Urgent alert

You can access Radar through the icon on your desktop.

Radar optimisation: Patient look up functionality 

Patient look up functionality enables patient/services users names and key demographic details to be added to an incident more easily, by pulling in data directly from existing Trust systems. We have produced a user guide that sets out how to use the patient look up functionality. 

This will help reduce duplication for staff recording information on Radar and also help to support consistent data capture and the quality of information added to Radar.  

If you have any issues identified using this new feature or requests for additional support using patient look up should be sent to the incident and risk team via email at incidentandriskteam@merseycare.nhs.uk.

Learning from Patient Safety Events (LFPSE)

Our teams are supporting preparation for our go-live with LFPSE reporting to NHS England, direct from our Radar incident and risk management system, from 30 May 2024.

Find out more about LFPSE, including FAQson YourSpace.

Radar drop-in clinics

Weekly Radar drop-in sessions are available for staff to raise any queries about Radar/LFPSE.

Sessions can be booked in the prospectus in section 8.

On 1 April, our Radar Healthcare system went live for reporting events.

We have received positive feedback from staff:

Radar Infographic - Successful activity.png

Did you know, if you launch Radar and keep it running in the background and if you receive an email notification with a link from Radar, the link will take you directly from the specific event to the full details.