Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Arrangements Meeting (MARAM)
What is it?
The MARAM was developed for adults who are considered to have the mental capacity to make choices that we believe places them at risk
MARAM focusses on the group assessing and responding to risk
MARAM can be used to ensure all those involved are appraised of risk and actions taken to manage risk
The MARAM does this by drawing together practitioners to develop solutions to problems in case management that have become fixed. It focuses on high intensity service users, or those who choose not to engage or may be hard to engage with, who for whatever reason, engage in risky behaviours that are not captured by other safeguarding processes.
When to use it?
In situations where there is significant concern that an individual’s lifestyle choices or behaviour may result in serious harm, or even death, and single agency involvement, or the involvement of a number of agencies, has not been effective in managing the identified risk. The following are concerns that MARAMs are commonly used for:
Who can call a MARAM?
The agency identifying the risk/need for a MARAM should propose a MARAM. All partners of the local Safeguarding Adults Boards should adhere to the MARAM process, which include Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust.
Meeting structure
Although the use of the templates are not mandatory, we do recommend using the templates and following the suggested structure whilst becoming confident in using MARAM.
Further support:
If you want to discuss the MARAM process any further, please contact Safeguarding Duty Hub on 0151 351 8484. You can also access the relevant place-based MARAM guidance using the links below.
Links to Local Safeguarding Adults Boards and place based guidance
Liverpool: MARAM-Process-September-2024-Published.pdf
Sefton: Sefton Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Management Process (MARAM)
Knowsley: Multi-Agency-Risk-Assessment-Guidance-MARAM-updated-23.pdf
Halton: Professionals | Adult Safeguarding
Warrington: Warrington Safeguarding Partnerships - MARAM
St Helens: St_Helens_MARAM_Process.pdf