Utility Warehouse (UW), will bundle all your home services into one, simple, bill helping reduce your monthly outgoings. UW believe that when you're not worrying about price comparisons, lost passwords and piles of paperwork, you can get on with the things that really matter in life.

For over two decades Utility Warehouse have been earning the nation’s trust by saving families time and money by simplifying their home services. The idea was to create a business where everyone benefits. So rather than waste money on expensive advertising or marketing gimmicks, our customers have a new way to earn, and enjoy great value home services

It's not just customers who benefit from UW. UW rely on a network of Ambassadors who recommend UW to people in their community. In return, UW Ambassadors get to be part of a British success story, earning money for every new customer they help switch to UW.

You can watch this video from a UW brand ambassador and customer, for more information about the service.

To look at how you can consolidate and receive a better rate for your monthly utility bills contact: lucy.wilkinson@uw.partners




It is understood that Mersey Care are promoting intervention and awareness sessions as part of their financial wellbeing offer, and do not take any responsibility nor accountability for any future agreements made between Mersey Care colleagues and external financial/utility businesses.