Publish date: 14 June 2023

SEQOHS-logo-accredited-1500px.jpgCongratulations to our Occupational Health and Wellbeing Service, who have recently achieved re-accreditation with SEQOHS (Safe Effective Quality Occupational Health Service).  

Accreditation is a supportive process involving five yearly face to face external peer assessment against a formal set of standards which sits alongside annual self assessment to establish and promote a culture of continual quality improvement. 

The accreditation report shows the team are knowledgeable, engaged and committed to their roles. It highlights the strong governance and high quality underpinning the service delivery. The team were also commended on the comprehensive wellbeing offer available.

This is a huge achievement for the team who have been challenged over the last 12 months with an increase in waiting lists, vacancies, increased demand.  The team will continue to work hard to help address the ongoing delays in accessing services.