Information alert

Understanding sexual misconduct in the workplace mandatory training is available on ESR from the 1 December.

Our promise to help everyone feel safe at work:

  • We’re here to help and support you
  • We will work to understand patterns and areas of concern
  • We will use your report to help prevent sexual misconduct at work and create a safe space for all.

If you have experienced sexual misconduct at work, the most important thing you can do is report it. Support is available. Here’s how to access:

  • Speak with your line manager, other manager or other colleague in a position of trust
  • Talk to HR in confidence
  • Refer into our Occupational Health Service
  • Talk to a mental health first aider
  • Confide with our Freedom to Speak Up guardians
  • Get in touch with your trade union representative
  • We can look at making changes to support you, including to your hours, where you work and who you work with
  • You could have time off to attend appointment and get the help and support you need

Further details are provided in NHSE’s national policy and supporting framework here: NHS England » National people sexual misconduct policy framework

In addition, the following employment policies are available on YourSpace:

*Part of this work includes ensuring that we support colleagues who may be experiencing domestic abuse. We already have lots of support available in the Trust but will be strengthening our arrangements, which includes providing training for all managers to identify and support cases of domestic abuse

The charter places a responsibility on the Trust to ‘ensure appropriate, specific, and clear training is in place’ for all staff across the organisation.

A 20 minute eLearning course named Understanding sexual misconduct in the workplace can be accessed via ESR.

This generic eLearning package is applicable to all staff regardless of role or responsibility. The session is mandatory and you will only need to complete it once.

If you have any training queries, please email:

Training within our safeguarding modular and core mandated programme is also available, regarding awareness raising and signs and symptoms.

Please consult the safeguarding pages within YourSpace and the prospectus for further details or contact the safeguarding team directly.