The Friends and Family Test (FFT) is a nationwide initiative that offers every patient and service user who receives care and treatment the opportunity to provide feedback on their experience.

Within our organisation, we currently have several different systems in place to collect this data. We are rolling out one system across the whole Trust.

The system we will all be using is called Envoy.

  • All staff will be able to access the Envoy system. It contains a dashboard feature in which you will be able to review the results, themes and key words used in the feedback, develop ‘You said we did boards’, and use the information for service development and Quality Improvement initiatives.
  • Training will be delivered via by drop-in sessions on MS teams and advertised in the newsletters.

In the coming weeks, an email will be distributed to every team manager with:

  • An explanation about the Friends and Family Test
  • A poster to display in your clinical areas which will contain your unique team QR code to help raise awareness and advertise the FFT
  • Paper versions of the survey and the email address to send this to for inputting into Envoy.

  • How to cascade information about the FFT to all team members
  • How to inform our patients, service users and carers about this system and what it means for them
  • How to use the QR code within their service i.e., add to appointment letters, and service literature, etc.
  • How to collect and send information to the central point such as any paper versions of the survey i.e., a routine admin process will be required and a collection box. The address to send the paper FFT back to is: Friends and Family Test, Knowsley Centre for Independent Living (CIL), Unit 11, Brickfields, Huyton L36 6HY
  • Are there any service specific questions that it would be useful to receive feedback on, these can be added to the FFT. These should be developed in conjunction with the Heads of Nursing in your service line
  • How will the data and narrative that is received through the system be used to support Quality Improvements and service developments?

Within our organisation, we currently have several different systems in place to collect this data. We are rolling out one system across the whole Trust.

The system we will all be using is called Envoy and we are providing some training for staff.

The sessions are all available on MS Teams online and bookable via prospectus section four: continuous professional development.