Staff employed by Mersey Care are paid on 26 of the month, unless the 26 is the weekend in which case it will be the Friday before. When you log in to ESR (using the button below) you can opt to receive a notification when these are available. 

Payslips are issued electronically on ESR a few days before pay day. You can access all your historic payslips, P60s and Total Reward Statements (TRS) also on ESR using the link below.

A Leavers’ Dashboard has been introduced in ESR that allows previous employees to access their payslips, P60s and P45s for 90 days after they have left employment.

Click on the image below to learn more about your payslip. 


TRS provide personalised information about the value of your employment package and include details about your remuneration and the benefits provided by your employer. For members of the NHS Pension Scheme it may also include an annual pension benefit statement.

As of 2023/2024, Agenda for Change pay scales can be found on NHS Employer's website. More information can also be found in HR43 policy.