Career engagement develops insight into roles to provide a deeper understanding of the skills and knowledge required for the workplace.

What events can you get involved in?

  • Careers fairs
  • Meet the professional
  • Mock interviews
  • Dragons Den Enterprise events
  • Judging student presentations.

We are working with a number of partner organisations to increase the opportunities for young people to gain better insight about what its like to work in the healthcare sector - broadening their knowledge of the available healthcare careers and helping to ensure the future workforce supply to the NHS. 

We have a network of staff ambassadors that support these events and we have a range of planned events across the year. 

This is a great opportunity to raise the profile of Mersey Care as an employer, get young people interested in your job, profession or sector, raise aspirations and inspire students about the range of roles Mersey Care has to offer.

If you are intersted in becoming a career ambassador or attending an event, complete the form below.