Publish date: 14 December 2022

Colleagues in children and young people’s mental health services may notice some changes to the following routine outcome measure (ROMS) in RiO from 14 December 2022.  These changes aim to improve how the forms work and also enable clinicians to record when it may not have been clinically appropriate to request a particular ROM to be completed or where the CYP or other respondent has declined the request to complete.  All of the ROMS listed below are located within the CYP IAPT folder within the RiO case record menu.

  • HoNOSCA Parent’s Assessment (CYP-IAPT>Assessment Measures)
  • Short Warwick Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale CYP (CYP-IAPT>Goal or Global Tracking)
  • GAD7 – CYP (CYP-IAPT>Presenting Difficulties)
  • PHQ-9 Depression – CYP (CYP-IAPT>Presenting Difficulties)