The Claims and Inquest Team have implemented a process for trust personnel to obtain legal advice in the areas detailed below.

The team will advise on and manage claims against the trust and will manage and support staff through the coronial process.

Obtaining legal advice

Process for obtaining legal advice

Trust staff can access advice on the legal areas below by, in the first instance, contacting the identified trust leads.

The leads for these areas will receive and manage the request for advice and if necessary, seek support from either Hill Dickinson or Hempsons solicitors. Should you need to contact any of them please use the telephone number below or first by email.

Claims and Judicial Reviews           Commercial/contracts                  Estates and facilities

Janine Betley   07827 252529             Tim Mansfield  07453 294549        Michele McGee 07970 986697

Barry Judge     07855 433102                                                                     Tracey Battison 07767 004223 

Michelle Elliot McEvoy   07788 300895                                                                  

Finance and Procurement                         Information governance                Intellectual property   

Mike Jones                07939 304068            Geoff Springer    07776 587600        

Sally Proffitt               07876 643730             Jeanie Hedley   07876 818930

Paul Harrison             07876 503019            

Inquests                                                     Mental Health Act, Mental Capacity Act and DoLs                                                  

Barry Judge               07555 433102             Nicola Peet             07768 325783

Janine Betley             07827 252529             Chris Stanton         07881 002618

Ian Woods                 07305 369024             Ann Cunliffe            07791 739754

                                                                      Stephen McGrath   07385 951121

Divisional MHL Administrators        

Patient safety                                               Safety and security

Nicky Ore                     07766 422162          Joanne Fowlis         07443 265467

Claire Davies                07435 412560 

Sharon Mageean          07917 594702 

In addition a 24 hour, 365 day a year, on-call service is available from Hill Dickinson on 07715 376624. The on-call service should only be accessed either directly by or with the permission of silver on-call.

The chosen legal firms will only provide advice to authorised individuals (including the leads above) as this is an important feature to maintain control of this area of expenditure. The legal firms will receive a list of the authorised individuals annually. 

If you require advice in respect of an Employment Law issue please contact your HR Business Partner.


The basis and reasons why trust staff will require legal advice are wide and range from simple telephone support to complex written advice. At present the trust and its staff are fortunate to have access to a high level of knowledge ‘in-house’ and this will be provided by the leads identified above and where necessary solicitors’ firms.

Dr Panchu Xavier                                         

Director of Patient Safety                                                               

Deputy Chief Medical Officer – Safety and Quality Improvement  

All claims made against the trust should be managed by the Claims Manager in the Patient Safety Team. Evidence will be gathered to assess whether liability should be denied or admitted. Legal advice will be provided on potential claims and requests for NHSR scheme cover, prior to and following the receipt of a letter of claim.

The Claims and Inquest Manager has responsibility for the management of all inquests involving the trust. Legal direction and support to witnesses and clinicians involved in the coronial process is provided by the Claims and Inquest Manager. All reports to the coroner will be screened by the Claims and Inquest Manager to ensure the quality and appropriateness of evidence presented to the court.

The Claims and Inquest Manager will ensure the trust is represented at pre-inquest hearings and the full hearing if necessary, providing support to any witnesses and liaising with relevant trust senior management following the inquest's conclusion.

Key functions:






Inquest Management



Claims Management


Administrative support

Janine Betley

Ian Woods

Julie Molyneux

Janine Betley

Michelle Elliott-McEvoy

Emma Hall

07855 433102

07855 433102

07305 369024

07827 252529

07788 300895

0151 471 2201


I need legal advice, how do I access this?

Depending on the area of law you require advice on, in the first instance contact the identified trust lead above.

What is an inquest and what support will I receive if I am involved in the inquest process?

You can read the preparing for an inquest leaflet to find out further information.

I am to give evidence at the inquest remotely, what does this mean?

I have never written a statement for an inquest before, is there a template I can use?

I have been contacted to assist with providing information in relation to a claim made against the trust, how do I find out more information about a claim?

Please select the link to the Management and Investigation of Claims policy.