Introduction to Reasonable Adjustments             

The Equality Act 2010 states that organisations must make Reasonable Adjustments for individuals with a disability to make access to services equitable. The legal duty for Reasonable Adjustments is anticipatory (which means changes must be made in advance or in expectation of a future event or outcome).    

The need for Reasonable Adjustments is based on impairment and not on diagnosis, where a person may be entitled to Reasonable Adjustments if they have: 

A physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term negative effect on ability to do normal daily activities. 

Further details can be found in the section below on Reasonable Adjustments Digital Flag.

The Learning Disability Clinical Toolkit

This toolkit demonstrates a reasonably adjusted clinic. It was developed to support healthcare professionals to embed reasonable adjustments in their working practice. This also includes anyone organising or managing services for people with a learning disability.

This toolkit will provide you with practical resources, guidance and information to change your working practice and better support patients with a learning disability. Although focused on adults with asthma, the learning and materials can be adapted for use across other long term condition areas (Equality Act, 2010). 

This guide is not intended to replace national guidelines, local guidance or professional judgement but aims to complement and spread awareness of the legal requirement to provide reasonable adjustments (Equality Act, 2010).

Reasonably Adjusted Clinics Toolkit


NHSE - Reasonable adjustments


The NHS Long Term Plan tells us we must flag a patient to indicate they have a learning disability or are Autisitc (Reasonable Adjustments Digital Flag).

The information Standard Notice tells us we must also flag reasonable adjustments.

The flag held on the NHS Spine will enable health and care professionals to record, share and view details of reasonable adjustments across the NHS , wherever the person is treated. The flag means to enable clear identification of all patients for whom reasonable adjustments may be required.The flag is about Needs v Wants with information about need made through contact with the individual. Consent must be obtained to share information.                                                                                                                           

Further information can be found below:

Reasonable Adjustment Flag - NHS Digital