All services in Mersey Care are to access British Sign Language and related communication to support deaf and deafblind people via the specialist provider Signalise Co-op.
Services within the original Mersey Care footprint access translation and interpretation support from Language Line.
Services from the former Mid Mersey Division access translation and interpretation support from DA Languages.
Translation and Interpretation Services – former Mid Mersey Division
The former Mid Mersey Division continue to use DA Languages.
All services in Mersey Care can now access the specialist provider Signalise Co-op to book BSL and other communication to support deaf and deafblind people. Further details are on our  Signalise Co-op pages.
You can still use your NWBH email address when making bookings.
Useful contact: Alison
Our Trust works with specialist providers for our translation and interpretation provision. The guide contains details of how to access this for face-to-face, telephone and video appointments and includes details of the purchasing order number or pin code you need to make a booking.
Please note that the guide will be updated as needed and the latest version can be found on this page.
Good communication is at the heart of whatever we do. Some people can be at a communication disadvantage accessing our services, for example: those who do not speak English; those where English is not their first language; those with sensory loss; or have other communication needs.
Translation and interpreting involves converting the meaning of written or spoken content from one language to another. While translation deals with written materials, interpreting refers to oral translation or sign language.
As an NHS Trust it is vital that we providing quality and timely translation and interpretation to support patients/services users so they have a good experience of our services, as well as ensuring patient safety and best health outcomes.
St Helens Deafness Resource Centre is our first line supplier of British Sign Language and deaf/blind support; and DA Languages is our provider of interpretation and translation for languages. Both can cover our whole geography.
There are three options of interpretation:
- Face to Face
- Video
- Telephone
Usually our first preference is for face to face interpretation; however there are different situations that may make video or telephone the best option.
Below is a guide to explain the process for translation and interpretation in North West Boroughs Healthcare, key pieces of information and contacts. It has been laid out in a series of sections for quick access.
Note about COVID19
There is evidence that those who speak a different language or use British Sign Language have been disadvantaged during the COVID19 pandemic and have increased feelings of isolation. They may also have missed key information.
When we are wearing Personal Protective Equipment it can make it difficult to read facial gestures and if a person is used to lip reading it can be impossible to see. PPE could impact on services users and staff members who may be hard of hearing or struggle with muffled speech. Providing quality interpretation is, as ever, vital.
If you have queries not covered in this guide please contact:
Alison Paul via MS Teams
Or email
For a step by step guide to make a video consultation on Attend Anywhere with DA Languages (see Appendix A).
DA Languages offers our first line provision for language and translation provision. By accessing the DA Languages Hub you can book interpreters, arrange translation, there are a range of guides and a resources section (see Appendix D). The website is quite intuitive.
Teams may want to set up access to the Translation and Interpretation Service in different ways. For example, one team may arrange all bookings via administrative staff, in another team clinical staff may book interpreters direct. For access:
- Go to DA LINK online
- In the box called ‘Client portal’ press the tab called ‘Request Invite’.
- Complete the ‘request invite’ form. You will need to a North West Borough Healthcare email address ie
Change to pre-booked online interpretation
DA Languages state that across their customers base about 75% of video interpretation bookings raised the link for the meeting is not included. This can lead to additional work and problems later on. Recent changes to the booking process include a new look box for adding links, that prompts user to add at the point of booking, with automated follow up reminders at staged intervals. Users will see this flyer:
The requesters will have until one hour before the scheduled appointment start time to provide any missing VRI call links.
If the link is not provided one hour before the booking, the booking might be cancelled, and the requestor/client will be charged for late cancelation.
Communication is key for effective appointments and interactions between patients/service users/carers/family members and staff. The Accessible Information Standard came into force in 2016 and was developed to support better communication for those with a disability, impairment or sensory loss. It is a legal requirement that all organisations that provide NHS care and / or publicly-funded adult social care follow the Accessible Information Standard.
The Standard sets out a specific, consistent approach to identifying, recording, flagging, sharing and meeting the information and communication support needs of patients, service users, carers and parents with a disability, impairment or sensory loss.
These videos are helpful to understand more about:
Accessible Information Standard by Sense
They share how we need to understand…
- What is the best way for us to contact you eg text, email (I will use my screen reader
- What format do you need information in? eg standard print (I will use my magnifier), easy read, large print, BSL video or DVD.
- Do you need a communication professional for your appointments such as a registered BSL interpreter, an communicator guide, a notetaker.
- Are there any other ways we can support communication eg please note I wear hearing aids, speak slowly, look at me and keep your face clear, lip read, I will not hear my name in reception.
Communicating with people with learning disabilities and top tips for communication
Accessible Information Standard - 5 stages |
We may be able to adapt our communications to the person’s needs inhouse eg make a departmental leaflet into large print, and other times we need to call in professional help eg a registered British Sign Language interpreter.
St Helens Deafness Resource Centre can provide specialist support for Deaf, Deafblind people, lipreading and other related support.
DA Languages can provide a wide range of additional communication means such as Moon, Braille, full details listed in Appendix F.
For a step by step guide to make a video consultation on Attend Anywhere with the Deafness Resource Centre and the booking from please go to Appendix B.
St Helens Deafness Resource Centre (DRC) is our first choice for BSL as we can gain additional benefits working with the local community, understanding need and create continuity.
- Across our geography DRC can provide: BSL, Lip Speakers, deaf blind interpreters, speech to text reporters, note takers (details in the booking form)
- For many BSL users; BSL is their first language, so English may be a second language to them.
- If DRC cannot fulfil the booking contact DA Languages.
For Be accessible during COVID-19 click here
Attending your appointment via video click here
Sign Health provide video coverage of the English government briefings.
Sign Health have an extensive list of BSL videos covering issues such as Domestic Abuse, Mental Health, Physical Health
There is the free 24/7 crisis texting services immediate support, by Sign Health, Shout and Crisis Text Line. For immediate support, text DEAF to 85258
Fingerspelling - For your email signature or a word go to this site: input the word and save the image.
New BSL Health Access, a national free helpline service was launched 16th April 2020 video explains the service now available for free to support BSL users during the pandemic, in any NHS setting, 24/7
To book a planned face to face appointment of language interpretation please follow this guide.
If the appointment involves a rarer language place the booking on the Hub so that it triggers DA Languages to start sourcing the interpreter. As usual they will confirm (or not) the booking.
If it is clinically appropriate and safe please give DA Languages time to get interpretation in place.
If for some reason the interpreter cannot be sourced in a timely way we may need to look at other options.
Sometimes we need to provide our leaflets, documents etc in a different language including British Sign Language. Before following the process in the guide below or contacting the Deafness Resource Centre explore:
- if you can find what you want on the internet/Government websites/other Trusts.
- rather than having a document translated into lots of languages be prepared to get it translated promptly when the need arises. (Experience has shown that information changes so documents can soon go out of date.)
- can you produce documents with content that will not go out of date?
The guide to requesting translation from DA Languages can be found on YourSpace.
If what you have translated could be used by others is there a central place you can keep it? Can you also let the EDI Lead know via Alison
Please also refer to the Accessible Information Standard for Service Users Procedure found in Policies and Procedures section of the staff focused website.
For Languages: DA Languages
- For instant access use the telephone interpretation service (Section C) which is available 24/7 and weekend and bank holiday.
- If you know that you require video remote interpretation or face-to-face interpretation out-of-hours pre-book the session following the usual method. (Section B)
- If video remote interpretation or face-to-face is required but not planned DA Languages will do their best to fulfil your request although it cannot be guaranteed. Video remote interpretation will be easier.
In this situation make your booking on the system as usual and select the “ASAP” button. Call telephone number 0161 928 2533 with the booking reference and then the administrator know the situation.
During out of hours the telephone number will go to someone working remotely. When core business hours select the option for interpretation.
For British Sign Language: Deafness Resource Centre
To access British Sign Language support between 5 pm and 9 am and over the weekend and bank holidays call: 07779708360.
You can discuss with the Deafness Resource Centre what you require eg face to face or remote video interpretation.
The telephone
Translation and Interpretation Services from 1st June 2021
Mid Mersey Division will continue with DA Languages and St Helens Deafness Resource Centre as our first line translation and interpretation provision. Later in the year we expect to harmonise the whole organisation’s translation and interpretation provision.
DA Languages
For making bookings with DA Languages the new purchase order numbers in the table below have been created.
- Please use the new codes (the old ones will not work).
- Please alert your Administrator if a session does not take place. Your local administrator receipts the translation and interpretation services on SBS.
New Order Number |
Service |
Administrator Contact |
Old Order Number |
345010652 |
Halton |
Andrea Price |
138188857 |
345010649 |
Knowsley Children Services |
Julie Spencer |
138188860 |
345010643 |
Knowsley Mental Health – Adults, children, LLAMS |
Jennie Beckwith |
138190671 |
345010706 |
Knowsley Reception Areas |
Kay Dillon |
138190672 |
345010641 |
Knowsley Scheduled Care |
Peter Head |
138190673 |
345010650 |
Knowsley Unscheduled Care |
Linda Shea |
138188859 |
345010707 |
Mid-Mersey Crisis Response Team |
Caroline Percival |
138203146 |
345010645 |
Sefton |
Nicola Gall |
138188868 |
345010647 |
St Helens |
Joanna Lacy |
138188867 |
345010644 |
Warrington |
Daniel Cassidy |
138188869 |
St Helens Deafness Resource Centre (DRC)
We are pleased to work with St Helens Deafness Resource Centre who can provide support across the Mid Mersey Division. When you make a booking with DSC please contact the purchasing team to request a PO Number. Procurement can be contacted on 01925 664496 or
Accessible Information Standard (AIS)
AIS is all about improving communication, providing information in the format, or delivering information in a way, that people need. There are things we can do in-house and sometimes the individual may have ways of adapting the information. The translation and interpretation companies can also be helpful.
If you have any queries/concerns in accessing T&I provision please contact
I want language interpretation for a meeting
Every Trust computer has Skype, the Trust approved method for online business meetings. The guide below shows how to create a Skype meeting; the link to the Skype meeting is what DA Languages require in section 5 of the booking screen. Click here for Guide
What technology is available?
Each ward has an iPad with Skype to help service users contact family and friend but also for use for interpretation and British Sign Language. For staff in the community and Walk In Centres, staff should be able to access a laptop.
To ensure appropriate care service users must be able to have suitable interpretation via our larger screen technology. However, in an urgent situation you may find that the service user has the technology on their telephone for BSL video.
They cannot fulfil my booking request
Please book all Translation and Interpretation services via DA Languages. Should DA Languages not be able to fulfil the appointment in 48 hours then please contact Procurement to gain agreement and an order number to arrange the service from an alternative supplier (from an agreed list). Procurement can be contacted on 01925 664496 or
If the Deafness Resources Centre cannot meet the BSL booking request please contact DA Languages in the first instance.
Can we use transcribe Apps? Please see Appendix C.
Other Information
- DA Languages online portal is the best place to arrange a bookings as the request is automatically sent out to interpreters. (Their Tel No is: 0161 928 2533.)
- The booking sheet asks for information that can help get the best allocation of interpreter for the service user, taking into account (as best they can) political, religious and gender considerations so that the appointment runs smoothly. If you do not feel that the booking is a good match it may be best to rearrange.
- Working with DA Languages we will have access to better data recording and also potential cost savings for the Trust.
I have a query not covered by this document who can I contact?
In the first instance please contact: Alison Paul, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Advisor,Via MS Teams or Email: Telephone : 01925 664 061
Telephone interpretation is usually fairly instant.
Access by following the quick guide by clicking here, calling the number and quoting your departmental pin, from the table below.
If you print the document out there is a space to record your local PIN number.
Site/Department Name |
Services |
DA Languages PIN |
Bolton Borough |
445691 |
Halton Borough |
660735 |
Knowsley Borough
Mental Health (Adults/Children/LLAMS) |
433115 |
Unscheduled Care |
843536 |
Children Services |
406611 |
Reception Areas |
176866 |
Scheduled Care |
297161 |
Sefton Borough |
930272 |
St Helens Borough |
569150 |
Warrington Borough |
243615 |
Wigan Borough |
554683 |
Mid Mersey Crisis Response Team |
Question: But the language I need is not on the list?
Question: I must make sure an interpreter is available for an appointment.
Some languages are rarer than others or harder to get an interpreter for various reasons. If you require a language that is not on the list or you believe there could be problems accessing it please contact the team at DA Languages via
Let them know the language you need and the date of the appointment/s.
They will get back in touch with you to confirm that they can meet the booking and provide details as to how you call in to access the interpreter on the time and day that you have requested.
If there are problems with availability they will be in touch. Depending on the situation, we may be able to move the appointment date and sometimes we may need to find an alternative supplier.
Booking video interpreters via DA Link To sign in to DA Link, go to
Click the ‘Sign in’ button underneath the ‘Client Portal’ logo, and then enter your email and password
If you have not received an email invitation to join DA Link, click the ‘Request invite’ button and enter your details (Shortly after requesting and invitation you will receive an email with further instructions on how to gain access)
Once logged in, click on ‘Bookings’ from the top menu: A drop-down menu will appear, select the option to “Create New Booking”
A new window will appear prompting you to select the Service Type, Video Interpreting: A booking form will appear for you to fill in, fields marked by a * must be completed
Ensure that you add in the link for the Attend Anywhere Waiting Room that the interpreter will need to join you prior to the patient’s arrival
Arrange to start the session with the interpreter several minutes before the patient’s appointment in order to brief the interpreter, ensuring a seamless experience for the patient Conducting an Attend Anywhere video consultation with an interpreter
At the time of your planned appointment (having booked interpreter support), log in to Attend Anywhere shortly before the time arranged to brief the interpreter ( ) Choose the waiting area that you want to use with the interpreter today
Once in the waiting area, wait for the interpreter to join you. When they arrive, left click on the call and choose “join call” – You will have received their details after booking and DA Languages have asked that interpreters identify themselves by including “DA languages” in their details
With the video window open, speak to the interpreter and provide them with any briefing notes that they may need
When ready, go back to the waiting area by hovering over the google chrome icon in your taskbar and clicking on the waiting area window
Having located your patient, left click on them and add them to the call
You will receive a prompt to add the patient to the call, click “OK” and add the patient to the call
Once all parties have joined the call, click on the Google Chrome icon on your taskbar again and select the video call window to complete your call. N.B. whilst adding the patient, your camera and microphone are live and the patient and interpreter can see and hear you even when you can’t see them
Conducting an Attend Anywhere video consultation – Interpreter’s Viewpoint
At the time that an interpreter is booked to join a video conference call they should follow the URL/web address supplied on the booking form to enter an Attend Anywhere Waiting Area. Selecting the “Start video call” option to register to join the call
The system will run a speed test and may run other tests upon first connection
Once the tests are completed users will be able to enter the credentials to identify themselves N.B. Interpreters should include “DA Languages” in their details to help clinicians identify them in a video call queue
Once users have completed their details and accepted the terms and conditions, they can choose to “Continue”
Users will be presented with an information screen and the option to “Start Call”
Having started the call the interpreter can now wait for a clinician to join the call and provide a briefing for the consultation
With the briefing complete the clinician will locate the patient and add them to the call to proceed with the consultation
Interpreters* for Deaf People from the Deafness Resource Centre
Planning the appointment:
- Please allow more time for the appointment.
- When booking an interpreter arrange to start the session several minutes before the patient’s appointment time in order to brief the interpreter.
- Give time for the patient and interpreter to introduce themselves to each other.
- By the end of the appointment make sure you and the patient/service user understand clearly what is happening next.
- The booking form is on the next page. To book you can:
Phone 01744 23887 and ask for the Communications Service
Fax 01744 611540
On the booking form please ensure you clearly provide:
- The date and time of the appointment
- Type of communication support required
- The name of the Service User where possible
- A brief description of the nature of the appointment
- Any personal needs or preferences of the patient (i.e. if a male or female interpreter is required)
- Details of the venue when it is a face to face appointment
- Or the Attend Anywhere URL/Web address for your service’s waiting area
*The Deafness Resource Centre can provide:
- British Sign Language Interpreters – Experienced professionals to assist in situations which require British Sign Language
- Lip Speakers – To assist those who prefer to lip read
- Deaf Blind Interpreters – Experienced professions who provide hands on and deaf blind manual to assist deaf blind people
- Speech to text reporters – Highly qualified professionals who provide speech to text services either on a lap top or full screen for the client to read
- Note-takers – Because it is difficult for a deaf person to write notes while watching a BSL interpreter/Lip speaker, the note taker may be used to provide written notes for the client
The Deafness Resource Centre:
- Will contact you to confirm that an interpreter has been booked
- All bookings are dealt with in the strictest confidence.
Office: 32-40 Dentons Green Lane, St Helens, Merseyside, WA10 2QB. Registered Charity No: 1128148 Company Limited by Guarantee 6807282,
Attend Anywhere video consultations with interpreters for deaf people
- At the time of your planned appointment (having booked interpreter support), log in to Attend Anywhere shortly before the time arranged to brief the interpreter ( )
- Choose the waiting area that you want to use with the interpreter today
Once in the waiting area, wait for the interpreter to join you. When they arrive, left click on the call and choose “join call” – You will have received their details after booking and The Deafness Resource Centre have asked that interpreters identify themselves by including “DRC” in their details
With the video window open, speak to the interpreter and provide them with any briefing notes that they may need
- When ready, go back to the waiting area by hovering over the google chrome icon in your taskbar and clicking on the waiting area window
Having located your patient, left click on them and add them to the call
- You will receive a prompt to add the patient to the call, click “OK” and add the patient to the call
Once all parties have joined the call, click on the Google Chrome icon on your taskbar again and select the video call window to complete your call. N.B. whilst adding the patient, your camera and microphone are live and the patient and interpreter can see and hear you even when you can’t see them
Conducting an Attend Anywhere video consultation interpreter view
At the time that an interpreter is booked to join a video conference call they should follow the URL/web address supplied on the booking form to enter an Attend Anywhere Waiting Area. Selecting the “Start video call” option to register to join the call
- The system will run a speed test and may run other tests upon first connection
Once the tests are completed users will be able to enter the credentials to identify themselves N.B. Interpreters should include “DRC” in their details to help clinicians identify them in a video call queue
Once users have completed their details and accepted the terms and conditions, they can choose to “Continue”
- Users will be presented with an information screen and the option to “Start Call”
Having started the call the interpreter can now wait for a clinician to join the call and provide a briefing for the consultation
- With the briefing complete the clinician will locate the patient and add them to the call to proceed with the consultation
Important Notice
- Apps can be useful in some situations but we must not rely on them because we cannot guarantee the quality of the translation/interpretation.
- Apps could be useful for basic information such as whether the person wants a drink or eat but anything medical we must use an interpreter. This is because by accessing the Translation and Interpretation Service we are accessing quality provision which is vital in a medical setting and the best way we can enable a service user/patient to have a quality appointment.
- If you use an app remember to check when the official interpreter is there please check that you have understood each other correctly.
- Free apps that have been receiving positive reviews are for Android Goggle Live Transcribe and for Apple Google Translate.
DA Languages Hub
The Resources section in the DA Languages Portal contains a variety of items including template documents in different languages. It is continually being updated. The following items you may find particularly helpful.
- The Language Identifier Tool – the service user can point at the flag that represents the country they are from. For language identifier tool click here
- Cultural Awareness Resource Guide - This document is designed to help health professionals learn some of the key cultural characteristics of the most common languages in hospitals.
For Cultural awareness resource guide click here
Other Resources
- Information about COVID19 in different languages can be found here:
- BBC Asian Network – information and videos in a range of languages on twitter and Facebook
A Summary:
- Make booking quoting the Purchase Order Number for your borough/service
- Let the Administrative Lead from the table in Section H know if booking does not take place
- Regularly the Administrative Lead receipts activity onto the system
- Payment automatically triggered to be paid the following month
B Detail:
Procurement set up a standing purchase order (PO) for each borough which enables the NWBH staff to book translation and interpretation multiple times using the same PO number.
- This process means that NWBH can book translation and interpretation easily and we have clear visibility of what we are purchasing. Those with the permissions can see the numbers of what has been booked at a team level, borough level and Trust level.
- In order for this work smoothly it is essential to quote the Purchase Order Number when making a booking.
- Regularly the Administrative Lead/s in each borough receipts the activity.
NB It is important to let them know when a booking does not take place so we do not pay for a service we have not had. - Receipting the activity triggers the payment process.
C What are Purchase Order Numbers?
Our contracts are with DA Languages and St Helens Deafness Support Centre and using the purchase order number means we do not need to use invoices. (PO number are presented by the buyer of the service eg NWBH and an invoice or bill is issued by the seller).
The benefits of the Standing Purchase Order Number means:
- It is easier for members of staff making bookings
- It is easier for NWBH and the T&I Company to cross-check and refer to the bookings/activity.
- It helps NWBH managing orders and budgets as it helps us know our expenses.
- They benefit our suppliers, because it helps with communication, means clear order details, reduces discrepancies and makes payment processes flow better.
List of Languages and Communication Options