Publish date: 13 April 2022

“Hi my name is Loretta Murray-Moon and I have recently joined the Freedom To Speak Up Team as a Guardian for the Local Division here at Mersey Care. This is a welcome return for me to the Guardian role having been seconded in 2019 for 11 months.

I am “by trade” a psychological counsellor and have worked for the Trust since 2004. Having always worked with Staff I know how difficult it can be to want to speak up about workplace issues and feel unable to do so for a whole host of reasons, this in turn can become all consuming impacting both work and personal life.

So if you have a work issue that you feel puts either patients, yourself or colleagues in potential danger/harm either physically or psychologically or there are blocks to you doing your best at work and you either have spoken up via the usual channels but haven’t felt heard or feel there are barriers to you being able to use the normal route to have your voice heard then Freedom to Speak Up is here to enable and empower you towards resolution.

Please don’t worry if the issue ends up not being a Freedom To Speak Up issue as we will always do our utmost to point you in the best direction.

I can be reached on 07774 969 085 or via my email:

Or on the generic FTSU email where you can reach my colleagues also: