All teams will be required to review and refresh their team canvas once a year, between April and June. This will help to connect your team’s work to the Trust priorities.

Team Canvas 1.png

Team Canvas 2.png

How to guides, templates and prompt questions can be found on SharePoint.

1. Upload your Team Canvas

Click on the image below to upload your Team Canvas.

Team Canvas 3.png

2. Complete the relevant fields for your team

Team Canvas 4.png

To note:

  • Team names are linked to the definitive team list DTL
  • Select the date your team canvas was completed not the date of upload
  • The library will only store the most recent Team Canvas uploaded for your team
  • Your Team Canvas file must be uploaded as a .pdf file.

3. Add and upload your file

Team Canvas 5.png

4. Confirmation of submission

Team Canvas 6.png

Click the home icon to return to the Team Canvas home page.

Click on the link below to acces your Team Canvas.

Team Canvas 8.png

Search by typing team name as listed in the DTL and double click to view.

Team Canvas 9.png