The Incident and Risk Team manages the process for recoding incidents and operational risks.
Manage the Radar Healthcare risk management system
Provide training on the identification and reporting of incidents
Provide training and advice on the appropriate risk methodology, including the identification, scoring and mitigation of operational risks
Facilitate learning and good practice through the dissemination of national Central Alerting System (CAS) alerts and internal Quality Practice Alerts (QPA)
The Trust Risk Management Policy promotes a culture of Ward to Board risk management. Risks are identified and scored at a team and divisional level with staff working with identified risk leads in the divisions. Each division reviews and provides oversight of the risks through a number of governance forums such has Divisional Safety Huddles. Risks are also reviewed through a Trust wide Risk Management Group and referenced in a monthly risk report which is presented to the Board’s sub committees. Any risk that reached an extreme level (15 or above) are also place into the Board Assurance Framework (BAF) and reviewed by the Trust Board and the Executive Safety Huddle.
The Trust is committed to providing a safe environment for its patients/service users, staff and visitors as well as delivering high standards of care. It acknowledges that sometimes, in the course of providing healthcare, incidents can occur, some of which may have serious consequences for a patients / service users, their carers, families, staff and the public. In order to record and learn from such incidents, the Trust uses the Radar Healthcare incident management system, which is managed by the Incident & Risk Team. The team work in partnership with the governance leads in the divisions to improve the collection of data and the timeliness and accuracy of reporting.
SA03 Reporting, Management, Review and Learning from Incidents
From 1st April 2023, Radar is the Trust's new incident and risk management system which replaces all systems used for this purpose.
Quality Practice Alerts (QPA’s) are a fast, efficient, and dynamic communication method that supports all Mersey Care staff to learn from a range of events and guidance:
Adverse incidents, events and near misses
Complaints and claims
Clinical Audits and QRVs
Risk registers
Best practice identified from the above and from other local and national sources
The QPA’s are drafted by the subject matter experts and disseminated out by via the CAS/QPA administrator to the divisional governance and clinical leads. Click this link to access the QPA template and guidance and a full list of previous QPA’s.
The Central Alerting System (CAS) is a web-based system used for issuing patient safety alerts and other safety critical guidance to the NHS and other health and social care providers. It brings together the Public Health Link (PHL) and the Safety Alert Broadcast System (SABS). Safety alerts, emergency alerts, drug alerts, Dear Doctor letters, medical device alerts and field safety notices will be monitored through Radar on behalf of the:
Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)
National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA)
Department of Health
New ‘originating bodies’ as the need arises
There is a distinction between the two types of alerts sent via CAS:
Non-emergency alerts – issued on behalf of MHRA Medical Devices, the NPSA and the Department of Health Estates and Facilities, they have set deadlines for acknowledgment and completion of actions. NHS Trusts are required to submit responses on the action they have taken on alerts and are monitored on their compliance
Emergency alerts that do not have deadlines, these relate to how quickly the information contained should be cascaded onwards and do not require a response. They are also sent to all Medical Directors and Chief Executives of NHS Trusts
All CAS alerts are monitored and distributed by the teams CAS/QPA administrator through Radar to allow for a complete audit trail for distribution and completion of actions.
SA07 HS6 Standard Operating Procedure for Management of the Central Alert System (CAS)
Key functions |
Contacts |
Name |
Telephone |
Trust Risk Manager |
Frank Westhead |
0151 472 4084 |
CAS/QPA Administrator |
Barbara Martin | 0151 472 4543 |
Incident management system administration | Justina Mawson/Claire Jennings | 0151 478 6901 | |
Incident and Risk Administrator | Stacey Baker | | |
Incident and Risk Administrator | Rachel Snellgrove | | |
Incident and Risk Administrator | Claire Jennings | | |
Incident and Risk Administrator | Barbara Martin | | |
Incident and Risk Administrator | Katarzyna Barton | | |
How do I raise a risk onto the register?
Speak to your divisional risk lead who will guide you through the process of recording, scoring the risk and applying the appropriate controls and actions. A list of divisional risk leads is included below.
Secure and Specialist LD
Sarah Pilling: 0151 471 2221
Sarah Caine: 0151 471 2626
Paul Conchie (Ext) 3855 (need to check prefix)
Mental Health Care Division
Emma Howell 0151 527 3444
Louise Gange 0151 527 3471
Community Division
Corporate Division
Frank Westhead 0151 472 4084
Justina Mawson 07789 864923
Barbara Martin 0151 472 7437
Do I need an account to log an incident on Radar?
No, any member of staff can report an incident on Radar. An account is not required. You only need an account if you are reviewing an incident.
How can I access Radar training?
click here for Radar training resources