All services in Mersey Care are to access British Sign Language and related communication to support deaf and deafblind people via the specialist provider Signalise Co-op.

Services within the original Mersey Care footprint access translation and interpretation support from Language Line.

Services from the former Mid Mersey Division access translation and interpretation support from DA Languages.

Your Language Line Identity (ID) code is not the same as your Mersey Care Departmental Cost Code.

Please look up your Language Line ID on this spreadsheet. 

Please do not share the codes externally. If you are working with partners and not sure who is responsible for interpretation/translation please speak to your manager or an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) lead.

Any new departmental codes need to be approved by the EDI Lead who will send the request to the language line account manager. This will enable the codes to be logged onto the LLS portal. 

Face to Face (F2F) interpreting:

LiveLINK In-Person

Log in to the Customer Portal.

Language Line has updated their method of booking.

  • Online is the preferred method for requesting all Urgent and Non Urgent Face to Face Interpreters
  • LiveLink is a safe, secure and confidential booking platform for all F2F requests
  • You can check the status of your booking and makes cancelling requests easier.
  • Provides a URL for user access and an user friendly dashboard
  • LLS provide a Liverpool-based enhanced pool of highly qualified, experienced and specialist interpreters
  • Please see guide below


Urgent face to face booking requests:

When placing your urgent request online via LiveLink, the system will try to assign the request automatically as quickly as possible, based on which ever Interpreter is able to accept online. The F2F team will be on hand to intervene if there’s no response from Interpreters.

If there is not response from interpreters it may be that they are travelling between appointments, or are in an appointment and are not able to log in and confirm that they can take a booking.  The F2F team will make calls to confirm the Interpreters availability.

Video Interpretation - MS Teams, Attend Anywhere:

When using the online booking platform LiveLink, in the Pre-Booked call section, follow the steps for making a remote F2F Interpreter request.  Complete all fields.  If there are any fields that are not relevant eg cost centre code, reference number, please enter N/A.

The LiveLINK In Person Portal User Guide describes these interpretation options and goes through the steps of how to book.

It includes…

Page 17 - What to Expect After You have Made a Booking - requesters can see actions taken to assign the booking via the system ‘Activity Notes’ as per pages 20-22 of the guide

Page 23 - Raising an Admin Message - the quickest way to flag a booking for prompt attention by the Interpreting Operations team is by raising an ‘Admin Message’. These are actioned constantly throughout the day and always kept up to date. Alternatively, the mailbox is monitored on a 24/7/365 basis and is also monitored for urgent requests or queries.  

Over the Phone interpreting can be used from any phone either landline or mobile. There are over 23,000 freelance OPI (and Video) Interpreters supplying 240 languages and dialects. 

Call 0845 310 9900 and select option 1.

You will need to provide your Access Code/Client ID and Access Code/Client ID Name*, to the Call Operator.  This will verify that you’re a legitimate requester from Mersey Care. You can also ask the Interpreter to phone out to your Patient if your Patient isn’t in the room with you. 

This is the telephone interpretation information guide and flow diagram of the process.

OPI flow chart.jpg

By exception pre-booking telephone Interpretation

The OPI is set up to respond to need on demand and is usually efficient in meeting demand this way. 

However, there is times this does not work for us.  By exception we can pre-book the service.

This is following a different process and needs to be by a case-by-case basis given the arrangements the Language Line need to make.

To discuss please contact an EDI lead for approval, this online form will need to be completed:

Examples where it may be needed include for rarely requested languages such as for example (but not limited to) Hebrew, Mongolian and Nigerian Pidgin.

Please note, as this is a different process you must follow the instructions in the email. This will include the number to call in (different from the normal number) and you will need to quote the booking reference number.

Translations may be used for audio clips, websites, text messages, Braille, promotional videos and inpatient notes or help guides.

Access to the translations team can be gained via SmartMATE Guest Order.SmartMATE Guest Order is a simple, secure, web page ordering tool where the service user enters the information about their request in the relevant fields, uploads their files to be translated and presses submit.

  • There is no need to register to access this function.
  • Once you have the quote and you want to proceed, set up a PO number that you can access from the Procurement team

Find out more in the SmartMATE user guide.


The tool has been designed to ensure:

  • A secure, consistent way to submit written translation requests
  • All relevant information is captured in the right format, first time round
  • The project set up process in our translation management system is semi-automated from the request form, speeding up the quotation process
  • No log-in details are required for your service users.

An interpreter is an independent contractor, and they have a Language Line Solutions supervisor. As well as providing a professional service the company has a duty of care for the interpreters.

LLS investigate into all feedback (good and bad) via the ISO approved feedback process. All negative feedback is handled directly with the relevant Interpreter and results of investigations are shared with the person making the complaint. LLS would like to understand any concerns/issues so they can be explored.

Language Line also appreciates receiving compliments which will be forwarded to the interpreter and their supervisor.

LLS also provide input for the interpreter as support with bookings that may at times be challenging. If you have a concern because of a particularly difficult session, please raise this with LLS so they can reach out to the interpreter.

Feedback can be made on their website.

Client Services (CS) can also be contacted by phoning 0845 310 9900 option 5.