We support the Trust in its objective to be rated Outstanding by CQC. One of our main goals is to support services to ensure they are always inspection ready so no matter when the CQC arrive, services are compliant with CQC regulations and can showcase the incredible work our staff and services provide. Whether this is a Mental Health Act visit or an adhoc inspection from the CQC, we will work with your service to support the visit and ensure that the process runs as smooth as possible.
In 2024, we launched a comprehensive rolling engagement and preparedness programme for all services Trust wide to educate about the CQC’s assessment approach and its potential impact upon the services they work in.
The objectives include increasing staff knowledge of the CQC’s approach to support their preparation for a planned or responsive inspection and feel confident to share information about their service with CQC inspectors to demonstrate good practice being undertaken. Staff should feel engaged with and listened to and reassured that areas requiring improvement have been escalated as required.
Surveys will be conducted with staff regarding their preferred method of engagement which will be accommodated within the CQCTeam’s capacity and capabilities. Meetings will be prioritised according to responsibilities aligned to the Definitive Team List levels (see Engagement Programme structure below), however you’re very welcome to contact CQCTeam
Engagement topics include but aren't limited to the following -
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS) will be gathered as the engagement programme progresses and these will be available on YourSpace.
Time is precious so your prioritisation of engagement meetings is much appreciated. Additionally, your feedback is important to ensure that future engagement with you and other services is meaningful and supportive. Thank you in advance and we’ll look forward to meeting you all in due course.