Hello All,

As you are now aware because of staffing challenges that Byron ward has experienced, the Service has made a decision to ensure patient and staff safety is maintained to close Byron ward. This closure is a short term measure and will be reviewed by the Trust each week, it is hoped that when staffing improves Byron ward will reopen and continue the care of our patients on the ward, at the Hollins Park Site and continue the planning to move to Linden ward.

Closing the ward includes several patients moving to Aspen Wood, importantly to ensure the safety of these patients the nursing team on Byron ward will be key to supporting the patients in this new environment. The Division will support staff to make this short term move and individual discussions will take place.

The usual pathways and service delivery in the community teams will continue, with the focus on supporting people in their own homes. Where there are concerns around admission/placement breakdown, the usual escalation processes apply, with the use of wellbeing meetings and escalation calls to ensure that the person is effectively supported and admission avoided.


Where there is a decision to admit following formal assessment for mental health, a bed should be sourced within mental health inpatient under the green light toolkit. If a mainstream MH bed is not appropriate this should be discussed as part of the escalation process and alternative will need to be identified.


The operational staffing challenges on the unit during recent weeks have proved difficult for both the clinical team and patient group, can I thank you for the continued commitment you have shown in supporting the patients and that this commitment continues at Aspen Wood.


Many thanks,


Mark Latham

Deputy Divisional Director, Secure Care Division