Our Clinical Strategy focuses on the delivery of clinically excellent services across the Trust and should be read in conjunction with our Operational Plan. It describes our model of care and our focus on prevention, integration and supporting the clinical development of our staff to deliver outstanding, integrated, compassionate and safe care across our services.

Each year we set out our priorities to move us closer to achieving the ambition set out in Mersey Care’s strategy.

Welcome to our new Operational Plan 2024 to 2025. This plan sets out our annual priorities to move us closer to achieving our vision. This year, we will balance operational excellence in our services today, whilst making opportunities to get ahead for the future.  This will enable our vision for perfect, whole-person care which helps people live happier, healthier lives.

In the year ahead, we will ensure a significant focus on the basics –high quality well delivered services so that wherever people access Mersey Care services they receive a consistent and reliable response. This means a focus on patient safety; waiting times and access; physical health in mental health care; resilience in our urgent care and community services; effective use of our inpatient beds and seamless children and young people services which take a family approach.  We will implement focused prevention actions and co-ordinate care better.  We will target inequalities in access, experience and outcomes and continue our journey to becoming an anti-racist organisation. 

None of this will be possible without the skills and commitment of the people who work at Mersey Care.  We will continue to prioritise staff health and wellbeing and focus on engagement and staff satisfaction, alongside addressing our persistent workforce challenges.

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Our People Plan brings together a set of actions to deliver on the following national themes and to support delivery of the Trust's Operational Plan and Clinical Strategy:

  • Looking after our people particularly the actions we must all take to keep our people safe, healthy and well – both physically and psychologically.
  • Belonging in the NHS highlighting the support and action needed to create an organisational culture where everyone feels they belong.
  • New ways of working and delivering care emphasising that we need to make effective use of the full range of our people’s skills and experience to deliver the best possible patient care.
  • Growing for the future particularly by building on the renewed interest in NHS careers to expand and develop our workforce, as well as retaining colleagues for longer.