Urgent alert

IMPORTANT: Please run the upgrade when connected to Wi-Fi or at a docking station at a Trust site

Upgrade to Windows 11 today! 


You can now upgrade your computer to Windows 11 – Microsoft’s latest Operating System (OS). Windows 11 will help improve your computer’s performance, security and will provide you with access to new features.

You can start the upgrade at any time using our guidance below.

Please note: the upgrade may take up to one hour to complete, so please start it at a time which will not impact on your day-to-day duties.

IMPORTANT: Please run the upgrade when connected to Wi-Fi or at a docking station at a Trust site


To do this, please select the ‘App Installer’ icon on your computer’s desktop screen (icon pictured below).


To start the upgrade, select the ‘Upgrade to Windows 11’ option (pictured below) and click ‘Update’.

Tanium install screenshot.png

For IT help and support, please visit the NHS INformatics Merseyside (IM) Self Service Portal.

If the Windows 11 upgrade is not available on your computer, a member of the NHS Informatics Merseyside team will contact you directly.