Important information - Making declarations of interests, gifts and hospitality 

All Conflict of Interest declarations for staff are to be made via ESR.


Read the guidance on how to make a declaration or update an existing declaration via ESR.

Watch a short video here on how to make your declaration on ESR and update this annually.

Line managers have the ability, via ESR, to view declarations made by their staff and create management actions were required.

Decision Making staff’ – It is a statutory requirement that the Trust holds a register of declarations for staff who are deemed to be ‘Decision Making Staff’, and these are refreshed and updated annually.

As well as all staff 8D and above, there are other staff who may be deemed as decision making, i.e., some staff within procurement, estates, pharmacy and other teams. These staff are required to complete a declaration regarding interests each year, if you do not have any interests to declare, you are still required to make a ‘Nil’ declaration. You will receive a notification via ESR, as well as emails from if you are deemed as a Decision Making Staff member.

All staff – regardless of band, all staff are required to make a declaration if there is one and update it each financial year.

The various types of interests can be found in the policy or NHS guidance and are also included below:

Types of interest - 1.png

Types of interest - 2.png

Please direct any questions or queries to:  

Situations include:

  • Gifts Please note gifts of alcohol and well as cash or vouchers must always be declined
  • Hospitality
  • Outside employment
  • Shareholdings and other ownership interests
  • Patents
  • Loyalty interests
  • Donations
  • Sponsored events
  • Sponsored research
  • Sponsored posts
  • Clinical private practice

Failure to declare interests constitutes a breach of the policy; responsibility for declaring an interest within 28 days is solely that of the staff member concerned.