An amendment to Mental Health (Hospital, Guardianship and Treatment)(England) Regulations 2008 enables many of the statutory forms under the Mental Health Act 1983 to be communicated electronically.  The statutory forms that this affects have been amended to reflect the changes to the legislation.  The links below provide access to the Department of Health and Social Care Guidance in relation to the legislation changes and to copies of the revised forms themselves (second link).  The revised forms should be used from 1 December 2020. 

Please note: Any old versions of the forms used after 1 February 2020 may result in an invalid detention or whatever area of the MHA that the document is meant to authorise, consent to treatment for example, therefore ensure that only the new revised forms are used.

DHSC amended forms – for completing electronically

DHSC guidance on the amendments to the Regulations and sending forms electronically.

Mental health online page – includes amended forms and highlights those where the statutory text has remained unchanged. The page contains PDF versions for printing hard copies of blank forms and word copies for completing electronically.

MHA Code of Practice
MHA Reference Guide

Mental health law online – patient information leaflets

Easy read leaflets - to follow

Mental health act easy read including leaflets
Ministry of Justice Mental Health Unit – contacts, information and forms
Care Quality Commission – How we help protect your rights under the Mental Health Act
Mental Health Tribunals – contact, information and forms

For any further advice or guidance, please contact the Mental Health Law Administrators in the first instance