Training declaration forms related to Medicines Management internal training can be found here.

The following forms can be found in the MMP04 Covert and Overt Administration of Medicines in Food / Drink (Inpatients) procedure

NB - Electronic versions of these forms are available on RiO under Case Record Menu > Medications > Covert Medication > Covert Medication Care Pathway (Initial)

Electonic versions must also be used where available

The following form can be found in the MMP07 Medicine Reconciliation (Inpatients) procedure:

Medicine Reconciliation Form

The following forms can be found in the MMP08 Administration of Medicines procedure. These are to be used for the self-administration of specified medicines only.

They are not to be used for patients under the Self-Administration of Medicines (SAM) Scheme - see MMP05 Self-Administration of Medicines (SAM) Scheme procedure for these forms.



Missing, Lost & Stolen NHS Prescription(s) Notification Form & Flow Chart - guidance and form to be followed in the instance of a missing, lost or stolen NHS prescription

Record of Delivery (single patient use form) - to be used when delivering medication / FP10s directly to a patient (i.e. not to a Trust site) or a community pharmacy to provide an accurate audit trail of receipt of the medication / FP10. This should be uploaded to the patient's electronic record.