Mindfulness involves paying attention to what is going on inside and outside ourselves, moment by moment. Paying more attention to the present moment – to your own thoughts and feelings, and to the world around you – can improve your mental wellbeing.

Mindfulness can help us enjoy life more and understand ourselves better. You can take steps to develop it in your own life. We can train ourselves to bring friendly interest and curiosity to the present moment - increasing our mindful awareness of our body, mind, senses and the world around us. Many people find mindfulness helpful and studies have show that mindfulness can help with stress, anxiety and depression. But it's not right for everyone.

Below you can find all the details you need for our weekly, virtual, instructor led sessions, facilitated by qualified mindfulness teachers. 

Who is it for: Open to staff who have experience of mindfulness or want to reconnect with practice

Date: Wednesdays

Time: 12.30-1.00pm

Platform: Teams meeting register your interest here


Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 314 922 961 228

Passcode: AgZuen


Mindfulness Teacher for this session: Paula Edwards – Mindfulness Teacher and Assistant Practitioner  PaulaAnn.Edwards@merseycare.nhs.uk

Paula has worked in adult mental health services within The Trust for most of her working life.  She started practicing mindfulness in 2013 whilst participating in an eight week Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy programme facilitated by Mersey Care.

Who is it for: Open to any member of staff new to mindfulness or with experience

Day: Thursday

Time: 4-4.30pm

Platform: Teams meeting register your interest here


Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 343 245 438 722

Passcode: cVa2iW


Mindfulness Teacher for this session: Paula Edwards – Mindfulness Teacher and Assistant Practitioner  PaulaAnn.Edwards@merseycare.nhs.uk

Paula has worked in adult mental health services within The Trust for most of her working life.  She started practicing mindfulness in 2013 whilst participating in an eight week Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy programme facilitated by Mersey Care.

Our four week mindfulness programme is designed for people who are looking to integrate mindfulness more firmly into their everyday life for a more open, positive outlook and improved wellbeing. During each session we will take a deeper dive into how mindfulness can be incorporated into modern life to combat against stress, self-doubt, and overall negativity to achieve a happier, calmer and more proactive outlook.

Each session lasts approximately 45 minutes, and will cover a different aspect of mindfulness including compassion, the mind-body connection, and the effects of stress, including facilitator-lead practice and resources to help you on your journey.

Date Time Registration
Wednesday 5 February 10am Book your place here


Mindfulness Teacher for this group: The teacher for this course will be one of our Health and Wellbeing Facilitators. Our facilitators each hold a Integrating Mindfulness and Compassion Qualification (IMC), which is accredited by the CPCAB (Counselling and Psychotherapy Central Awarding Body).