Communications objectives

Our communications objectives for the launch of the service are to:

  • Make sure the right people are aware of the new service and can make an appropriate a referral and hear their views and invite them to input into mobilisation worksteams.

 Key messages

The service provides support for people who:

  • Have a diagnosis of autism without a learning disability and are rag rated red on the DSR
  • who have a GP registered in St Helens, Knowsley, Warrington or Halton
  • who are under 18 and referred by another NHS Mental Health service or via the Dynamic Support Register
  • require specialist clinical support to address health and wellbeing support needs in relation to their ASC
  • are at imminent risk of placement breakdown or admission to a mental health inpatient setting, as identified through the Dynamic Support Register or through another avenue (for example referral from A&E, AMHPs or mental health teams)
  • are inpatients that require additional clinical support to deliver a successful discharge and/or reduce the risk of readmission.