between the 28 September 2023 and 30 September 2023, at the Casa Theatre in Liverpool.

The play "The Game of Love" will cover various topics relating to domestic / child abuse. More information can be found on the booking site.

Hate Crime Awareness sessions

The sessions are free to anyone working or volunteering within Sefton.

These sessions will cover:

  • Increase awareness of Hate Crime and Hate Incidents
  • Encourage increased reporting of Hate Crimes and Hate Incidents
  • Increased awareness of the role of Merseyside Police, Crown Prosecution Service, Police and Crime Commissioner, Sefton Hate Crime JAG and other agencies
  • Awareness of what action we can all take to report and prevent Hate Crime

 Session date/times:

  • 14 November 2023 from 1pm to 3pm via Teams
  • 16 January 2024 from 1pm to 3pm via Teams
  • 12 March 2024 from 9:30am to 1pm at Ainsdale Learning Centre

Please share across your networks.To book please email:

Sefton Families Practice Hub

One Minute Guide on Clare’s Law Disclosure

St Helens

St Helens LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow the link to the St Helens LSCP 

Bonding Before Birth - Useful Information


Warrington LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow the link to the Liverpool LSCP training system


Warrington Safeguarding Partnership & Warrington Safeguarding Adults Board Newsletter 

Professional Curiosity 7 minute Briefing 

National Safeguarding Children Panel Resources

Domestic abuse: For Baby’s Sake

In response to themes considered in the Panel’s Briefing and webinar about domestic abuse, here are links to two short films (‘For Baby’s Sake’ and ‘Is my behaviour abusive?’) illustrating a whole family response to domestic abuse. In both films, parents share their stories

Parental Relationships Spectrum: a tool for professionals and families to help distinguish between relationship conflict and domestic abuse:

Warrington Safeguarding Partnership Continuum of need Guidance 

Continuum of need guidance 

Warrington Safeguarding Adults Board

The third annual ICON week (25 to 29 September 2023) is here to raise awareness of infant crying and how to cope to support parents/carers and prevent serious injury, illness and even death of young babies as a result of abusive head trauma that happens when someone shakes a baby.

This year’s ICON Week is once again focussing on sharing ideas and best practices.  Many webinars are taking place throughout the week and are open to everyone. For more information and joining instructions, please visit Warrington Safeguarding Partnerships - ICON Week 2023

Multi agency contribution for Systemic Parenting Assessment

A new template is being used to capture the views of different agencies with families and children you work with open to Children’s Social Care.This is for when the parents are having a Parenting Assessment completed by the Social worker, this could be at Child Protection, Pre-Proceedings or Care Proceedings level and on the odd occasions when there are complex needs when the children are on Child In Need Plans.

Warrington Parent and Carer Network WARRPAC

The Annual Working Together Conference report and Summer newsletter

Warrington current Children in Care and Safeguarding & QA Service structure charts

CIC and Care Leavers Structure

Safeguarding and Quality Assurance Service

CIN Structure 

Cheshire Police Counter Corruption Prevention 

Please see the Cheshire Police Counter Corruption Prevention leaflet with the signs and signals of Abuse of Position of Trust for a Sexual Purpose (APSP), as well as the reporting methods for reporting any concerns.

Non-Fatal Strangulation and Suffocation Conference

In partnership with the Institute For Addressing Strangulation, Cheshire Constabulary are hosting a Non-Fatal Strangulation and Suffocation Conference for key stakeholders and decision makers within local partnerships and organisations.

This conference will be held on Monday 23 October 2023 at the Cheshire Constabulary Headquarters, Clemonds Hey, Oakmere Road, Winsford, CW72UA.  This will be an all-day event. Please reserve the date in your diary. More information to follow.

ICON Week 2023 

Footsteps 2000 Ltd

Trustee of Footsteps 2000 regarding the closure of  Warrington Services. Warrington Closure Letter

The Safeguarding Duty Hub

The Safeguarding Duty Hub is available for all staff across the Trust to access safeguarding advice and support in practice. The Safeguarding Duty Hub offers the provision of specialist safeguarding and children and adult practitioners and it is available from 9am to 5pm Monday-Friday through a single point of access Trust wide.

To discuss any safeguarding matters please contact a central hub of specialist safeguarding practitioners.

Safeguarding Duty Hub Telephone:  0151 351 8484  or

The Safeguarding Duty Hub POSTER can be printed and displayed on notice boards within operational teams.

IT Systems 

Rio for safeguarding


If you are not already aware of these changes, please see below documents for further information.

If you have any queries in the interim, please email:

 What to do flow charts

Safeguarding image.jpg

Trust Wide Safeguarding News 

Trust Wide Safeguarding Training 

Please click  to view the Trust wide safeguarding training brochure

*Please note any external training booked via the Safeguarding Children Partnership may be subject to charges for non-attendance.  Please see guidance for further information*

The new updated policies are now live and uploaded to intranet.

Safeguarding Adult Policy 

Safeguarding Children Policy 


NSPCC Learning homepage - safeguarding training and resources

Supporting children a self-harm and suicide for parents

PAPYRUS created this Self-Harm and suicide support guide for parents following discussions with parents who have experience of supporting a young person struggling with their mental health.

It aims to provide information and guidance to help parents cope with a young person who is struggling with thoughts of suicide, to reassure them they are not alone. It is available in both English and Welsh, link below.

Mersey Care Safeguarding Links 

Across the organisation previously known as Safeguarding Champions or Ambassadors, practitioners have been actively promoting and supporting the safeguarding adult and children’s agenda. As a service we appreciate the time, effort and expertise that everyone involved with this have offered and in recognition of that, we are currently in the process of strengthening the role and support offered to practitioners who undertake this.

We feel that with services coming together it is also time to relaunch the role of the Champions / Ambassadors and bring everyone together under one new name – Safeguarding Links.

More information can be found on the intranet under Safeguarding Links 

Please join us for a virtual Q& A to find out more about this. Safeguarding Links  - Supervision / Update

All teams should have an identified safeguarding Link - This poster should be should be printed and displayed by all teams in clinical and non clinical areas.

Links Away Day- Hold the Date- 31 October 2023- 09:30 to 12:30  Hold the Date

The NHS Safeguarding alert protocol for missing vulnerable children and adults has been revised:

NHS Safeguarding Case Discussion Guide: Factors to consider when raising an alert about people at risk’

Safeguarding Lunch and Learn Sessions

There will be 1 hour sessions led by a named nurse/professional. They will provide an opportunity for emerging themes, reviews, learning and concerns to be discussed and highlighted. They provide additional information/learning not included in either mandatory or modular sessions.

They will be held on the following dates and will include the themes listed below.

To reserve a place please email stating your preference/s to:

Escalation and Professional Challenge

Wednesday 27 September 2023 from 12pm to 1pm

Think Family

Wednesday 29 November 2023 from 12pm to 1pm

Financial Abuse of Adults

Wednesday 31 January 2024 from 12pm to 1pm

Information Sharing and Multi-agency working- adults

Wednesday 27 March 2024 from 12pm to 1pm

Drop in session dates-safeguarding children supervision for inpatient staff

Timetable of supervision sessions 

Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service important safety message- Lithium Ion batteries

MFRS Important Safety Message

Working together to tackle 'honour'-based abuse in Cheshire

Savera UK – a charity that provides support for those experiencing ‘honour’-based abuse (HBA) and harmful practices – to raise awareness of these abhorrent crimes and support victims. Survey available until 12:00 on Friday 29 September 2023 - Smartsurvey

Cheshire Fire - useful information ADF

Alert- Quora App

The Liverpool Safeguarding Team have been contacted by the Crisis CAMHS Team to express concerns around children accessing a app called Quora. This is reported to be a site that gives tips, and encouragement to children in taking their own life. 


A new 10-week program, especially designed for families and children (8+years) who are effected by gambling related harm has been launched. The programme is fully funded and will run from September - November 2023. For more infromation please contact 

The Big Ambition

 The Big Ambition survey is for all children and young people aged 6, up to 18. Alongside this, parents and other adults can complete the survey on behalf of children and young people aged 0, up to 5, to ensure we also hear from early years settings.   

It is critical that the voice of children comes from all backgrounds, all settings, and every part of the country to policy makers – to make sure their needs are heard. 

The survey can be completed here: 

Through this link there is an easy read version and different questions based on the age of the child or young person. 'The Big Ambition' webpage includes resources and overviews of the survey.

Locality Safeguarding News 



Halton Safeguarding Adults Board is offering a number of training opportunities regarding subjects such as Safeguarding Adults responsibilities and Mental Capacity Act. All dates and information can be found on the eventbrite page for Halton SAB

Halton Safeguarding Adults Partnership Updates

Safeguarding Adults Partnership Newsletter

Partners Project evaluation report

Halton Resolve

Resolve is an emotional health & wellbeing service for children, young people & families to reduce the impact of domestic abuse on individuals, families & community Please see the Halton Resolve offer.

Halton Safeguarding Children's Partnership website 

ICON Information 


Knowsley LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow this link to the Knowsley LSCP Training System

Knowsley Safeguarding Children Partnership Training Opportunities 2023-2024

National Patient Safety Alert - Potent synthetic opioids implicated in heroin overdoses and deaths

National Patient Safety Alert

A Knowsley inbox has been set-up to improve the notification of drug alerts as part of Local Drug Information System (LDIS)  


Referrals to CGL Team

CGL Referrals


Liverpool LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow this link to the Liverpool LSCP training system 

Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) Publication 

SAR ‘Mr A’ (previously referred to as MSAR 16) Executive Summary Publication on the LSAB website

Liverpool Neglect Strategy and Level of need information from the LSCP 

Liverpool Neglect Strategy 

Liverpool Levels of Need

Reducing Parental Conflict Awareness Training 

Reducing Parental Conflict Awareness Training sessions for September to December 2023.

Women's Health Training Course 

A Women’s Health, 8 week accredited Training Course

The next course starts in October - Timetable.

Applications or enquiries in respect of the course can be sent to 

Safeguarding adults lunch and learn sessions from ADASS and LGA

Partners in Care and Health (PCH) Safeguarding Team have scheduled a series of Zoom webinars from September onwards.  

Discriminatory Abuse Toolkit Launch -Thursday 21 September 13:00 to 14:00pm

Learning from SARs – Mental Health -Wednesday 27 September 14:00 to 16:00pm

To Register-

Rice Lane City Farm

Rice Lane News Letter


Sefton LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Sefton SCP Events 

7 Minute Briefing Support Services for Patients Addicted to Prescription Medicines 

7 Minute Briefing DHR 'Charles' 

SWACA sponsored theatre in Liverpol 

SWACA will be (non-financially) sponsoring a new Play in Liverpool called ‘The Game of Love‘ running between the 28 September 2023 and 30 September 2023, at the Casa Theatre in Liverpool.

The play "The Game of Love" will cover various topics relating to domestic / child abuse. More information can be found on the booking site.

Hate Crime Awareness sessions

The sessions are free to anyone working or volunteering within Sefton.

These sessions will cover:

  • Increase awareness of Hate Crime and Hate Incidents
  • Encourage increased reporting of Hate Crimes and Hate Incidents
  • Increased awareness of the role of Merseyside Police, Crown Prosecution Service, Police and Crime Commissioner, Sefton Hate Crime JAG and other agencies
  • Awareness of what action we can all take to report and prevent Hate Crime

 Session date/times:

  • 14 November 2023 from 1pm to 3pm via Teams
  • 16 January 2024 from 1pm to 3pm via Teams
  • 12 March 2024 from 9:30am to 1pm at Ainsdale Learning Centre

Please share across your networks.To book please email:

Domestic Abuse Through An LGBT+ Lens

Tuesday 19 September 2023 from 1pm to 2pm Galop Link

St Helens

St Helens LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow the link to the St Helens LSCP 

Bonding Before Birth - Useful Information


Warrington LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow the link to the Liverpool LSCP training system


Warrington Safeguarding Partnership & Warrington Safeguarding Adults Board Newsletter 

Professional Curiosity 7 minute Briefing 

National Safeguarding Children Panel Resources

Domestic abuse: For Baby’s Sake

In response to themes considered in the Panel’s Briefing and webinar about domestic abuse, here are links to two short films (‘For Baby’s Sake’ and ‘Is my behaviour abusive?’) illustrating a whole family response to domestic abuse. In both films, parents share their stories

Parental Relationships Spectrum: a tool for professionals and families to help distinguish between relationship conflict and domestic abuse:

Trauma-informed approaches training

Trauma Informed Practice and Professional Curiosity – Adult Safeguarding Training will be delivered over 1 hour 15mins via teams (you only need to attend one session)

Training dates and links are below

19 September 2023 - 12pm to 1:15pm Click here to join the meeting

27 September 2023 - 12pm to 1.15pm Click here to join the meeting

Warrington Safeguarding Partnership Continuum of need Guidance 

Continuum of need guidance 

Warrington Safeguarding Adults Board

The third annual ICON week (25 to 29 September 2023) is here to raise awareness of infant crying and how to cope to support parents/carers and prevent serious injury, illness and even death of young babies as a result of abusive head trauma that happens when someone shakes a baby.

This year’s ICON Week is once again focussing on sharing ideas and best practices.  Many webinars are taking place throughout the week and are open to everyone. For more information and joining instructions, please visit Warrington Safeguarding Partnerships - ICON Week 2023

Multi agency contribution for Systemic Parenting Assessment

A new template is being used to capture the views of different agencies with families and children you work with open to Children’s Social Care.This is for when the parents are having a Parenting Assessment completed by the Social worker, this could be at Child Protection, Pre-Proceedings or Care Proceedings level and on the odd occasions when there are complex needs when the children are on Child In Need Plans.

Warrington Parent and Carer Network WARRPAC

The Annual Working Together Conference report and our Summer newsletter

Warrington current Children in Care and Safeguarding & QA Service structure charts

CIC and Care Leavers Structure

Safeguarding and Quality Assurance Service

CIN Structure 

Cheshire Police Counter Corruption Prevention 

Please see the Cheshire Police Counter Corruption Prevention leaflet with the signs and signals of Abuse of Position of Trust for a Sexual Purpose (APSP), as well as the reporting methods for reporting any concerns.

Non-Fatal Strangulation and Suffocation Conference

In partnership with the Institute For Addressing Strangulation, Cheshire Constabulary are hosting a Non-Fatal Strangulation and Suffocation Conference for key stakeholders and decision makers within local partnerships and organisations.

This conference will be held on Monday 23 October 2023 at the Cheshire Constabulary Headquarters, Clemonds Hey, Oakmere Road, Winsford, CW72UA.  This will be an all-day event. Please reserve the date in your diary. More information to follow.

ICON Week 2023 

Footsteps 2000 Ltd

Trustee of Footsteps 2000 regarding the closure of  Warrington Services. Warrington Closure Letter

The Safeguarding Duty Hub

The Safeguarding Duty Hub is available for all staff across the Trust to access safeguarding advice and support in practice. The Safeguarding Duty Hub offers the provision of specialist safeguarding and children and adult practitioners and it is available from 9am to 5pm Monday-Friday through a single point of access Trust wide.

To discuss any safeguarding matters please contact a central hub of specialist safeguarding practitioners.

Safeguarding Duty Hub Telephone:  0151 351 8484  or

The Safeguarding Duty Hub POSTER can be printed and displayed on notice boards within operational teams.

IT Systems 

Rio for safeguarding


If you are not already aware of these changes, please see below documents for further information.

If you have any queries in the interim, please email:

 What to do flow charts

Safeguarding image.jpg

Trust wide safeguarding news 

Trust wide Safeguarding Training 

Please click  to view the Trust wide safeguarding training brochure

*Please note any external training booked via the Safeguarding Children Partnership may be subject to charges for non-attendance.  Please see guidance for further information*

The new updated policies are now live and uploaded to intranet.

Safeguarding Adult Policy 

Safeguarding Children Policy 


NSPCC Learning homepage - safeguarding training and resources

Supporting children a self-harm and suicide for parents

PAPYRUS created this Self-Harm and suicide support guide for parents following discussions with parents who have experience of supporting a young person struggling with their mental health.

It aims to provide information and guidance to help parents cope with a young person who is struggling with thoughts of suicide, to reassure them they are not alone. It is available in both English and Welsh, link below.

Mersey Care Safeguarding Links 

Across the organisation previously known as Safeguarding Champions or Ambassadors, practitioners have been actively promoting and supporting the safeguarding adult and children’s agenda. As a service we appreciate the time, effort and expertise that everyone involved with this have offered and in recognition of that, we are currently in the process of strengthening the role and support offered to practitioners who undertake this.

We feel that with services coming together it is also time to relaunch the role of the Champions / Ambassadors and bring everyone together under one new name – Safeguarding Links.

More information can be found on the intranet under Safeguarding Links 

Please join us for a virtual Q& A to find out more about this. Safeguarding Links  - Supervision / Update

All teams should have an identified safeguarding Link - This poster should be should be printed and displayed by all teams in clinical and non clinical areas.

Links Away Day- Hold the Date- 31 October 2023- 09:30-12:30 Links Away Day- Hold the Date

The NHS Safeguarding alert protocol for missing vulnerable children and adults has been revised:

NHS Safeguarding Case Discussion Guide: Factors to consider when raising an alert about people at risk’

Safeguarding Lunch and Learn Sessions

There will be 1 hour sessions led by a named nurse/professional. They will provide an opportunity for emerging themes, reviews, learning and concerns to be discussed and highlighted. They provide additional information/learning not included in either mandatory or modular sessions.

They will be held on the following dates and will include the themes listed below.

To reserve a place please email stating your preference/s to:

Escalation and Professional Challenge

Wednesday 27 September 2023 from 12pm to 1pm

Think Family

Wednesday 29 November 2023 from 12pm to 1pm

Financial Abuse of Adults

Wednesday 31 January 2024 from 12pm to 1pm

Information Sharing and Multi-agency working- adults

Wednesday 27 March 2024 from 12pm to 1pm

Drop in session dates-safeguarding children supervision for inpatient staff

Timetable of supervision sessions 

Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service important safety message- Lithium Ion batteries

MFRS Important Safety Message

Working together to tackle 'honour'-based abuse in Cheshire

Savera UK – a charity that provides support for those experiencing ‘honour’-based abuse (HBA) and harmful practices – to raise awareness of these abhorrent crimes and support victims. Survey available until midday Friday 29 September 2023 - Smartsurvey

Cheshire Fire - useful information ADF

Alert- Quora App

The Liverpool Safeguarding Team have been contacted by the Crisis CAMHS Team to express concerns around children accessing a app called Quora. This is reported to be a site that gives tips, and encouragement to children in taking their own life.


A new 10-week program, especially designed for families and children (8+years) who are effected by gambling related harm has been launched. The programme is fully funded and will run from September - November 2023. For more infromation please contact 

Locality safeguarding news 



Halton Safeguarding Adults Board is offering a number of training opportunities regarding subjects such as Safeguarding Adults responsibilities and Mental Capacity Act. All dates and information can be found on the eventbrite page for Halton SAB

Halton Safeguarding Adults Partnership Updates

Safeguarding Adults Partnership Newsletter

Partners Project evaluation report

Halton Resolve

Resolve is an emotional health & wellbeing service for children, young people & families to reduce the impact of domestic abuse on individuals, families & community Please see the Halton Resolve offer.

Halton Safeguarding Children's Partnership website 

ICON Information 


Knowsley LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow this link to the Knowsley LSCP Training System

Knowsley Safeguarding Children Partnership Training Opportunities 2023-24

National Patient Safety Alert - Potent synthetic opioids implicated in heroin overdoses and deaths

National Patient Safety Alert

A Knowsley inbox has been set-up to improve the notification of drug alerts as part of Local Drug Information System (LDIS)  


Referrals to CGL Team

CGL Referrals


Liverpool LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow this link to the Liverpool LSCP training system 

Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) Publication 

SAR ‘Mr A’ (previously referred to as MSAR 16) Executive Summary Publication on the LSAB website

Liverpool Neglect Strategy and Level of need information from the LSCP 

Liverpool Neglect Strategy 

Liverpool Levels of Need

Reducing Parental Conflict Awareness Training 

Reducing Parental Conflict Awareness Training sessions for September to December 2023.

Women's Health Training Course 

A Women’s Health, 8 week accredited Training Course

The next course starts in October - Timetable.

Applications or enquiries in respect of the course can be sent to 

Safeguarding adults lunch and learn sessions from ADASS and LGA

Partners in Care and Health (PCH) Safeguarding Team have scheduled a series of Zoom webinars from September onwards.  

Discriminatory Abuse Toolkit Launch -Thursday 21 September –1:00 – 2:00pm

Learning from SARs – Mental Health -Wednesday 27 September – 2:00-4:00pm

To Register-


Sefton LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Sefton SCP Events 

7 Minute Briefing Support Services for Patients Addicted to Prescription Medicines 

7 Minute Briefing DHR 'Charles' 

SWACA sponsored theatre in Liverpol 

SWACA will be (non-financially) sponsoring a new Play in Liverpool called ‘The Game of Love‘ running between the 28 September 2023 and 30 September 2023, at the Casa Theatre in Liverpool.

The play "The Game of Love" will cover various topics relating to domestic / child abuse. More information can be found on the booking site.

Hate Crime Awareness sessions

The sessions are free to anyone working or volunteering within Sefton.

These sessions will cover:

  • Increase awareness of Hate Crime and Hate Incidents
  • Encourage increased reporting of Hate Crimes and Hate Incidents
  • Increased awareness of the role of Merseyside Police, Crown Prosecution Service, Police and Crime Commissioner, Sefton Hate Crime JAG and other agencies
  • Awareness of what action we can all take to report and prevent Hate Crime

 Session date/times:

  • 14 November 2023 from 1pm to 3pm via Teams
  • 16 January 2024 from 1pm to 3pm via Teams
  • 12 March 2024 from 9:30am to 1pm at Ainsdale Learning Centre

Please share across your networks.To book please email:

Domestic Abuse Through An LGBT+ Lens

Tuesday 19 September 2023 from 1pm -2pm Galop Link

St Helens

St Helens LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow the link to the St Helens LSCP 

Bonding Before Birth - Useful Information


Warrington LSCP Training oppurtunities 

Follow the link to the Liverpool LSCP training system


Warrington Safeguarding Partnership & Warrington Safeguarding Adults Board Newsletter 

Professional Curiosity 7 minute Briefing 

National Safeguarding Children Panel Resources

Domestic abuse: For Baby’s Sake

In response to themes considered in the Panel’s Briefing and webinar about domestic abuse, here are links to two short films (‘For Baby’s Sake’ and ‘Is my behaviour abusive?’) illustrating a whole family response to domestic abuse. In both films, parents share their stories

Parental Relationships Spectrum: a tool for professionals and families to help distinguish between relationship conflict and domestic abuse:

Trauma-informed approaches training

Trauma Informed Practice and Professional Curiosity – Adult Safeguarding Training will be delivered over 1 hour 15mins via teams (you only need to attend one session)

Training dates and links are below

19 September 2023 - 12pm to 1:15pm Click here to join the meeting

27 September 2023 - 12pm to 1.15pm Click here to join the meeting

New Working together to Safeguard Children 2023 – Consultation Events

Launch of the Working Together to Safeguard Children statutory guidance consultation t includes details of the opportunities for all agencies to participate in consultation events.

Warrington Safeguarding Partnership Continuum of need Guidance 

Continuum of need guidance 

Warrington Safeguarding Adults Board

7 min brief- The Role of the LADO

Multi agency contribution for Systemic Parenting Assessment

A new template is being used to capture the views of different agencies with families and children you work with open to Children’s Social Care.This is for when the parents are having a Parenting Assessment completed by the Social worker, this could be at Child Protection, Pre-Proceedings or Care Proceedings level and on the odd occasions when there are complex needs when the children are on Child In Need Plans.

Warrington Parent and Carer Network WARRPAC

The Annual Working Together Conference report and our Summer newsletter

Warrington current Children in Care and Safeguarding & QA Service structure charts

CIC and Care Leavers Structure

Safeguarding and Quality Assurance Service

CIN Structure 

Cheshire Police Counter Corruption Prevention 

Please see the Cheshire Police Counter Corruption Prevention leaflet with the signs and signals of Abuse of Position of Trust for a Sexual Purpose (APSP), as well as the reporting methods for reporting any concerns.

Non-Fatal Strangulation and Suffocation Conference

In partnership with the Institute For Addressing Strangulation, Cheshire Constabulary are hosting a Non-Fatal Strangulation and Suffocation Conference for key stakeholders and decision makers within local partnerships and organisations.

This conference will be held on Monday 23 October 2023 at the Cheshire Constabulary Headquarters, Clemonds Hey, Oakmere Road, Winsford, CW72UA.  This will be an all-day event. Please reserve the date in your diary. More information to follow.

ICON Week 2023 

Footsteps 2000 Ltd

Trustee of Footsteps 2000 regarding the closure of  Warrington Services. Warrington Closure Letter

The Safeguarding Duty Hub

The Safeguarding Duty Hub is available for all staff across the Trust to access safeguarding advice and support in practice. The Safeguarding Duty Hub offers the provision of specialist safeguarding and children and adult practitioners and it is available from 9am to 5pm Monday-Friday through a single point of access Trust wide.

To discuss any safeguarding matters please contact a central hub of specialist safeguarding practitioners.

Safeguarding Duty Hub Telephone:  0151 351 8484  or

The Safeguarding Duty Hub POSTER can be printed and displayed on notice boards within operational teams.

IT Systems 

Rio for safeguarding


If you are not already aware of these changes, please see below documents for further information.

If you have any queries in the interim, please email:

 What to do flow charts

Safeguarding image.jpg

Trust wide safeguarding news 

Trust wide Safeguarding Training 

Please click  to view the Trust wide safeguarding training brochure

*Please note any external training booked via the Safeguarding Children Partnership may be subject to charges for non-attendance.  Please see guidance for further information*

The new updated policies are now live and uploaded to intranet.

Safeguarding Adult Policy 

Safeguarding Children Policy 


NSPCC Learning homepage - safeguarding training and resources

Supporting children a self-harm and suicide for parents

PAPYRUS created this Self-Harm and suicide support guide for parents following discussions with parents who have experience of supporting a young person struggling with their mental health.

It aims to provide information and guidance to help parents cope with a young person who is struggling with thoughts of suicide, to reassure them they are not alone. It is available in both English and Welsh, link below.

Consultation on new Working Together 2023

The DfE have launched a consultation on Working Together 2018 which proposes a number of key changes to the existing MASA framework

The Consultation opened last week and closes on 6 September 2023 and it is the DfEs intention to bring the changes in before Christmas.

Links for Events (note you must register to attend):

4 Sept 2023 from 3pm to 4:30pm -