Publish date: 19 September 2024

Seni Lewis Award.jpgThis Team was formed in October 2023 to support increasing demand on services for patients detained under Section 136 (Mental Health Act 1983). The Team is pivotal in Mersey Care’s response to the implementation of Right Care, Right Person across Cheshire and Merseyside and in reducing unnecessary accident and emergency attendances for patients detained under Section 136. Well done!!!

The Team has operationalised mental health based places of safety, ensuring that qualified mental health practitioners and support staff are available 24/7 in our suites, and that the suites are available to take patients immediately, if there are no physical health concerns. Having Street Car Triage as part of the service has been vital in ensuring a co-ordinated approach to supporting patients on Section 136, promoting least restrictive practices. Patients are now being cared for in a mental health setting, supported by trained mental health staff.

From feedback, patient experience is much improved and the transition out of places of safety is robust, ensuring that patients are referred on as needed. Recent evidence indicates that police are being released just over two hours (on average) when a patient is taken to a Mersey Care place of safety. There is noticeable difference compared to when patients are taken to an accident and emergency department as police can be with them for an average of over 12 hours. The Team allows police to deal with policing matters whilst patients who need care are supported by trained, skilled clinicians. 

For further information, please contact Clinical Services Manager