Publish date: 16 January 2025
Our Community Pain Management Service hosted a live Q&A session last week which was open for anyone to join. Around 28 million adults in the UK live with chronic pain, so a panel of experts made themselves available to talk about how a newer understanding of pain is changing how we deal with it.
Following a short presentation from Dr Chris Barker, Clinical Lead for the Pain Management Service, participants were then able to direct questions to the panel, which also included Becky Simm, Senior Clinical Psychologist, Mo Patel, Advanced Clinical Pharmacist, and Mark Brown, Specialist Physio.
The webinar was well attended with over 60 people dialling in, and a myriad of questions were put forward. This ranged from a number of people who had conditions such as M.E., fibromyalgia, neuropathic pain and back pain, and wanted to understand what coping mechanisms were available; alternatives to strong medication and self-medicating; and how to support someone who is struggling to manage their pain at work.
If you missed the webinar you can access it on YouTube. For any other information, visit