The Trust aims to work in partnership with the LGBTQ+ network to create a safe, inclusive and diverse working environment that encourages respect and equality for all.

Membership is open to all Trust employees including students and volunteers who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or those with a positive interest in driving forward diversity and inclusion in the Trust. The network meets every month and is open to employees, bank staff, volunteers and students regardless of grade, role or contract length.

The aims of the LGBTQ+ network are:

  • Provide a regular forum for discussing diversity issues at work
  • Provide networking opportunities
  • Offering support, advice and information to LGBTQ+ network members
  • to promote equality, diversity, inclusion and pride in our LGBTQ+ staff and to assist Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust to deliver better services for all, both staff and patients. We want to improve the working lives of LGBTQ+ staff by empowering them to feel safe and able to be “out” at work allowing all staff to bring their whole selves to work; this will benefit both our colleagues and our patients

Our network meetings follow a unique format. To ensure members who identify as LGBTQ+ have a safe space to share their updates, thoughts, and feelings, we have dedicated our first hour to them. Following this, we have created a separate meeting for allies, this takes place during the last 30 minutes of our monthly meetings. These meetings are kept separate as it allows those within the safe space to move on over to the ally session or not depending on how they see fit.

Our meetings are all online via Microsoft Teams and open to staff, students, and volunteers.

For more information, please contact: or


Colleagues in the LGBTQ+ Network suggest colleagues use an app to report hate crime incidents against transgender people.  There are reports that in the last year hate crimes based on sexual orientation have increased by 41% and hate crime against transgender people has risen by 56% in England and Wales.  The app Zoteria can be used to an anonymously report hate incidents that occur to yourself or others and Galop, is an LGBT+ anti-abuse charity that will provide you with the support you need.

Search for Zoteria on your app store on your personal device and help to address hate crime against our community.  In work, and with zero tolerance of abuse a key trust value, always feel empowered to report such incidents to your manager or to Freedom to Speak Up.

LGBTQ+ History Month

February is LGBT+ history Month, and important time to consider all the valuable contributions of LGBT+ people throughout history as well as the current day.

Liverpool Museums have gathered this useful range of information in a variety of formats such as short reads and videos. Stonewall, the LGBT Charity have summed up significant recent developments too. 

LGBTQ+ History Month 2023

NAVAJO Merseyside and Cheshire LGBTIQA Chartermark Awards

The eleventh annual NAVAJO Merseyside and Cheshire LGBTIQA Chartermark Awards took place on 6 October 2022. Mersey Care has been awarded the NAVAJO LGBTIQA Chartermark for its commitment to patients, carers and colleagues who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Intersex and non-binary. Find out more on YourSpace.


We understand these to be quality sources of information, but it has not been possible to check every source and link.  If something does not feel right, please make contact so we can amend this form. Also, if you have found a resource you feel should be added or which to complement a particular source of information or agency, please let us know at

Do you have a question? Please contact your EDI lead or contact the Engagement team via who will direct your query.

Sometimes people would prefer to travel for support so it can be useful to know what is available in nearby areas as well as national sources of information.

The resources below include local, national, minoritised communities, and support regarding domestic abuse.  

As an organisation we are keen to support local Prides as this is a way to show our support of LGBT+ colleagues and service users, increase our knowledge and help the public know of and access our services.  Also, the events are popular and fun. You may want to get involved or look to do something on the ward or within your team?

North West


  • Silver Rainbows is a Cheshire-based older people's LGBT network:
  • Gay Farmers' helpline – someone to talk to who understands being gay in the farming community. Call 07837 931 894 or email:
  • Chester Pride usually held in August
  • Rainbow Tea Rooms by Chester Pride, Bridge Street, Chester
  • Just Ask LGBT+ Helpline run by Chester Pride We can help with a wide range of topics such as: Coming Out, Hate Crime, Mental Health Support, Social Anxiety or Isolation, Gender Transitioning, Sexual Health, Domestic Abuse, and anything else you might need.  You can get in touch anyway that suits you: Email -, Call / Text / Whatsapp - 07718 066684, Call - 01244 257 602


  • GLOW for LGBTQI+ young people in Halton. Delivered by The Studio, Lacey Street, Widnes with support from Halton Borough Council. GLOW provides access to youth worker support, information and advice. We provide a safe space for young people to socialise with access to informal educational opportunities and positive activities. For more information about the group and to see how you can get involved contact us on Visit their Facebook page.

Greater Manchester

  • Home | Indigo Gender Service is an NHS adult gender service pilot in Greater Manchester, which has been commissioned to provide care that is local, timely and easier to access. Indigo is a partnership between gtd healthcare a not-for-profit organisation with an established presence of primary care and urgent care services in the north-west, and LGBT Foundation, a national charity delivering services, advice and information for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans communities. This not direct referral. Patients access via GP.
  • TransForum Manchester is a discussion forum and mutual peer support group for all gender diverse people and those in any way questioning their gender, together with their partners, family and friends
  • BYou + supports LGBT+ adults in the Wigan borough
  • BYou is an under 19s LGBT+ group in Wigan. Email:



Sefton and Southport

  • Embrace is a Sefton community network for all LGBT+ people who live, work or socialise in Sefton.
  • Southport LGBT+ Coffee Morning, Southport Life Rooms

St Helens

  • St Helens Pride usually held in July
  • Over the Rainbow - a social and support group for young people aged 13-25 years who identify as LGBT+


  • TAGS is a friendly and supportive group for LGBT+ young people aged 13-25 years old in Warrington
  • FRUIT social nights - the event’s got a lovely, friendly community around it now and we want to continue that for LGBTQ+ people in the town. Straight and cis allies are welcome too. Instagram handle is @fruit.warrington.They also have a Facebook event page.


  • National charity Stonewall offers resources to support LGBT+ people
  • LGBT Foundation provides a wide range of support services to LGBT+ people. Advice, support and information telephone line: 0345 3 30 30 30
  • Gendered Intelligence is a not-for-profit community interest company aiming to increase understanding of gender diversity
  • LGBT Foundation provides a wide range of support services to LGBT+ people. Advice, support and information telephone line: 0345 3 30 30 30
  • Gendered Intelligence is a not-for-profit community interest company aiming to increase understanding of gender diversity

Young people

  • Juno Dawson's This Book is Gay is a guide to sexuality and gender for young people, written by a young adult author and available to buy online
  • The Proud Trust provides LGBT+ youth information: 
  • Young Minds including their mental health guide for parents and young people.
  • FFLAG is a national voluntary organisation and registered charity. We are dedicated to supporting parents and families and their LGBT+ members. It has a range of downloadable resources and leaflets including themes such as: How do I tell my children I am trans; How do I tell my parents I am trans; A guide to family and friends.
  • The Gingerbread person is a teaching tool for breaking the big concept of gender down into bite-sized, digestible pieces.
  • NHS: Transgender in children    
  • GIDS: Gender Identity Development Service.: clinic for young people presenting with difficulties with their gender identity.
  • Stonewall: Provides resources, role models and support for all ages including schools (such as resources for a LGBTQ inclusive curriculum)
  • TransLondon: discussion/support group for all members of the trans community  
  • UK Trans Info: national charity focused on improving the lives of trans and non-binary people
  • Outhouse East: Youth groups, free counselling and LGBTQ awareness sessions based in Colchester
  • Anna Freud Website: has a new booklet resource, LGBTQI+ mental health, which explores important topics in relation to being a member of the LGBTQI+ community and provides advice for young people on where to go to get additional  support for mental health problems


  • The Albert Kennedy Trust provides support for LGBT+ people who are homeless or living in a hostile home environment:

Asylum Seeker – local and national

  • Sahir House - Many Hands One Heart - A network to support people seeking asylum and refugees living in Merseyside who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or trans regardless of your HIV status.  It provides a safe and confidential space to talk and receive advice, support and information.  The network meets every Thursday 3.30pm via Zoom. 
  • Rainbow Migration - Supporting LGBTQI+ asylum seekers through the immigration system

Black and Minority Ethnic Groups/People of the Global Majority

The world’s largest celebration for African, Asian, Middle Eastern, Latin American and Caribbean-heritage LGBTQI+ people.

  • African Rainbow Family - Support for LGBTIQ people of African heritage and the wider Black and Asian Minority Ethnic groups
  • Rainbow Noir is a social and peer support group for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer and intersex (LGBTQI) people of colour (POC) in Manchester. The group have a physical space, an online group space and also advocate for LGBTQI POC in and around Manchester.
  • British Asian LGBT+ Support for South Asian LGBT+ people
  • Queer China UK

Traveller Community


Criminal Justice System

Domestic Abuse

  • National Domestic Abuse Helpline also support LGBT people. There is growing understanding of the particular way LGBT+ domestic abuse may present.
  • It is not ok and support is there.  To understand more, there is useful information on these pages:
  • End the fear
  • Broken Rainbow – for LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans) people, experiencing domestic abuse 
  • National Women’s Aid 
    Worst Kept Secret- Domestic Violence project for anyone affected by domestic abuse 0800 028 3398. The phone call will not show up on land line bills.
  • Savera for women and men from black, minority ethnic and refugee communities experiencing domestic violence.
  • Southall Black Sisters – for black and Asian women and children experiencing domestic and sexual violence, including forced marriage and honour crimes. Helpline: 020 85710800 10am-5pm Mon-Fri (closed Weds 12.30-1.30). Languages: English, Hindi, Punjabi, Gujarati and Urdu.
  • Rights of Women are a women's voluntary sector organisation which provides free legal advice and information to women affected by sexual violence. They publish a range of free information on areas of sexual violence law to support women through the criminal justice process, including From Report to Court: a handbook for adult survivors of sexual violence. 

Sexual assault

Sexual Harassment




LGBTQ+ Coffee mornings

The Life Rooms Southport host monthly LGBTQ+ Coffee Mornings. They’re a chance to enjoy the company of others, grab a free hot drink, and talk around LGBTQ+ topics.

All are welcome to this social and gentle group. Check The Life Rooms online timetable to see when the next coffee morning is.

Address: The Life Rooms Southport, 23-25 Scarisbrick Avenue, Southport, PR8 1NW