All services in Mersey Care are to access British Sign Language and related communication to support deaf and deafblind people via the specialist provider Signalise Co-op.

Services within the original Mersey Care footprint access translation and interpretation support from Language Line.

Services from the former Mid Mersey Division access translation and interpretation support from DA Languages.

Click on the boxes below to find out more about each of the services.

Useful information



Email address

Alison Paul

EDI Lead

Trust Wide Support Services


Procurement Team for PO numbers

Trust Wide Support Services

Engagement Team

Trust Wide Support Services




Language Line Solutions (LLS)

For staff in former Mersey Care services, please contact Langauge Line. 

Translations may be used fo audio clips, websites, text messages, braille, promotional videos and tpatient notes or help guides.

Access to the translations team can be gained via SmartMATE Guest Order.

Find out more in the SmartMATE user guide.

DA Lanaguages

Before following the process in the guide below or contacting the Deafness Resource Centre explore:

  • if you can find what you want on the internet/Government websites/other Trusts.
  • rather than having a document translated into lots of languages be prepared to get it translated promptly when the need arises.  (Experience has shown that information changes so documents can soon go out of date.)
  • can you produce documents with content that will not go out of date?

The guide to requesting translation from DA Languages can be found on YourSpace.

If what you have translated could be used by others is there a central place you can keep it?  Can you also let the EDI Lead know via

Please also refer to the Accessible Information Standard for Service Users Procedure found in Policies and Procedures section of the staff focused website.

Watch our short video featuring our Chair, Rosie Cooper talking about the importance of supporting people in the deaf community.