The Quality and Compliance Team (also known as the CQC Team) are part of the Nurse Executive Directorate within Trust Wide Support Services.

The team is responsible for two main areas of work - Care Quality Commission (CQC) engagement and Quality Review Visits (QRV).

Care Quality Commission (CQC)

  • Information Requests – both adhoc and during inspections
  • Visits / inspections by the CQC to the Trust
  • Registration of buildings and activities
  • Regular engagement meetings with CQC inspectors and leads to ensure assurance and compliance
  • Facilitating Mental Health Act visits and ensuring teams / services meet deadlines for response
  • Facilitating Non-Executive / Executive visits which is part of the Trust’s ongoing engagement and support to staff and patients/service users. 

Quality Review Visit (QRV) Accreditation framework

  • Self Assessments on Audit Management and Tracking (AMaT)
  • Coordination of QRVs for all clinical teams
  • Preparing and processing QRV reports
  • Generating Actions to support improvement
  • Reporting on emerging themes of good practice and areas requiring improvement
  • Ongoing review of QRV report template to align to CQC framework
  • Accreditation framework for teams rated Good and Good Plus at QRV
  • Consideration of Excelling status

For further information please see ‘More in this section’ on this page or contact us at

In March 2023, our team won Team of the Month

tom.pngRecently, the team has supported the whole Trust from Board to front line staff in the largest CQC inspection for several years. On a daily basis the team liaise and facilitate 'all things CQC' across the year and have developed and grown their reputation with the CQC and across all divisions in the trust. The whole team consistently go over and above to ensure effective organisation, communication, co-ordination and response to data and information requests as part of the inspection and day to day on-going assurance between CQC and the board, divisions and individuals. This is a high performing and motivated team with a 'Can do' approach that provides tireless support to the trust in support of helping to achieve its overarching values and objectives; to ensure the services Mersey Care delivers are high quality, safe and effective for our patients and our communities. I cannot commend the team more highly enough for them to be awareded Team of the month.

What difference has this made?

A key aim of the Trust is to achieve outstanding rating from the CQC, this effectively means that the Trust delivers safe, effective, caring, responsive and well led services to patients, families and our communities.

During the recent inspection, which was large and complex across all our divisions, the Trust received several hundred data / information requests from CQC that needed to be returned to the CQC within specific timescales, some within 24 / 48 hour turnaround to enable sign off.

The team worked in partnership with all divisions to co-ordinate, support and advise on what was required regarding level of assurance needed for submission. The team conducted this using compasionate and effective communication, being appreciative of the immense pressure all divisions were under in facilitating a large and complex inspection over several weeks. The impact resulted in all responses returned on time, positive feedback from CQC of how well organised the Trust was during inspection.