Radar optimisation: Patient look up functionality 

Patient look up functionality enables patient/services users names and key demographic details to be added to an incident more easily, by pulling in data directly from existing Trust systems. We have produced a user guide that sets out how to use the patient look up functionality. This was introduced on Thursday 20 July 2023.

This will help reduce duplication for staff recording information on Radar and also help to support consistent data capture and the quality of information added to Radar.  

The Radar user training packages on YourSpace (that continue to be offered weekly via Microsoft Teams) will now be updated to feature this latest enhancement information (see below). 

If you have any issues identified using this new feature or requests for additional support using patient look up should be sent to the incident and risk team via email at incidentandriskteam@merseycare.nhs.uk.

Radar drop-in clinics

Fortnightly clinics are available for staff to raise any queries about Radar. The first clinic is scheduled for Wednesday 14, February at 2.30pm, so come along and share some quality time with your colleagues, we would love to see you there!  Click this link to join the meeting.

Further sessions can be booked in the prospectus in section 8.

Radar Optimisation

You will see changes to email notifications from the Radar system to notify when an event has been reported and/or a task assigned with all new notifications in this format going forward. The next batch of Trust wide notification optimisation work is due to be delivered by end August 2023 and updates will be provided, along with analytics functionality.

Radar notifications enhanced

From 29 August, alert emails from Radar will be enhanced following successful optimisation and testing. You will now get harm level information and more detailed descriptions of events including incident types in the messages you receive.

Radar top tips

Are you having some issues getting to grips with the new Radar system? Don’t worry, help is at hand. We have created some quick top tips to help you along the way.

Across the Trust we are successfully using the Radar Healthcare System to report events and risks with a safe landing from our go-live date (with Whalley site transition being phased/in progress as confirmed to staff applicable). The Radar system is easily accessed via the icon from your desktop (see left) and all training to support use of this system, and other key information, is available on this Radar resources page.

Good news, we will expecting a confirmed delivery date for the API hotfix solution (for Secure Care Division), we are aiming for mid June as our go live date and this will enhance/resolve the synchronisation between Radar and PACIS. 

Also the next phase of specific system data capture forms will feature the central alert system requirements, 72 hour review processes and application of duty of candour statutory responsibilities (go-live dates to be confirmed).

The priority incidents that will be notified, as collectively agreed by subject matter experts and divisional leadership teams are:

  • Fire
  • Violence and aggression
  • Accidents
  • Pressure and wound care
  • Staffing level issues
  • Suicide attempts
  • Security related
  • Self-harm
  • Medication
  • Abscond/absent without leave.

Roles will be updated for colleagues who need to receive these first phase of priority notifications. However, please continue to contact IncidentandRiskTeam@merseycare.nhs.uk if any other roles need to be amended to receive the notifications. 

Work will continue on building and activating the full set of system notifications required. We will keep you updated via the Radar resources page and Trust wide emails.

We will be providing 30 minute training slots on the new system provided by Radar Healthcare for incident raising (this is for all staff), management of events (for managers) and risk management training (for senior managers). Sessions can be booked via the prospectus in section 8.




On 1 April, our Radar Healthcare system went live for reporting events.

We have received positive feedback from staff:

Radar Infographic - Successful activity.png

Did you know, if you launch Radar and keep it running in the background and if you receive an email notification with a link from Radar, the link will take you directly from the specific event to the full details.