The SPaRCS is a multidisciplinary service that works closely with partner agencies in health, the local authority and criminal justice services to support MCFT and PROSPECT LPC in meeting their statutory obligations and clinical responsibilities for reducing harm in our communities and in ensuring that care is appropriate, safe and delivered in the least restrictive way.
To do this SPaRCS offer a range of assessment, consultation and liaison activities which serve two core functions:
- Specialist Pathway – Providing independent assessment, consultation and liaison on behalf of PROSPECT LPC for service users from Merseyside and Cheshire who are in a specialist secure inpatient service or potentially need admission to such a service. PROSPECT LPC services may also access support in understanding service user’s comorbid neurodevelopmental and personality issues that may have a bearing on their treatment, pathway and risk management options.
- Risk Consultation - Supporting MCFT clinical services and partner agencies in understanding and managing the risk presented by individuals who have been identified as having the potential to cause serious harm to others through a range of activities including case consultation, clinical risk assessment and multi-agency liaison.
You can access further information and all relevant documents and polices via this page.
- Individuals with severe mental disorder, high degree of clinical complexity.
- Current or potential risk to others
- History of non-compliance or relapse directly/indirect caused harm to others
- Safeguarding concerns / vulnerabilities with potential to impact others
- Multi service provision required from different agencies
- High risk/increasing risk – severe complexities - when using the Trust MAST tool.
- MOPI (Management of Police Information) requests
- Risk discussion
- Advice and signpost
- Support in risk management plan
- MDT/CPA attendance
- Case consultation in risk formulations (HCR-20/SVR20).