Looking after our mental and physical health is really important, but with busy lives it’s sometimes easy to put our own health needs last.
Here at Mersey Care, there are ways we can help you to get the support you need to feel better and stay well.
There’s lots of help available, from online resources to physio appointments, so here’s a reminder of what we have to offer:
Our health can affect our work, but work can also affect our health. The Trust’s occupational health and wellbeing service is an in-house offer for all staff that advises on physical and mental health issues while developing programmes and initiatives to enrich wellbeing in the workplace.
Our occupational health and wellbeing team operate from two sites, Switch House and Hollins Park - services include:
Occupational health
Psychological support and counselling
Health and Wellbeing- visit our staff wellbeing hub
You can self-refer by completing this simple online form.
The staff wellbeing hub is a live and evolving portal for all things staff wellbeing. The hub aims to support staff by signposting to information, advice, tips and specialist services.
Support is split into four categories:
Help us help you, our campaign to increase awareness on the different ways to stay well, and how to get help when you need it over the winter months (and beyond), has loads of great advice, including self help guides and apps.
See the attached document for information for staff and managers after a distressing event.
A word document version is also available.
Too often we take each other for granted or forget that behind every email or action is a person. Taking the time to say thank you has the power to make a big difference to someone’s day and spread a little joy. So what are you waiting for? Say thank you to someone who had made your day that little bit easier.
Don’t wait until you’re feeling run down or unwell, schedule a health and wellbeing conversation with your line manager as soon as possible. This important conversation could include topics like equality, diversity (including neuro diversity), inclusion, disability, belonging, financial concerns, flexible working, childcare and caring responsibilities – in fact anything you want to discuss that helps us to help you in work or support your work/life balance.
To support your health and wellbeing at work, we need to know how you are in your physical and mental health, and what we can do to help.
Stay connected to colleagues and join our private staff Facebook group – a private space with a growing membership of over 3500 Mersey Care staff! - where you can hear updates, good news stories and more ideas on where to get the support you need to stay well.
Protect yourself by taking up our free flu and COVID-19 vaccines, available to Mersey Care staff every autumn/winter across the Trust.
Choose from a wide range of times and locations, and give your immune system a boost.