The communications team has a broad range of responsibilities, including:

  • manage and protect the reputation of the Trust, its staff, patients and services
  • improve internal communications for staff, service users, patients and carers
  • enhance external relationships with the media, stakeholders, decision makers, local communities and the public
  • produce and review the corporate Communications Strategy and produce an action plan for implementation
  • provide a structure for the promotion of our services and of our staff
  • represent the professional interests of our staff and providing opportunities.

The NHS is one of the most cherished and recognised brands in the world. When applied correctly and consistently, a brand evokes exceptionally high levels of trust and reassurance. Perfect Care isn't just for clinical practice - how we communicate with people is also important to show that we are professionals.

If you have any questions, please contact the communications team via or 0151 471 2336 or fill in the form below and return to the Communications Team.