Publish date: 11 July 2024

Ashworth_Life_Rooms_006.jpgThis week saw the latest performance by patients and staff at the Life Rooms inside Ashworth Hospital – and what a show it was. There were two performances, featuring music, poetry, art and a brilliant comedy play.

16 patients were involved in the event some of which were from high dependency wards and a further 27 patients attended the evening show to support their peers.

Guests included high secure commissioner Alison Cannon and one of our partner musicians from the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic, plus colleagues from across the division: medics, psychology, social work, RRP, matrons, ward managers, SaLT, clinical service manager, E,D and Inclusion lead.

The comedy play may have been a farce as a drama style but the whole setting was designed by patients and staff and each patient had a major part to play.  And got plenty of laughs and big moments. Some said afterwards how much this gave them focus and positive self-esteem and how The Life Rooms has helped their recovery.

Tracey, Darren and the team told us: “There was a great turnout for the patients and everyone really enjoyed the performances along with the ward staff who came to watch as well. Thank you all for coming.”

It was noted that one of the service users taking part in this sharing event had come to see the previous event last Christmas and said they had been inspired by the event to start attending The Life Rooms and take part in the next show.

Whilst we have The Life Rooms in several community settings, it’s a relatively new thing in high secure and one that has been accessed now by the vast majority of patients. The whole event was a testament to the hard work and dedication that The Life Rooms staff put in every day to make sure service users are given the opportunity to explore new and old skills. 

The team said: “Activities like this week’s show demonstrate the positive working relationship and environment that the Life Rooms staff have created to give service users the confidence to get up in front of a room of peers, staff and some strangers. That way they can showcase the hard work they have put in and their achievements over the last six months.”

And that’s how much preparation these performances take, building props, writing lyrics, learning lines…so roll on Christmas!