Wellbeing conversations

Wellbeing conversations between a line manager and members of their team are shown to have a significant improvement to the wellbeing of staff. Across the North West, currently 66% of staff stated that they have had a Wellbeing conversation and they unanimously agreed that this was valuable to them.                                                  

What is a wellbeing conversation?

“From September 2020, every member of the NHS should have a health and wellbeing conversation and develop a personalised plan. These conversations may fit within an appraisal, job plan or one-to-one line management discussion, and should be reviewed at least annually. As part of this conversation, line managers will be expected to discuss the individual’s health and wellbeing, and any flexible working requirements, as well as equality, diversity and inclusion.”

NHS People Plan 2020-2021

Vision for the wellbeing conversations
  • Health and wellbeing conversations are intended to be regular, supportive, coaching-style one to one conversations that focus on the wellbeing of our NHS people.
  • By encouraging organisations to embed wellbeing conversations across their system, we aim to create cultures where people feel heard and valued, and in which diversity is respected. This should, in turn, encourage us all to pass care and compassion on to each other, to patients and to our families.
  • Wellbeing conversations should consider the whole wellbeing of an individual (e.g. physical, mental, emotional, social, financial, lifestyle, safety) and identify areas where the individual may need support, signpost them to that support, and regularly monitor their wellbeing over time.
Wellbeing conversations training

NHS England are running training for line managers and those holding wellbeing conversations. Dates and further information can be found here.

​​​​​More information on wellbeing conversations.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​